Exact at 9.01am UK time (GMT)
This Moon in Gemini can bring a lot of mental activity and could make everything feel very busy indeed, possibly overwhelmingly so. As such, it is important to make sure that we take time out if we can. Those of us with a lot of Gemini in our charts like variety and tend to have our finger in many pies, so much so that we can spread ourselves a bit too thin at times. This is also Sagittarius season, which can mean that we overextend ourselves and overdo it somewhat. Sagittarius is a very “expansive” sign that does everything in a very big way, sometimes to the point of excess! This Moon could be fun, lively and jovial, but could also mean that we feel somewhat overstretched. This could also bring opportunities to say anything that we have been holding back or keeping to ourselves. Gemini is the master of communication, while Sagittarius is the truth seeker and truth sayer. Sagittarius can be a bit blunt, however, while Gemini is more adept at delivering the truth in a palatable and comprehensible way. It is important to be aware that while we may have our version of the truth, another person has their truth as well, which is equally valid. And somewhere in the middle of the two is the truth itself. It is possible that we could find ourselves delivering a few home truths during this Moon, and we could also be on the receiving end of someone else’s truth. It is very important to truly listen to one another in an effort to truly understand each other’s perspective and reality, and to not interrupt or make assumptions. Mercury, the ruler of this Gemini Moon, is very strong indeed, as it is standing still and preparing to go forward, having been retrograde since 26 November. The planet of the mind and communication is in Sagittarius and has been helping us to go back over old ground over the past three weeks, helping us to find growth and wisdom in retrospect. It can help to look back into the past sometimes, as it has lessons for us that we can take into the future. We can’t turn back time, but we can certainly learn from it and try not to make the same mistakes again. Mercury in Sagittarius encourages us to be honest with ourselves and others and to speak our truth, even if it is uncomfortable. It can also help us to look forward with a positive and hopeful sense of what is possible. Mercury is forming a lovely supportive trine aspect to Mars in Leo during this Moon, which can help us to have the courage to express ourselves and say what needs to be said. It also helps us to align our thoughts and ideas with our actions, so that we can “put our money where our mouth is”, so to speak. It as a great time for brainstorming creative projects, and for having lively and passionate discussions about our innermost desires. With Mars retrograde, we may be able to understand, articulate and resolve past grievances and old resentments that might be lingering, bringing them out into the open so that the energy can be cleared. There is a sense that we can somehow bring forward what we have learned from the past in order to clarify and articulate our hopes, aspirations and desires for the future. Honesty is key here. It is so important to be able to express how we feel, what we want, what we need and what is on our mind, and to allow the other person to do the same. This Moon encourages us to not only have the courage to speak up, but to also make the effort to truly listen and try to understand where the other person is coming from, without projecting our own thoughts, beliefs and emotions onto what they are trying to say. This is easier said than done sometimes, but well worth the effort. Those of us with personal planets and angles around 6° of a sign, especially the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, will most feel the benefit of this courageous, direct, creative, passionate, truth-telling combination of Mars and Mercury. Neptune in Pisces is square the Sun and Moon, calling for us to have compassion, empathy and sensitivity in the way we communicate with one another. This is a very challenging time of year for many, so compassion and kindness are so very important. Neptune does also bring the potential for confusion, brain fog and misunderstandings due to a lack of clarity. Neptune can also bring extreme sensitivity and emotional overwhelm, and we could feel a bit like a leaf being blown around in the wind, at the mercy of forces larger than us. And this is quite possible, in all the busyness of the festive season! We could feel like just burying our heads in the sand and escaping, because it all feels too much. Neptune rules drugs and alcohol, which can be used to escape and numb out. However, Neptune can also remind us to take time out and connect with Spirit, through nature, meditation and simply “taking a breath”. Neptune is the planet of illusions and delusions, so it is important to be mindful of the stories we are telling ourselves and others, and that we are really telling ourselves the truth, because deception and self-deception are very possible. Neptune calls for us to tune in to our inner guidance, for we always know the truth, deep within us, even if it is a tiny whisper. One of Neptune’s greatest gifts is the art of surrender. We are invited to truly have faith and trust that there is a universal plan and to simply let go and allow ourselves to be guided along with the flow of the river. What will be will be. The more we let go of the need to control things and follow the path of least resistance, the easier life can be. Uranus is also a player