This Full Moon packs a punch, that is for sure! Not only is the Moon full in intense, powerful, transforming Scorpio, but Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio is also in on the act! Full Moons tend to bring things to a head emotionally, so that whatever has been simmering beneath the surface is brought out into the light of consciousness, illuminated by the light of the Moon. Scorpio likes to dig deep, helping us to confront anything we might usually prefer to sweep under the carpet and avoid because we are ashamed of it or in denial. A Scorpio full Moon has the power to expose our secrets, fears, desires and those parts of us that usually remain hidden and relegated to the shadows. It also brings the gift of transformation.
The Sun is now in down to earth, fertile, loyal Taurus, having recently left Aries. Taurus energy is good at fixing things into place, and enjoys the sensual delights, including cooking and gardening. However, Taurus is also the part of us that resists change and can find it hard to see a way out of stagnant, limiting situations, which is where Scorpio comes in. This Moon holds the potential for profound transformation and the capacity to release ourselves from any comfortable ruts that might be holding us back from growth. Scorpio can help us to walk across that burning bridge and not look back, releasing us from any unhealthy attachments and shedding old skin so that we can emerge, shiny and new, albeit slightly vulnerable and exposed!
This is the kind of Moon that could bring up some rather intense emotions that really penetrate to the heart of the matter, forcing us to face the bare truth, even if that makes us feel quite uncomfortable. We all have aspects of ourselves that we have rejected, disowned and hidden in shadow, tending to project out onto others rather than recognising them in ourselves. Indeed, any quirks about another person that bring up intense emotions and an extreme reaction can very often signify an aspect of us that we deny and cannot see. This is the kind of Moon that could trigger these unowned, shadowy bits, forcing us to look at ourselves in the mirror and find some acceptance around what we see there. We can gain a lot of insight into ourselves during a Scorpio Full Moon, stripping away self-deceit and allowing any emotions that come up to reveal whatever we may have been hiding from.
Pluto’s involvement in this Moon further intensifies the potential for transformation and raw emotional honesty. What are the chances that the ruler of the Full Moon also happens to be squaring the Sun and Moon?! This is no coincidence, that’s for sure. Pluto in Aquarius is calling for us to rediscover the original spark that we came into this life with, our true, authentic, unique self that still exists within us all, buried underneath the layers of conditioning, life experience and programming that have piled on top of it since the moment we were born. Pluto in Aquarius encourages us to find our tribe, connecting to like-minded brothers and sisters and playing a bigger part in our local community. It can liberate us from what we “should” be doing and encourage us to focus on what we truly love. Aquarius is the sign of equality, liberty and brotherhood/sisterhood. A new way of being is revealing itself, and we are invited to be open, flexible and willing to adapt and ride the waves of change.
There is something very real about Pluto’s involvement in this Moon. This is a time of rebirth and transformation, when things are starting to bloom in the Northern Hemisphere and fall away in the Southern Hemisphere. Pluto’s energy can strip away and expose anything that is unhealthy, unhelpful and “rotten” in order for new, healthy growth to replace it. Pluto calls for us to align with our truth and heed the calling of our soul. This is not always a comfortable process and can involve some radical self-honesty which takes us deep within, into some kind of metaphorical chrysalis which is a deeply internal, personal process, before we are ready to emerge as a magnificent and beautiful butterfly. Pluto reminds us that the darkest moment is just before dawn.
Running alongside this Full Moon we also have the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus, which peaked on Saturday/Sunday and is on the wane but is still strong. This represents the beginning of a new cycle, a shift of consciousness and a radical change in values. There is a sense that what used to hold meaning for us is undergoing a big shift, so let’s see what starts to unfold now as we move into a new way of being, along with the new values and priorities that come with that change. The last time Jupiter and Uranus joined together was in June 2010, and the last time they joined together in Taurus, the sign of values, survival, finance and self-worth, was in 1941, a very significant time in history.
Change is afoot, and we are invited to open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities to step out of the tried and tested way of approaching life and how we earn a living. There is such potential for growth and progression here if we are willing and able to shift our perspective and embrace a new way of being. As I mentioned, Taurus is the part of us that resists change, while Jupiter and Uranus offer us an opportunity to step outside the comfort zone and embark on an exciting new adventure in whatever area of our natal chart this conjunction falls in. Those of us with personal planets and angles around 21° of a sign, especially the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, will feel the exciting, new, revolutionary, liberating energy of this conjunction the most acutely.
We also have retrograde Mercury standing still right on top of the Aries North Node, getting ready to turn direct on Friday. This feels very significant and could provide us with a crucial bit of information that is important for our growth. Possibly we will have an important conversation that somehow changes our course, or possibly we will receive a message that is challenging to hear but which clears the air and brings clarity and growth. Aries can bring honest, open, candid, direct and forthright communication that really gets things out into the open, even if it challenges us and makes us feel somewhat uncomfortable. We could also have the initial spark of a new idea or way of thinking that brings new growth.
The last time Mercury joined the North Node was on 19 March, before going retrograde, so there could be a link between now and then, or possibly a continuation. Anyone with personal planets or angles around 15° of a sign, especially the cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, will feel it the most strongly. Chiron the Wounded Healer and Venus are also conjoining at 20° Aries, exact on Sunday 21 April, but still strong during the Moon. This can bring the potential for both pain and healing in our relationships, which certainly adds to the soup! Again, direct, open honesty is the order of the day. It seems like there is the potential for some kind of clearing in order to usher in the new.
The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon, at 5° Scorpio, is an interesting one: “A massive rocky shore resists the pounding of the sea”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The inertia of all institutionalised procedures. Slow is the rise of the land from the vast ocean, but once it is formed it develops a formidable resistance to change in spite of storms. Likewise, once a culture has expressed its basic symbols and its particular way of thinking, feeling and acting in concrete institutions, these change very slowly indeed. We see in this symbol how binding and resistant a communal way of life can become. In this there is strength and stability, and these are necessary factors in the social life of man – until new horizons beckon. The keyword is STABILITY.”
This symbol feels very much in line with the transforming nature of this Moon, and the resistance that the Taurus part of us can feel to change, both personally and collectively! However, change is inevitable. Things simply can’t stay the same, as we are ever evolving, and growth can’t occur without the willingness to flex, bend and change. It will be interesting to see what comes up during this Moon, as there is the potential for some raw honesty that could be uncomfortable, exposing, insightful and transforming. These are exciting times, that’s for sure, and we are invited to step forward with courage, openness, faith and trust that we are held and supported through this period of transition and uncertainty.
Much Love
Painting – Transformation, by Joyce Huntington