This is a very big New Moon indeed, as it has some very powerful planetary alignments, not to mention that it heralds the beginning of year of the Wood Snake. It could be a very important time to set some intentions for our hopes and dreams for our ideal life, not only for ourselves, but also for the collective. Aquarius is a humanitarian sign that likes to connect with other like minded souls to help make the world a better place to live. This Moon is a very powerful moment in time, with the potential to bring in profound transformation for us all. It is important to be mindful of our thoughts during this time, as they hold particular power to create our reality. It can help, between now and the New Moon, to clarify what we truly wish for ourselves, and to remember that Spirit can take us very literally. Watch what you ask for!
We have the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto all sitting in Aquarius for this Moon, bringing the potential for change, revolution, transformation and new perspective. We are invited to shed old skin and liberate ourselves from our conditioning and any outdated beliefs, attitudes, relationships, situations, goals, aspirations and concepts of ourselves that no longer serve the person that we are becoming. This is a powerful moment of personal and collective transformation, both in terms of our own lives and the antiquated societal structures that are in desperate need of an overhaul. Aquarius calls for us to embrace the new, thinking outside of the box and contemplating a way of being that might have seemed impossible before now, but why does it have to be?
Aquarius reminds us that it isn’t all about us and that we are all in it together. This New Moon invites us to not only contemplate our own vision for how life could ideally be, but also to contemplate how we can contribute to the greater whole. How do we relate to the group and community and are there ways we could become more involved? How can we connect more with like minded souls who have a similar vision for the way things could be? Are we surrounded by our tribe, those who truly understand where we are coming from? What needs to shift for us to be living our ideal life, and what does that look like? What needs to fall away for us to become a more authentic version of ourselves? What needs to change for us to be absolutely true to the person we truly are versus the person we have always been programmed to be? What rules need to be questioned, broken and released for us to feel free?
Pluto and Mercury and joining forces in Aquarius, exact the morning of the New Moon, which brings the potential for some profound revelations and shifts in the way we think and communicate. We could have some intense, revealing conversations around this time that bring penetrating insight, startling clarity and a change of perspective. Pluto has the power to uncover truths and secrets and calls for us to be brutally honest with ourselves and others even if it makes us feel vulnerable or exposed. Pluto isn’t afraid to peer into some dark corners and to sweep the debris and detritus out from under the proverbial carpet!
This could be a thought provoking, deeply introspective time that helps us to think outside the box and come up with new solutions to old problems. We could have some realisations that are not exactly comfortable, as we become aware of aspects of ourselves, others and life that are not easy to face. However, face them we must, because then we will reach a greater understanding and insight which could help us to grow and evolve. Pluto promises us gifts of buried treasure if we are brave enough to delve beneath the surface and see what lurks there! Those of us with personal planets or angles around 1° of a sign, especially the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, will feel this energy most acutely.
A most beautiful, rare, extraordinary and powerful alignment of planetary energy is occurring around this New Moon, which feels quite magical! We have Venus, the planet of love and relating, Neptune the planet of oneness and unity, and the North Node, which represents our collective soul growth, all gathering together in sensitive, compassionate Pisces. The Nodes of the Moon, which represent the potential for personal and collective soul growth, have recently moved into Virgo and Pisces, which is the healing axis. We are invited to let go of any of the more challenging Virgo tendencies, such as being hard on ourselves, wanting everything to be perfect and in order, being overly purist, over-analysing, worry and anxiety and being overly critical of ourselves and others, and to work on embodying more of Pisces qualities.
The Pisces North Node calls us forward, encouraging us to simply be in the moment, surrendering to the flow of life and allowing things to simply be as they are, in all their imperfect beauty. With Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, sitting on top of the North Node (exact 7 February), we have the potential for dissolving ego and for finding true compassion and acceptance of all that we are and all that has happened, and finding true forgiveness in our hearts for ourselves and others. None of us are perfect but merely doing the best we can with the tools we have been given. This alignment can help us to connect to spirit with greater ease, and we are invited to trust the inner voice that guides us on our journey.
This is the absolute perfect time for any practices that help us to connect to the divine, such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, heartfelt prayer, healing work and any form of creativity, as we have the potential for greater connection, inspiration and for Spirit to flow through us. We are reminded that ultimately, we are not in control, so it is better to simply let go of the reins and stop trying to make everything perfect, as life can be much easier that way. With Venus and Neptune joining together (exact 1 Feb), we have such potential for heart to heart connection and for truly seeing one another’s inner beauty, without the usual walls or defences.