during this Moon, which can be helpful for insight, clarity and gaining perspective on whatever we are experiencing. Uranus can shake us out of stagnation but can also bring about a curveball that shocks and surprises us, jolting us into a greater sense of awareness and liberating us from habits, patterns, beliefs and situations that bind us. The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon, at 24° Gemini, is an intriguing one: “Children skating over a frozen village pond”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The use of inhibiting circumstances for the development of character and a transcendent approach to the environment. Winter symbolises darkness and the restrictions imposed upon living things by cold. Natural life is in a state of hibernation or inward-turned activity. Yet the developing mind can learn to use restrictions and the disciplining power of “cold” external responses to rise above the outer “freeze” and to grow in strength and skill. Man is nature rising above the cyclic oscillation of natural polarities. His way is often the via negative. He learns rhythmic freedom (“skating”) by using the most binding situations (“ice”) to demonstrate his transcendent capacity for pleasure and self-mobilisation. This symbol presents us with a special technique. It is a mental technique inasmuch as it is through mind that man can transcend the entropy of the universal process of existence. We see here indeed man’s TRIUMPH OVER ENTROPY. (Entropy = a measure of the disorder that exists in a system.)” This symbol certainly brings the sense that we can use our mind to rise above things and make the best out of a difficult situation! There is also something here around finding creative solutions, which reminds me of the Mercury Mars trine. Both Sagittarius and Gemini are able to bring lightness and humour to the table, as Gemini is curious and playful while Sagittarius can help us to see the funny side of even the most difficult situation. This Moon could be quite fast paced, so it is important to take time out to be kind to ourselves, so that we don’t end up too overwhelmed! Above all, this Moon offers us an opportunity to speak our truth and be heard, and to do the same in return. Clear, concise, direct and truthful communication is key! Much Love Amy xoxo Picture: Unknown Exact at 9.28pm, UK time (GMT)
This Full Moon has the potential to bring clarity, insight and change into our lives. We are still in Scorpio season, a time for purging and shedding anything that no longer serves us. Scorpio season coincides with the leaves falling from the leaves in the Northern Hemisphere, and so we are being metaphorically stripped bare, which can leave us feeling quite raw and exposed. Anything that has been festering beneath the carpet can now be brought out into the open so that we can clean it out and purify it. And then we have this Full Moon, which can shine a light into the darkness, bringing our emotions up and out so that we can deal with them. Whatever came up for us during the Scorpio New Moon can now reach a point of completion and culmination. This Moon highlights the Taurus/Scorpio polarity, with the Sun in powerful, intense Scorpio and the Moon in calm, sensual, practical Taurus. While Scorpio season can be very transforming, revealing and somewhat intense, a Taurus Moon invites us to ground and root ourselves, creating a greater sense of peace, calm, simplicity and stability. Taurus is a sensible, stable, no-nonsense, self-reliant sign that has no time for all the drama and emotional intensity that Scorpio can bring to the table. However, the Taurus part of us can get a bit stuck and stagnant at times, which is where Scorpio comes in, forcing us to be emotionally honest and to look at ourselves squarely in the face, owning whatever we find, even if it’s not pretty. Uranus is sitting right next to the Moon in Taurus, which can definitely upset the apple cart! Scorpio season brings the potential for transformation, while Uranus can bring sudden events, realisations and insights that can bring significant shifts. While the Taurus part of us may resist change in favour of comfort and familiarity, Uranus tends to shake things up, rattling our cages and prompting us to step out of the comfort zone and try something different on for size. Uranus invites us to be utterly true to ourselves, throwing off the shackles of conditioning, shedding unhealthy patterns and habits and finding out who we really, truly are. Sometimes all we need is to see things from a different point of view to create the change we need. Sometimes an epiphany can shift our perspective so much that everything changes. That moment when we exclaim “Aha!” can be a complete game changer. Uranus can certainly bring a curve ball or a wake-up call that can jolt us onto the right path, waking us up to what we previously couldn’t see or understand. And during Scorpio season any realisations can be incredibly profound, helping us to confront ourselves and see deeper truths as we unearth any challenging subject matter that might have been festering beneath the surface and wreaking havoc in our lives. Those of us with personal planets and angles around 25° of a sign, especially the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, will feel the exciting, liberating, insightful energy of Uranus the most acutely. Clarity is a beautiful thing! Venus, the ruler of this Moon, is also quite a big piece of the puzzle. Venus has recently moved into Capricorn, a serious, realistic, pragmatic, conservative sign that greatly