This is a powerful Moon, and the second Capricorn Full Moon this year, as the first one occurred on 22 June in the first degrees of Capricorn, while this one is in the very last degree of Capricorn. A Moon in the very last degree of a sign can be a powerful and fateful one, as it represents a “peak” and can bring out the extreme of the sign, as well as the potential for crisis, karma, transformation and also beautiful gifts. There is also a sense of something ending and completing, while what lies ahead not quite being clear yet.
It doesn’t happen very often, two Full Moons falling within the same sign in the same year, but it makes sense that we would have two in Capricorn during a year when half the world is having elections! Capricorn is the sign that represents government, authority, management, control, our societal system and the patriarchy, and the Moon is sitting directly opposite the Sun in the last degree of Cancer, the sign that represents our roots, ancestry, heritage, our homeland and the matriarchy.
Ideally, we can find some balance between the qualities of the two signs, rather than favouring one over the other. The Sun has been in Cancer since the Solstice on 20 June, emphasising any issues we may have around our ancestral line, intergenerational patterns, our roots, our home and family life, our childhood and the way we handle our emotions. The Cancer part of us wants a safe space to call home, somewhere to retreat to at the end of the day to recharge and unwind. It is the part of us that wants to belong, to put down roots and to find our tribe so that we can feel a sense of family togetherness. Cancer is the emotional, sensitive and nurturing part of us that can sometimes respond somewhat irrationally when our hurt inner child has been activated. It is the part of us that takes care of others but also wants to be taken care of. These will have been the themes for the past month, while the Sun has been in Cancer.
Capricorn, on the other hand, is the grown-up, responsible, mature part of us that likes to set goals and work towards them. It is the part of us that can manage and control our emotions, pull our socks up and just get on with it. However, it can also mean that we stuff our feelings down, suppressing or denying them, which isn’t the best way to go about things. Capricorn is the parent or the manager in us, the one who prefers to be in control and takes responsibility for ourselves and others rather than being the dependent or vulnerable one. When we have a Capricorn Full Moon, issues can come up around control, responsibility and authority, in the form of government, management, employers, parents and the “system”.
While Cancer represents our emotional patterns of behaviour formed through our emotional experiences in childhood, Capricorn represents the conditioning that we have received throughout our life from parents, teachers, authority figures and society as a whole. Capricorn is the part of us that says, “I should….”, and can act from a sense of duty and responsibility, rather than doing what we really feel in our hearts. However, sometimes we have no choice but to do the right thing, even if it is hard, for that is what it means to have integrity.
Interestingly, Uranus is forming supportive aspects to the Sun and Moon, bringing the potential for us to gain some clarity and insight into our conditioned, programmed patterns, which can help us to be free of them. Uranus helps us to see ourselves more objectively, shifting our perspective and helping us to see more clearly how we are stuck or limited. These realisations and potential epiphanies can, in themselves, bring about a shift and liberate us from old, entrenched ways of behaving so that we can be more fully ourselves rather than the person we have been conditioned to be.
Mars is also in on the act, as Uranus and Mars are joining forces on 15 July, bringing the potential for acts of rebellion, sudden outbursts of aggression, and for us to act in alignment with our true nature. Mars is also helping and supporting this Full Moon, bringing some energy, courage and fire to the picture. Mars is also forming an exact trine with Pluto, helping us to find the courage, energy and motivation to act on our soul’s desires and to confront ourselves so that we can allow transformation and growth to occur. Mars is at 0° Gemini, helping us to say what needs to be said, confront whatever needs to be confronted, and to be brave enough to make decisions and act on them.
Powerful, transforming Pluto is also sitting right next to the Moon and opposing the Sun during this Full Moon, which is highly significant and can bring about a bit of a cosmic kick up the bum! Pluto promotes soul growth, which isn’t always easy, as we often resist what we know, deep down inside of us, is the best thing for us, because the implications are too hard to face. However, Pluto has a tendency to strip away self-deceit and force us to face the bare bones truth of the matter, even if it is inconvenient and uncomfortable! Something bigger than ourselves takes over when Pluto is involved – the force of our own soul wanting to evolve and grow.
Those of us with personal planets close to 0° of a sign will be feeling the transforming energy of Pluto the most acutely, especially in the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Pluto is known as the Great Destroyer, and can expose and strip away whatever is outworn, inappropriate, decaying and no longer serving us so that something healthier and more aligned to our true purpose and growth can spring up in its wake. Out of the ashes rises the phoenix!
Pluto is moving back toward Capricorn for the last time before it shifts into Aquarius once and for all, so those of us with personal planets or angles around 29° of a sign will also be feeling the power of Pluto. It will be interesting to see what happens on the world stage when Pluto dips back into Capricorn, from 2 September until 20 November, as it does hold the potential to transform the power structures, making them more transparent, exposing the rot within the system. The old world is crumbling to make way for a new earth, but it is unlikely to go down without a fight! This Full Moon could bring a glimpse of what’s to come in September.
We also have Neptune forming very tight harmonious aspects to the Sun and Moon, as the planet of dreams, unity, oneness, illusion, empathy, compassion and spiritual connection is also sitting at 29° of Pisces, the very last degree of the entire zodiac. This is a very potent place for Neptune to be and can help us to find our flow and to surrender with faith and trust that we are being guided in the right direction. It does require a high degree of trust to let go of the need to be in control and allow ourselves to surrender to the natural flow and not resist it. However, it is an illusion that we are in control in the first place, so possibly we are simply being called to accept what is and to allow what will be, trusting that it is for our highest good.
The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is very interesting indeed, at 30° Capricorn: “A secret meeting of men responsible for executive decisions in world affairs”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The power to assume responsibility for crucial choices arrived at after mature discussions with those who share this power. We are all aware now of the work of secret committees in the White House and at all levels of the government. The student of esoteric philosophy believes in the existence of what has been called an “inner Government” which has the power to direct to guide the evolution of our planet and of mankind. Some people speak of “occult Hierarchy,” or of the “White Lodge.” Here again what is at stake is a “seeing through” the facts of telluric processes and human history – assuming that these facts are at least in part the outcome of the decision of a supreme Council of quasi-divine Beings. Obviously the symbol can also refer to what occurs at the more ordinary level of business and politics. At any level, it refers to the highest form of social interaction. We see in this symbol the culmination of social responsibility and a reference to EXECUTIVE POWER.”
Well, that makes sense of Pluto, the planet of power and evolution, being such a big player in this Capricorn Moon! It will be interesting to see what comes to pass, as there surely is a lot occurring on the world stage right now. And as I said, two Capricorn Moons is not surprising, given our current global situation. One can only hope that whatever is discussed is for the greater good of all, rather than for the sake of power, control and greed. On a personal level, this Moon seems to be bringing the potential for some kind of a shift, and for some insight and realisations that could help us to make necessary, albeit potentially difficult, changes. It does feel like there is a lot to be learned from becoming more aware of our history and our ancestral line at the moment, starting with our parents and the patterns that seem to repeat through the generations. Once we are aware of these patterns then we have the power to change them.
Much Love
PS: Sending this out early because I am going to be in the middle of nowhere until the Full Moon!
Painting: Transformation by Maciej Wierzbicki