There is the potential, with the North Node involved, for much soul growth and aligning with our true nature and our spiritual mission. There is something very fateful about this alignment, as people could come into our lives that have deep spiritual significance, as well as a deepening of the bonds we already have. Of course, all this Pisces can have its drawbacks, as we could find ourselves much more sensitive, open, vulnerable and thin-skinned than usual, not to mention feeling a bit more overwhelmed, in helpless victim mode and potentially having the urge to escape reality! However, being more sensitive is not such a bad thing, as it increases our empathy and compassion for others. There is something very “softening” about this alignment, and bear in mind that we will already be feeling it now, although the energy will be getting stronger and peak early February.
Those of us with personal planets and angles around 27/28° of Pisces will feel the sensitive, spiritual, ego dissolving energy of this alignment the most strongly, especially in the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, as well as the other water signs of Cancer and Scorpio. If we can put our egos aside for this moment in time and relate to ourselves and each other from a softer, kinder, more forgiving place, with greater acceptance of any human flaws and idiosyncrasies, it could really help us to let go of our gripes and grievances and see each other as we really are, as beings of light and luminescent beauty. We are invited to simply be here now with each other, in the present moment, as ultimately that is all there is.
We do also have Chiron the Wounded healer forming a dynamic square aspect to Mars, exact 4 Feb, which balances out the energies somewhat! Hear we are called to address and heal any childhood wounds around anger, masculinity, sexuality, the physical body, asserting our will and the right to exist. We could find ourselves more easily triggered and might need to watch out for being more reactive, defensive and even aggressive, but this does bring potential for healing these parts of ourselves that are more sensitive and reactive. Luckily, we have the Pisces alignment to soften the whole thing! This could also help give us the courage to bring thorny topics out into the open that need to be addressed, which could also be healing.
Those of us with personal planets and angles around 19° of a sign will feel the energy of Mars and Chiron the most acutely, especially in the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. This combination can also bring an upsurge of illness, surgery or physical injury, although this is by no means inevitable! It does, however, bring an opportunity to work on the way in which we deal with our anger. Do we lash out, or suppress it, or direct it inwards, or are we passive aggressive? This certainly could be a good time to work on and heal unresolved childhood wounds, as they could be closer to the surface than usual!
Jupiter, the planet of growth, faith and expansion that helps us to broaden our horizons, is supporting this Moon, which could bring a sense of optimism and hope to the picture! Jupiter is currently in Gemini, which could help us to share our visions, hopes and any ideas about what we can do to change our lives and help make the world a better place to live in. Aquarius is the rebel, the revolutionary, the humanitarian, and helps us to question the status quo. Jupiter could help us to express our thoughts and opinions, helping us to connect with others to contemplate potential answers for whatever we are currently facing, both personally and collectively. Indeed, we could find that there is an abundance of preachers on the pulpit, sharing various progressive perspectives, ideas and solutions.
The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon, at 10° Aquarius, is an interesting one, considering all this Neptunian Pisces energy, which does bring the potential for wearing the rose-tinted spectacles! : “A man who had for a time become the embodiment of a popular ideal is made to realise that as a person he is not this ideal” which Dane Rudyar goes on to say “The need to deal with human beings as persons, rather than as screens upon which one projects one’s dream and ideal. Here we have a statement on the relationship between mental-spiritual vision and living reality, between persons and the ideal they appear to incarnate. Between the “great lover Image” and one’s need for love – a love his presence stimulated and aroused. The “star” on the movie screen is not the actual person. The star’s popularity fades away, the person remains. What has this episode of popularity actually done to the person? This is a question that can be applied to a great variety of circumstances. This symbol brings to our attention an issue that is basic and may confront us in various forms. Person versus archetype. This can mean a critical need for SELF-REVALUATION.”
This is also the beginning of Year of the Wood Snake beginning, which has the potential to bring about deep inner transformation on a personal and collective level, helping us to shed skins, in the form of patterns, programming, beliefs and systems. The Snake is a mystical, sensitive, introspective, spiritual, wise, intuitive sign that tends to move deliberately and avoid unnecessary risks, so this is a good year for strategic long-term planning and small, deliberate, intentional steps that bring growth. It can help us to face any shadow material, explore the unconscious and work on our emotional intelligence. The Wood element brings growth, vitality, flexibility, strength, perseverance, expansion, new vision and helps us to reach upward to our higher purpose. This could be a year of emotional depth, inner transformation and renewal. Happy New Year!
Much Love
Painting: Snake Medicine by Amy Bird