values commitment, maturity, long-term stability, accountability, and integrity. Things can get quite serious in the relationship department when Venus is in Capricorn! Venus is square the Nodes of the Moon, which feels quite significant and can bring an element of fate and destiny, soul-growth and karma in terms of our relationships, values and self-worth. Maybe we are being called to step forward somehow regarding our relationships, with the Aries North Node calling for us to be honest and brave and state our needs, doing what is right for us rather than going along with things that make us feel uncomfortable for the sake of maintaining peace and harmony. How do we find balance and compromise without compromising ourselves? Can we dare to actually show up in our relationships and not hide ourselves or downplay our feelings, needs and desires? Who are we, really? Can we have the courage to be all that we are - the good, the bad and the ugly? We could receive some kind of test or a moment of reckoning in the realm of our relationships, whereby we could clear old karma and make some serious vows and commitments, first and foremost to ourselves. We could also be forced to be realistic and pragmatic about what we truly want and need. The Aries North Node has been calling for us to make ourselves a priority and to have the courage to express our needs. The Nodes will soon move into Virgo and Pisces, so this 18-month cycle of stepping into the fullness of who we are will be complete. Venus square the Nodes will be exact the day after the Full Moon. Those of us with personal planets or angles around 5° of a sign, especially the cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, will feel the energy of the square most strongly. It is very important to be true to ourselves and to operate from a place of personal responsibility and integrity. Venus is also forming a nagging inconjunct aspect to Mars, the ruler of the North Node, which could make our relationships a bit more challenging, but will also force us to face things that we might usually shy away from. It is always better to get things out into the open, and we could have more courage to do so during this Moon, even if it is hard. Pluto is also in the very final part of the final degree of Capricorn, getting ready to move into Aquarius on 20 November, which can bring a significant shift of energy. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio, and there is a sense that we are clearing up old karmic debris in the final days of its stay in Capricorn. What old conditioned, programmed patterns need to be purged and purified? What karmic soul contracts are coming to an end? It will be interesting to see what falls away in the final days of Pluto in this karmic sign. On a collective level, it is Pluto’s last push to expose and purge any decay, dysfunction or corruption in the societal structures to make way for new, progressive foundations to be built as Pluto moves into revolutionary, humanitarian Aquarius. The world we have known is crumbling to make way for the new. It could help to look at what area of our chart is going to be affected by this shift. Whatever house we find the final degree of Capricorn and first degree of Aquarius can show where we will feel the change of energy, as Pluto moves from the sign that represents authority, patriarchal values, karma, structure and commitment into the sign that represents freedom, revolution, community and authenticity. Pluto can also expose the darker side of Aquarius, including technology and community, and will hopefully purge and purify in this area so that the Aquarian qualities of equality, freedom and brotherhood/sisterhood can prevail. “Power to the People!” cries Pluto in Aquarius! Let’s see what that actually entails! The Sabian symbol for this Moon, at 25° Taurus, is an interesting one, as Pluto gets ready to move into Aquarius: “A vast public park”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The cultivation of natural energies for collective use and recreation. With this symbol we witness the positive and impressive results of man’s collective endeavour to live in peace and to enjoy moments of relaxation. The public park is designed and kept for the enjoyment of all the people of the city. This is a symbol of COLLECTIVE ENJOYMENT. The individual finds in the products of his culture an emotional enhancement born of the feeling of “belonging” to a large, organised, peaceful whole.” Ah, that sounds peaceful and tranquil and brings the sense of inclusivity and community that Pluto in Aquarius will hopefully bring! And who knows, maybe this Full Moon will bring a peaceful respite in the midst of an intense and turbulent Scorpio season! It certainly does bring the potential for some profound insight and understanding that could bring a sense of peace as things become clearer. The Scorpio New Moon forced us to look under the proverbial carpet and admit the truth, really getting to the heart of the matter. This Moon will hopefully bear the fruit that was planted then, as Full Moons often represent the culmination of whatever began during the New Moon. May we now have many “Aha!” moments that bring clarity, insight and peace and help us to see the way forward. This certainly does feel like a time of karmic completion. Much Love Amy xoxo Picture: by KGSinclair Exact at 12.26pm UK time (BST)
