This Full Moon has the potential to shake things up a bit, especially if anything is stuck, stale or restrictive in our lives. It also calls for us to listen to our hearts and follow the path of joy. Full Moons tend to bring to a head whatever has been building up over the previous week or so, illuminating anything that has been simmering beneath the surface. And Leo is no shrinking violet! Leo is a creative, expressive, playful sign that encourages us to shine our light brightly in the world. This is an ideal Moon to let our inner child out to play, allowing ourselves to be spontaneous and carefree. Leo is the part of us that likes to feel appreciated, special and seen, although it can go too far if we find ourselves seeking attention, approval and validation from outside of ourselves. Ultimately it is an inside job!
It is Aquarius season right now, and the Sun in Aquarius is sitting directly opposite the Leo Moon, calling for us to find balance between the two signs. Aquarius is the part of us that can feel different to others and can have experiences of feeling like an outsider. Leo, however, is the part of us that fully participates in life and likes to be in the middle of things, rather than on the outside looking in. Leo is the part of us that can sometimes be too proud and can feel like the world revolves around us, and can also seek external validation, so these are things to watch out for on a Leo Full Moon. Aquarius reminds us that it’s not all about us, and that we all have something unique and special to contribute to the greater whole. Aquarius helps us to detach and see ourselves objectively, while Leo can be a bit subjective and centred on self.
This Moon invites us to shine our lights brightly and unapologetically express all that we are! This is not a time for dimming our light in order to fit in. Rather, we are encouraged to contemplate how and where we shine most naturally and stand out from the crowd. What brings us our greatest joy? What makes us feel most alive? What are we naturally good at? Do we compare ourselves to others too much? What would our best life look like? What would be our ideal way to spend each day? What special gifts have we got to offer? How can we be more spontaneous and bring more play and romance into our life? Is our self-worth dependent on others approval? Do we make ourselves small in order to fit in? These are all good questions to ask on a Leo Full Moon!
Uranus is forming a dynamic square aspect to the Sun, Moon and Mercury, bringing the potential for wake-up calls that shift us out of stasis and stagnation. Uranus can jolt us into greater awareness of what needs to change, bringing clarity, insight and shifts in perspective that can be quite shocking and awakening. We could feel a bit unsettled, as our cages are rattled somewhat, but this could ultimately be a liberating Moon that helps us to get back to our true nature. Uranus helps us to unravel some of our more unhelpful conditioning so that we feel free of the chains that weigh us down and hold us back from being unapologetically ourselves. We could have some emotional breakthroughs during this Moon, with sudden realisations that could be both surprising and illuminating.
Those of us with personal planets and angles around 23° of a sign, especially the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, will feel the radical, revolutionary, shifting energy of Uranus the most acutely. Sometimes we need a bit of a jolt to shift us into a greater sense of awareness and clarity. During this Moon we are encouraged to think outside of the box and open ourselves up to change, as it is an inevitable part of life. Uranus is the part of us that wants to feel free, and doesn’t like to be held down, restricted or constrained in any way, or to have to pretend we are someone we are not, so we may find ourselves wanting to bust out of whatever cage we feel like we have been put into, making a bid for freedom and being utterly true to ourselves.
The Sun and Mercury are sitting right next to each other in Aquarius, exact on Monday 10 Feb, which could bring thoughts, ideas and communication that are somewhat out of the box! It’s an ideal time for coming up with new solutions to old problems and looking at things from a fresh perspective. It is important not to get too caught up in our own point of view, as the Sun does represent the ego after all, but to be open to listening to other people’s thoughts and ideas. Indeed, they could challenge us to see things differently, which could be helpful. With Uranus also squaring this pairing, we could have some crazy ideas, epiphanies and breakthroughs that could bring greater insight and help us see more clearly so that we can make much needed changes in our lives.
Saturn is forming a helpful, harmonious trine to Mars during this Moon, exact Sunday 9 Feb, helping us to ground our ideas and visions into reality. Leo and Aquarius are very creative and visionary, so Saturn and Mars can help with the potential for constructive action and disciplined, sustained, focused energy that can help us to build something of lasting impact and value. Saturn helps us to commit to whatever we are trying to do and encourages us to look at the long game rather than the quick fix. Slow and steady wins the race! It can also help us to take responsibility for our reactions and triggers, asserting ourselves in a mature manner and being truly accountable. Saturn can help us to control our anger and impulses, rather than reacting with knee jerk responses from the wounded child inside of us.
Neptune is still sitting on top of the Pisces North Node, although the conjunction was exact on 7 February which means that the energy is now on the wane. Our dream life could be more prolific with all this Pisces energy around, and we could feel a greater urge to escape reality somehow, whether through alcohol, drugs, TV, movies or computer games. Pisces likes to numb out! We are being called to surrender control and allow ourselves to be guided along the path of least resistance. Neptune and Pisces help to dissolve our ego and anything else that might be preventing us from connecting with the Divine and can help us to open up with compassion, forgiveness and true empathy for ourselves and others.
We could feel more sensitive, open and even overwhelmed at times, so it is a good idea to eat well and ground ourselves as much as possible. This is a great time for meditation, healing and creating! Those of us with personal planets or angles around 27/28° of a sign, especially the mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, will feel the softening, dissolving, sensitising, flowing energy of this conjunction the most acutely.
The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon, at 25° Leo, is an interesting one: “ A large camel is seen crossing a vast and forbidding desert”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “Self-sufficiency in the face of a long and exhausting adventure. The camel here represents a living organism that is able to sustain itself independently of its environment at the start of a trying journey. (The original formulation of the symbol did not refer to “a man on a camel back.”) The organism carries within itself what is absolutely needed for survival. At the deeper human level of consciousness it is easy to see the value of self-reliance and self-sufficiency as one enters the occult Path leading to a more dynamic and more inclusive realm of existence. The camel carries water within its body and it is said that the dromedary is able to utilise the matter stored in its large protuberance as food. The suggestion here is that in order to be released from bondage to the “old world” we should be completely self-contained emotionally; having absorbed the mental food which this old culture has given us, we are ready to face “the desert,” nothingness, Sunya…until we reach the “new world.” We need TOTAL INDEPENDENCE from our surroundings and utter SELF-RELIANCE.”
Ultimately a Leo Full Moon calls for us to contemplate what brings us joy and to follow our hearts. It is interesting that Uranus is so strong during this Moon, because it helps to release us from any “bondage” so that we are free to create our best life. This is a good time to recognise where in our lives we feel trapped, or weighed down by drudgery, or confined by restrictive rules or obligations, or constrained by old, outworn conditioning, or not able to simply be ourselves. Aquarius holds the vision of how life can be, while Leo helps us to create and actualise the life we envision. The old world is crumbling, and a new one is being born, and so it is time to throw out the old rule book and create a new one. Leo reminds us to have fun along the way!
Much Love
Picture: Fire Dancer by Lorraine Sadler