A Capricorn New Moon is a great time for contemplating what we want to achieve and then slowly, surely and steadily working towards turning it into reality. Capricorn is the part of us that likes to set goals, as it is a patient, hard-working, ambitious sign that is good at seeing the long view and planning on how to reach the top of the proverbial mountain. It is interesting that this New Moon falls so close to New Years Eve, which is a time when people make New Year’s resolutions, as New Moons are a powerful time for intention setting. That being said, it is important not to place too much pressure on ourselves with impossible goals, nor to feel too guilty if we don’t manage to achieve them. However, Capricorn can help us to find the discipline and self-control needed to work toward whatever goals we do set for ourselves.
Capricorn is the part of us that is willing to take responsibility for ourselves and to be accountable for our actions. Capricorn can help us to commit to a course of action and then do whatever we can to make it work. It is the part of us that has the capacity to take control of our emotional life and take responsibility for our part in whatever we are facing, rather than putting the blame elsewhere. We have just come out of Sagittarius season, which is a time of excess and joviality that can also mean that we over-extend ourselves and overdo it somewhat, while Capricorn is a more serious, disciplined sign that calls for us to get real, rein it all in and take control of ourselves. A Capricorn New Moon is the perfect time for contemplating what we would like to have achieved by the end of the year ahead.
Uranus and Venus are big players in this Moon, forming minor aspects to the Sun and Moon and also squaring off against each other. This can bring unexpected shifts and breakthroughs in the realm of our relationships, calling for us to break out of any unhealthy patterns of relating that no longer serve us. We could feel a bit more detached, distant or removed from our loved ones than usual, possibly feeling slightly disconnected and needing more space than usual. Venus in Aquarius has a “friendly but not too familiar” kind of vibe, so we could feel torn between the need for freedom and the need for closeness.
Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and can bring sudden urges to feel free and to be truly ourselves. As such we could feel somewhat stifled by the proximity to our loved ones that this time of year can bring, feeling a need to bust out and feel free. Uranus can also bring profound insight and clarity that can take us by surprise and could even be upsetting or unsettling. Loved ones could act seemingly out of character, and we could experience disruptions in our relationships that feel like they have come out of the thin air. However, ultimately Uranus can help us to shift out of stuck, stale and outworn patterns of relating that might not be all that healthy.
The square between Uranus and Venus is exact on Saturday 28 December, but will still be strong during the New Moon, especially as both Uranus and Venus are aspecting the Sun and Moon. Those of us with personal planets or angles around 23° of a sign will feel the energy of the square most acutely, especially the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. However, we do also have a helpful harmonious, supportive trine between Chiron in Aries and Mercury in Sagittarius, helping us to speak our truth and have open, honest, healing conversations, so this can help us to communicate our needs and desires. It can also help us to truly listen to one another so that we can hear and hopefully understand one another.
Pluto, the planets of the subconscious, transformation and power, and Mars, the planet of desire, will, action and motivation, are also opposing each other, exact on 3 January. They opposed each other for the first time on 3 November, and will do so one last time on 27 April, so this is the second of three. This can bring up some very intense emotions and desires, including anger or rage, and we could experience a release of pent-up energy that could feel quite compulsive and even volcanic. We could find ourselves acting or reacting quite compulsively from a deep place inside our subconscious, which might feel almost compulsive. This could be an opportunity to bring things out into the open that have been festering away beneath the surface, although it may come up with more force that we might like!
It is important to be mindful of how we assert ourselves and handle our anger during this time, and to also watch out for power plays. This can be a very passionate combination, increasing our sexual desire, and can also help us to find the power, motivation and energy to tackle things that we might usually shy away from, but it is also important to be aware that it could bring up anger that we didn’t know we had inside of us! Those of us with personal planets or angles around 1° of a sign, especially the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, could feel the energy of this opposition the most acutely.
Saturn and Jupiter are also squaring off against each other during this Moon, which can create some tension between our sense of what could be possible and what is realistically possible. Jupiter represents our faith, intuition and optimism, whereas Saturn represents realism, limitation, fear, caution and patience. Jupiter in Gemini can come up with all sorts of fun ideas about what could be possible, while Saturn in Pisces calls for us to get serious and to contemplate what truly matters, laying down a solid foundation on which to build upon.
The Jupiter part of us might want to take a leap of faith, while the Saturn part of us calls for a carefully considered and cautious approach, whereby we take full responsibility for ourselves. This combination is ultimately calling for us to focus our intentions and make sure that they support our spiritual growth and truly come from a deeper sense of purpose. It is important not to operate from a place of fear, but simply to ground our hopes and aspirations in reality and to come from a place of integrity. It is also good to remember that when we do something despite feeling fear, we are often rewarded. Fear is natural, but we don’t have to let it prevent us from doing things.
The Sabian symbol for this Moon, at 10° Capricorn, is a beautiful one: “An albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor” which Dane Rudyar describes as “The overcoming of fear and its rewards. The man who radiates perfect harmlessness can call the wildest creatures to him and can establish with them a partnership based on mutual respect and understanding. Every living entity plays a role in the world’s ritual of existence; beyond these specific roles, which too often separate one entity from another, the communion of love and compassion can bring together the most disparate lives. We are presented with a picture extending the ideal of peace and happiness through culture so it now includes all living organisms on this planet. The power of such a culture of harmlessness and compassion generates TRUST everywhere.”
There is a lot in this symbol – overcoming fear, taking a leap of faith, lessening the distance between us and others even if they seem “different” or alien to us, kindness and compassion towards all beings – these are all good aspirations to have as we start this new year. This Moon is a very good opportunity to turn inward and reflect on what we have learned this year, letting go of whatever no longer serves us and making a commitment to ourselves to turn up as the best version of ourselves. Capricorn calls for accountability, responsibly for self and, above all, integrity. This involves always doing the right thing, even if it doesn’t necessarily feel like the easiest thing to do. Such is the gift of this Moon.
Much Love
Picture: Rocky Mountain by @UngracefullyDefensivelyVanguard