This is a big, bold, brave Full Moon, in true Aries style! It is a supermoon, which means that it appears larger in the night sky and has a greater impact on our minds, bodies and spirits. It is also in independent, brave, direct, enthusiastic and impulsive Aries, the first sign of the zodiac that represents the initial spark that can easily start a raging fire! This Moon is activating the relationship axis of Libra and Aries, the two signs that represent our need to be in relationship to other (Libra) and our need to be our own person (Aries). Ultimately, we are called to find a balance between the two signs, rather than veering too far in one direction or the other. In quite simple terms, Libra is the sign of peace and Aries is the god of war. Libra is the part of us that tends to acquiesce or turn a blind eye to certain issues in order to maintain a sense of peace and harmony, not wanting to rock the boat or cause friction. It is the part of us that strives to be reasonable and struggles with harsh or “ugly” emotional reactions. Aries, however, is the part of us that isn’t afraid to bring thorny issues out into the open, confronting them head on in order to find some kind of resolution. In an ideal world we would have the courage to bring challenging issues up in a kind, loving and considered way, rather than simply acting or reacting from a hurt, angry, triggered or wounded place. However, sometimes feelings just rise up in us and demand release, which is the Aries way, and at least we are being honest, open, direct and real when we express what we are feeling, even if it doesn’t quite come out in the most refined, gentle or delicate manner! During this particular Moon, we also have Chiron the Wounded Healer sitting right next to the Moon in Aries, which brings the potential for our wounds and insecurities being activated, and could make us more sensitive, reactive, easily hurt, defensive and emotional than we might usually be. However, this is such an opportunity for healing, even though it might feel a bit uncomfortable! We are called to be brave enough to actively confront painful memories and look at our unhelpful patterns, and to address any issues that are coming up for us so that we can work through them. It takes courage to show our wounded selves to others and to be vulnerable enough to express when we are hurt in a way that they can accept and understand. It takes courage to face ourselves and admit that we feel hurt, or rejected, or weak. It takes courage to bring uncomfortable issues out into the open. Those of us with personal planets or angles around 21° of a sign will be feeling the healing energy of Chiron the most acutely, especially in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. This may bring feelings of rejection and our core wounds being activated, which could be painful and yet bring such potential for healing. Aries is a very brave energy, which helps us to look at our wounds without flinching and to do whatever is needed to work through whatever we are facing. Interestingly, Mars, the ruler of Aries, is very present during this Moon, as it is forming a dynamic square aspect to the Sun, Moon and Chiron, a harmonious trine aspect to Neptune, while also working towards an opposition to Pluto. That’s a lot of Mars! We could be forced, in no uncertain terms, to confront our core wounds, and could find ourselves more easily triggered, with some strong emotions coming to the surface. Mars is in Cancer at the moment, which can bring up anger and outbursts of emotion that come from our wounded inner child and could seem quite irrational. We may find ourselves at odds with others somehow, but the tension can push us to confront issues that we usually tend to shy away from. We have a chance here to practice asserting ourselves and expressing our anger and strong emotions in a healthy, constructive way, although that might not be very easy if our buttons are being pushed! Chiron in Aries encourages us to have the courage to simply be ourselves and to embrace all that we are, rather than doubting or bending ourselves out of shape to be something we are not in order to feel loved or accepted. Mars definitely brings the potential for heated emotions, hurt feelings and reactivity, but it also helps us to be brave and bring anything out into the open so that we can find healing and resolution. Better out than in! Neptune is forming a flowing, harmonious trine aspect to both Venus and Mars, which helps to soften the fiery energy of this Full Moon. Neptune brings the potential for true acceptance, sensitivity to other’s feelings, heartfelt connection and the capacity for compassion and empathy towards one another, even while facing uncomfortable or challenging material. Venus is right at the end of Scorpio, calling for us to deepen our intimacy and trust, penetrating to the core of whatever we are dealing with. There is certainly a lot of potential for friction during this Moon, which can bring out our vulnerabilities and expose our tender underbellies, but this can ultimately bring us closer together and help us to understand each other better. The connection between Neptune and Venus, which is exact on Wednesday, can bring a deeper, more loving connections and greater understanding and acceptance of the parts of each other that we might deem “ugly”, shameful, scary or unacceptable. It can help us to transcend egoic attachment and embrace a higher expression of love. We are invited to connect on a deeper level and see beyond our façades, walls and protective layers to the core of our being. This doesn’t feel like an easy Moon, per se, as some challenging and hitherto repressed material could come out into the light, but what is revealed through the process could be