This is one of the most powerful Moons of the year bringing the potential for big shifts, changes, clarity and insight. Full Moons always tend to bring things to a head, shining the light of consciousness onto anything that has been simmering beneath the surface in the week or so before they reach their peak, but this particular Moon feels like it is especially super-charged! We have Uranus, the ruler of this Full Moon, forming an exact square to the Sun and Moon, which could certainly shake things up a bit! We could be in for some shocks and surprises, that’s for sure! Ultimately this Moon has the potential to liberate us from any entrenched habits, programming or patterns that simply have no place in our lives anymore. Change and progress are an inevitable part of life, as much as we may resist them!
The Sun is in creative, warm-hearted, enthusiastic Leo, which represents the concept of royalty, sitting opposite the Moon in eccentric, humanitarian, progressive, friendly Aquarius, which represents the concept of “the People”. The Aquarius part of us likes to question the rules and isn’t afraid to be different and stand out from the crowd. Aquarius is the rebel, the revolutionary, the part of us that believes in a system without hierarchy that is fair to everyone and focuses on community, brotherhood and sisterhood. The combination of Leo and Aquarius is a very creative one, as Aquarius has the visions for what could be, while Leo can put those visions into practice, and between the two of them they can help us to create a better life for us all.
It is so significant that Uranus is forming an exact, dynamic, challenging T-square with the Sun, Moon and Mercury, because it has the potential to wake us up somehow, jolting us into increased clarity and awareness. Sometimes we need a bit of a shock to bring greater clarity, perspective, understanding and insight, because it is so easy to remain stuck in ruts that are familiar and comfortable but aren’t helping us to grow. Uranus can act like a bolt of lightning, bringing unexpected, shocking and exciting news or events that help us to shift, progress and move forward, both personally and collectively. Sometimes things need to break down in order to bring about a breakthrough.
Those of us with personal planets and angles around 27° of a sign, especially the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, will feel the energy of Uranus and this Full Moon the most acutely. Uranus can bring a sense of liberation, freeing us from the past and helping us to see things from a clearer and more objective viewpoint. It encourages us to be true to ourselves, even if it means going against the grain and all of the “should” and “shouldn’ts”. It releases us from any unhelpful and outworn conditioning and programming that may be preventing us from truly being free.
Uranus is coming close to the end of its stay in Taurus, the sign that represents survival, security, our material needs, Mother Earth, security and self-worth, so it is possible that the Earth herself could give us a bit of a surprise during this Full Moon, or something could happen relating to the economy. Uranus rules technology, progression and innovation, and there is no doubt whatsoever that we are in need of a change when it comes to our antiquated, outworn financial system. This seems to be a work in progress, however. The Taurus part of us may prefer to cling to a sense of safety and security, while Uranus forces us to accept necessary change.
Interestingly, we also have the conjunction between Jupiter and Mars, which was exact on 14 August but will remain strong for this Full Moon. This combination can encourage us to take a risk or two, much like the Fool in the tarot deck, jumping off the cliff with faith and trust that this is the beginning of an exciting journey and an amazing adventure! We don’t get anywhere in life without taking the odd risk or two, much as we might sometimes prefer to play it safe and stick to the tried and tested route! This Moon certainly does have an exciting, daredevil quality to it, calling for us to step outside of our comfort zone and embrace new challenges and adventures. However, it is important to recognise the difference between taking a foolish risk or a well-considered leap of faith.
There is more to this story, however. Saturn and Venus are both squaring off against this Mars Jupiter conjunction, potentially bringing up some fears and feelings of caution or trepidation. Change can be unsettling, especially if it comes knocking on our door when we are not ready or prepared for it. Possibly we know that we need to take that leap of faith, but our programming and conditioning means that we are resistant, or scared, or can’t quite see what lies beyond, so we freeze in our tracks. It is natural to feel fear and trepidation, and it is important to recognise and honour these feelings, but not necessarily to dwell in fear or to allow it to prevent necessary growth and progress. There is a difference between risk-assessment and allowing fear to rule us.
With Venus and Mars also squaring off against each other, we could also feel a bit of tension between the “yin” part of us that is more receptive and attracts people and things into our life and simply allows things to happen to us, and the more “yang” part of us that takes the lead, asserts ourselves and makes things happen. Venus and Mars represent the divine masculine and divine feminine, so we could experience some frustration within our relationships during this Moon, especially if there is underlying tension there to begin with.
Saturn’s involvement could test our relationships and bring some kind of reality check, bringing any issues out into the open that we may usually prefer to ignore, painting a pretty picture and burying our heads in the sand. Venus is in Virgo right now, which can also help us to see our relationships with a somewhat more critical and analytical eye, becoming more aware of what needs to be worked on rather than being under the spell of the romantic dream, projection or fantasy.
Those of us with personal planets and angles between 16° and 19° of a sign, especially the mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, will be feeling the energy of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Mars the most acutely, and some of us could willingly take a leap of faith, while some could feel held back through fear, while others could find that there is some kind of obstacle calling for us to be patient and wait a while until the time is right. Some of us, however, could be making a leap and following our heart with our feet squarely on the ground and fully aware of any risks involved. Full Moons can always bring the potential for any underlying issues in our relationships to come out into the open, and with Venus and Mars involved in this Moon, that possibility is greater. However, it is always better to bring things out into the open!
The Sabian symbol for this Moon, at 28° Aquarius, is quite interesting given the overall planetary energy of this Full Moon: “A tree felled and sawed to ensure supply of wood for the winter”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “Knowledge and skill used in its natural surroundings for the satisfaction of vital basic needs. This symbol relates to natural living the human capacity to prepare for the future and to use both physical strength and mental ingenuity. In meeting the hardships inherent in an existence close to nature, strength, efficiency and intelligence are needed, but they are incorporated in a life in which every act can be part of a harmonic and beautiful ritual permeated with deep significance. This symbol refers to the efficient use of natural resources for ensuring man’s well-being. Such a use is based on INTELLIGENT FORESIGHT”.
This symbol feels very much in keeping with the energy of Uranus in Taurus, with the innovation, progressiveness and clear-sightedness of Uranus combined with Taurus, the sign of security, survival and Mother Earth. This Moon certainly does remind us that there is a thin line between excitement and nervousness, and that change and progress can bring up both fear and excitement. While there is the possibility of some kind of unexpected curveball with this Full Moon, sometimes these shocks or surprises are exactly what are needed to shift our perspective and jolt us out of complacency and stagnation. The idea of change can often bring up resistance in us humans, but if the choice is taken away from us it is easier to simply relax, let go and surrender, allowing whatever comes next to simply unfold!
Much Love
Picture: The Fool from the Light Seer’s tarot deck