tremendously healing and ultimately bring greater understanding, depth and intimacy to our relationships. Those of us with personal planets or angles around 29° of a sign, especially the mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, will feel the tender, compassionate, dissolving, flowing energy of Neptune and Venus most strongly, not to mention that Pluto is also sitting at 29° Capricorn, having recently turned direct. We are having the last little foray into all things Capricorn before Pluto goes into Aquarius for good on 19 November, which calls for us to face any unhelpful karmic patterns or issues around power and control, purging unhealthy conditioned habits and patterns, and dismantling any decaying structures in our lives that simply no longer serve. The Sabian symbol for this Moon, at 25° Aries, is an intriguing one: “The possibility for man to gain experience at two levels of being” which Dane Rudyar describes as “The revelation of new potentialities. In some unspecified way the symbol is a guarantee that man can operate successfully at two levels of consciousness, if he has previously met the condition mentioned in the preceding symbol. “Be open. Be able and willing to shape your translucent mind on the form revealing spiritual fulfilment. And you will be able to experience life and power on inner as well as outer planes.” The implied message is one of faith. Man can only truly experience what he deeply believes he can experience. This symbol announces the possibility of a new step in evolution, but it is still only a possibility, a promise. The individual is truly ON PROBATION.” This Moon certainly seems to be calling for us to be honest, open and brave! Full Moons always hold the potential for emotions riding high and for hitherto repressed material coming out into the light, but this one could be especially volatile! There is an invitation here for us to lay our cards out on the table and to have the courage to truly express all that we are and all that we are feeling, even if it feels uncomfortable and isn’t exactly “pretty”. Aries is the part of us that acts first and thinks later, and sometimes that can be a good thing, because at least it is real and is not filtered through the lens of what is “reasonable” or “acceptable”. This Moon has such amazing healing potential if we are brave enough to drop the protective walls of so-called decency and reveal the fullness of who we truly are, warts and all. Much Love Amy xoxo Painting by Arturas Slapsys Exact at 3.34am UK time (BST)
This is a powerful, tender-hearted Full Moon that invites us to truly let go and to surrender to the next chapter of our lives, even if the way is not yet clear. This Moon starts off Eclipse season, which is a powerfully energetic time that completes a six-month cycle that began in March this year. This Moon is also connected to the Lunar Eclipse 19 years ago, in September 2005, so it could help to think back to what was happening back then as this Moon could have an energetic resonance with that time in our lives. Lunar Eclipses are a time of release, renewal and completion, making way for a new chapter to begin. It is particularly poignant that this Full Moon is in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, calling for us to fully surrender to the flow of life, letting go of control over outcomes, leaving the past behind and releasing whatever needs to fall away to make space for the new. This is a particularly powerful Moon because Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, is also sitting right next to the Full Moon in Pisces. The message couldn’t be clearer – we are being called to allow faith and trust to guide us and to fully surrender to the flow of the river, allowing it to take us wherever we need to go next. We may have our own ideas about what we want or need, or where we want to go, and we might feel a bit scared, but as much as we might want to control outcomes and steer the boat in a certain direction, it is far easier if we simply let go, in full trust, and allow ourselves to be swept along by the universal tides. As such, we are encouraged to remain alert to any omens, signs and messages that can show us the way to go, and to recognise where the path seems blocked and difficult to navigate. It is amazing what can happen when we are following our hearts and fully in flow! Neptune in Pisces can bring the potential for illusion and disillusionment, increased sensitivity, empathy, compassion, escapism, dissolving ego and transcendence. Neptune and Pisces remind us that we are all connected, and that the power of the collective cannot be underestimated. Neptune is the feeling of unity, euphoria and oneness that we experience when, for instance, we are all singing the same song in unison at a concert. Moments like that remind us of how we are all connected by an invisible thread, and how beautiful that is. At this important and powerful moment in history, when the way ahead is so unclear and humanity is in the process of such an important shift, it is important to tap into this collective consciousness and remember that we are not alone, and are part of something that is much, much bigger than our little fearful egos can possibly comprehend! Uranus and Pluto are also helping us out during this Moon, bringing the potential for some profound shifts, transformation and soul growth. Uranus offers us some insightful realisations that can bring about clarity and understanding that could liberate us from old patterns and programming. Eclipses activate the Nodes of the Moon, which involve us stepping out of the safe, familiar territory of our comfort zone in order to embrace soul growth. The North Node represents all that we yearn for and yet when we are actually presented with it can feel so scary that it takes some courage and faith to actually make the leap! It is so easy to be drawn back into old, familiar patterns. Uranus can help us to step out of our comfort zone, however, despite any resistance we may feel, waking us up to what needs to change and shift. Pluto nudges us to confront ourselves and deepest fears so that we can evolve and transform on a deep soul level. Jupiter is also forming a challenging square aspect to the Sun and Moon, calling for us to let go of any ideas or beliefs that might be holding us back from moving forward. That may be a crisis of faith, whereby we find ourselves in our heads instead of our hearts, struggling to let go and trust that we are being guided in the right direction. Some big emotions could come up during this Moon, including feelings of fear and overwhelm, but ultimately we are being invited to feel and honour all of these feelings and nevertheless dive into the unknown with the inner knowing that we will be held, supported and guided where we need to go. Indeed, with the Nodes of the Moon squaring Mars in Cancer during this Moon, we could find that some very strong feelings come up which could motivate us to make the change we need, or at the very least help us to see how our emotions help or hinder us from taking action. With Mars being highlighted by the Nodes, we are invited to recognise how we work with our anger, and whether we are able to assert ourselves in a healthy way, and whether we are feeling brave or scared about what lies ahead. Mars in Cancer can bring some irrational responses that come from childhood wounding, so it is important to be aware of how we respond to triggers during this time. This square will be exact on 15 of September but will still be strong during this Full Moon. Those of us with personal planets or angles around 6° of a sign, especially the cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, will feels the energy of the Nodes and Mars the most acutely, calling for us to find the courage to take that leap of faith and probably bringing some quite big solar plexus twinges, either through fear of the unknown or through responding to emotional triggers. It is important to watch any tendency to react from our hurt inner child! Full Moons, by their very nature, tend to bring up any issues within our relationships, but with the Nodes in the Libra/Aries relationship axis and Venus being so heavily aspected, this Moon is especially so. Chiron the Wounded healer is sitting directly opposite Venus during this Moon, which could bring some pain or wounding within our relationships but could also bring about much needed healing. We could find that our sore spots are more easily activated, and that certain relationships with those close to us bring us face to face with our sensitivities, vulnerabilities, insecurities and core wounds. However, while this may not be very comfortable, it does bring opportunities for healing and greater intimacy and closeness if we are able to rise above pettiness and allow ourselves to open up and to be seen. The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon/Eclipse, at 26° Pisces, is an interesting one: “Watching the very thin moon crescent appearing at sunset, different people realise that the time has come to go ahead with their different projects”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “A keen appreciation of the value of individualised responses to any challenge of life. The rather obscure original notation for this zodiacal degree, “A new moon that divides its influences,” when translated into practical terms refers to the fact that, confronted with the opportunity to expand their energy along new lines, modern individuals will react according to their own personal characters. One basic cosmic-spiritual impulse will lead these varied personalities to take equally varied steps. In any society that glorifies individualism, everyone should therefore accept this fact and not try to compel other individuals to conform to a single pattern of response. This symbol stresses the essential nature of the cyclic process of actualisation of human potential, i.e. the emergence of the individual. This should lead to a realisation of the FALLACY OF TOTALITARIANISM; at times we can all act like despots, demanding that others react to any situation exactly as we do.” Pisces and Neptune can help us to be more aware of how we are all connected, and yet this symbol reminds us that we all have our own unique path to walk, in our own unique way. Live and let live! This Moon certainly does seem to be encouraging us to release the past and let go of anything that might be holding us back from fully surrendering to the flow and to fully embrace whatever is waiting for us in the as yet unknown future. We may feel some resistance, overwhelm or fear as we are called to step out of our comfort zone, and we may have to let go of people, situations, old beliefs or patterns, which could be painful. However, as this next chapter awaits us, we are being called to really tap into our faith and trust that whatever lies around the next bend in the river of our life is what we have been waiting and yearning for, even if it also terrifies us! It is time to release the past to make way for the new. We are invited to trust the Universe, trust the process, and most importantly trust ourselves. When we do this, instead of trying to force outcomes, we find that things fall into place more easily and naturally. Much Love Amy xoxo Painting: Surrender to the Divine, by Moon Goddesses Exact at 7.25pm UK time (BST)
This is one of the most powerful Moons of the year bringing the potential for big shifts, changes, clarity and insight. Full Moons always tend to bring things to a head, shining the light of consciousness onto anything that has been simmering beneath the surface in the week or so before they reach their peak, but this particular Moon feels like it is especially super-charged! We have Uranus, the ruler of this Full Moon, forming an exact square to the Sun and Moon, which could certainly shake things up a bit! We could be in for some shocks and surprises, that’s for sure! Ultimately this Moon has the potential to liberate us from any entrenched habits, programming or patterns that simply have no place in our lives anymore. Change and progress are an inevitable part of life, as much as we may resist them! The Sun is in creative, warm-hearted, enthusiastic Leo, which represents the concept of royalty, sitting opposite the Moon in eccentric, humanitarian, progressive, friendly Aquarius, which represents the concept of “the People”. The Aquarius part of us likes to question the rules and isn’t afraid to be different and stand out from the crowd. Aquarius is the rebel, the revolutionary, the part of us that believes in a system without hierarchy that is fair to everyone and focuses on community, brotherhood and sisterhood. The combination of Leo and Aquarius is a very creative one, as Aquarius has the visions for what could be, while Leo can put those visions into practice, and between the two of them they can help us to create a better life for us all. It is so significant that Uranus is forming an exact, dynamic, challenging T-square with the Sun, Moon and Mercury, because it has the potential to wake us up somehow, jolting us into increased clarity and awareness. Sometimes we need a bit of a shock to bring greater clarity, perspective, understanding and insight, because it is so easy to remain stuck in ruts that are familiar and comfortable but aren’t helping us to grow. Uranus can act like a bolt of lightning, bringing unexpected, shocking and exciting news or events that help us to shift, progress and move forward, both personally and collectively. Sometimes things need to break down in order to bring about a breakthrough. Those of us with personal planets and angles around 27° of a sign, especially the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, will feel the energy of Uranus and this Full Moon the most acutely. Uranus can bring a sense of liberation, freeing us from the past and helping us to see things from a clearer and more objective viewpoint. It encourages us to be true to ourselves, even if it means going against the grain and all of the “should” and “shouldn’ts”. It releases us from any unhelpful and outworn conditioning and programming that may be preventing us from truly being free. Uranus is coming close to the end of its stay in Taurus, the sign that represents survival, security, our material needs, Mother Earth, security and self-worth, so it is possible that the Earth herself could give us a bit of a surprise during this Full Moon, or something could happen relating to the economy. Uranus rules technology, progression and innovation, and there is no doubt whatsoever that we are in need of a change when it comes to our antiquated, outworn financial system. This seems to be a work in progress, however. The Taurus part of us may prefer to cling to a sense of safety and security, while Uranus forces us to accept necessary change. Interestingly, we also have the conjunction between Jupiter and Mars, which was exact on 14 August but will remain strong for this Full Moon. This combination can encourage us to take a risk or two, much like the Fool in the tarot deck, jumping off the cliff with faith and trust that this is the beginning of an exciting journey and an amazing adventure! We don’t get anywhere in life without taking the odd risk or two, much as we might sometimes prefer to play it safe and stick to the tried and tested route! This Moon certainly does have an exciting, daredevil quality to it, calling for us to step outside of our comfort zone and embrace new challenges and adventures. However, it is important to recognise the difference between taking a foolish risk or a well-considered leap of faith. There is more to this story, however. Saturn and Venus are both squaring off against this Mars Jupiter conjunction, potentially bringing up some fears and feelings of caution or trepidation. Change can be unsettling, especially if it comes knocking on our door when we are not ready or prepared for it. Possibly we know that we need to take that leap of faith, but our programming and conditioning means that we are resistant, or scared, or can’t quite see what lies beyond, so we freeze in our tracks. It is natural to feel fear and trepidation, and it is important to recognise and honour these feelings, but not necessarily to dwell in fear or to allow it to prevent necessary growth and progress. There is a difference between risk-assessment and allowing fear to rule us. With Venus and Mars also squaring off against each other, we could also feel a bit of tension between the “yin” part of us that is more receptive and attracts people and things into our life and simply allows things to happen to us, and the more “yang” part of us that takes the lead, asserts ourselves and makes things happen. Venus and Mars represent the divine masculine and divine feminine, so we could experience some frustration within our relationships during this Moon, especially if there is underlying tension there to begin with. Saturn’s involvement could test our relationships and bring some kind of reality check, bringing any issues out into the open that we may usually prefer to ignore, painting a pretty picture and burying our heads in the sand. Venus is in Virgo right now, which can also help us to see our relationships with a somewhat more critical and analytical eye, becoming more aware of what needs to be worked on rather than being under the spell of the romantic dream, projection or fantasy. Those of us with personal planets and angles between 16° and 19° of a sign, especially the mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, will be feeling the energy of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Mars the most acutely, and some of us could willingly take a leap of faith, while some could feel held back through fear, while others could find that there is some kind of obstacle calling for us to be patient and wait a while until the time is right. Some of us, however, could be making a leap and following our heart with our feet squarely on the ground and fully aware of any risks involved. Full Moons can always bring the potential for any underlying issues in our relationships to come out into the open, and with Venus and Mars involved in this Moon, that possibility is greater. However, it is always better to bring things out into the open! The Sabian symbol for this Moon, at 28° Aquarius, is quite interesting given the overall planetary energy of this Full Moon: “A tree felled and sawed to ensure supply of wood for the winter”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “Knowledge and skill used in its natural surroundings for the satisfaction of vital basic needs. This symbol relates to natural living the human capacity to prepare for the future and to use both physical strength and mental ingenuity. In meeting the hardships inherent in an existence close to nature, strength, efficiency and intelligence are needed, but they are incorporated in a life in which every act can be part of a harmonic and beautiful ritual permeated with deep significance. This symbol refers to the efficient use of natural resources for ensuring man’s well-being. Such a use is based on INTELLIGENT FORESIGHT”. This symbol feels very much in keeping with the energy of Uranus in Taurus, with the innovation, progressiveness and clear-sightedness of Uranus combined with Taurus, the sign of security, survival and Mother Earth. This Moon certainly does remind us that there is a thin line between excitement and nervousness, and that change and progress can bring up both fear and excitement. While there is the possibility of some kind of unexpected curveball with this Full Moon, sometimes these shocks or surprises are exactly what are needed to shift our perspective and jolt us out of complacency and stagnation. The idea of change can often bring up resistance in us humans, but if the choice is taken away from us it is easier to simply relax, let go and surrender, allowing whatever comes next to simply unfold! Much Love Amy xoxo Picture: The Fool from the Light Seer’s tarot deck Exact at 11.17am UK time (BST)
This is a powerful Moon, and the second Capricorn Full Moon this year, as the first one occurred on 22 June in the first degrees of Capricorn, while this one is in the very last degree of Capricorn. A Moon in the very last degree of a sign can be a powerful and fateful one, as it represents a “peak” and can bring out the extreme of the sign, as well as the potential for crisis, karma, transformation and also beautiful gifts. There is also a sense of something ending and completing, while what lies ahead not quite being clear yet. It doesn’t happen very often, two Full Moons falling within the same sign in the same year, but it makes sense that we would have two in Capricorn during a year when half the world is having elections! Capricorn is the sign that represents government, authority, management, control, our societal system and the patriarchy, and the Moon is sitting directly opposite the Sun in the last degree of Cancer, the sign that represents our roots, ancestry, heritage, our homeland and the matriarchy. Ideally, we can find some balance between the qualities of the two signs, rather than favouring one over the other. The Sun has been in Cancer since the Solstice on 20 June, emphasising any issues we may have around our ancestral line, intergenerational patterns, our roots, our home and family life, our childhood and the way we handle our emotions. The Cancer part of us wants a safe space to call home, somewhere to retreat to at the end of the day to recharge and unwind. It is the part of us that wants to belong, to put down roots and to find our tribe so that we can feel a sense of family togetherness. Cancer is the emotional, sensitive and nurturing part of us that can sometimes respond somewhat irrationally when our hurt inner child has been activated. It is the part of us that takes care of others but also wants to be taken care of. These will have been the themes for the past month, while the Sun has been in Cancer. Capricorn, on the other hand, is the grown-up, responsible, mature part of us that likes to set goals and work towards them. It is the part of us that can manage and control our emotions, pull our socks up and just get on with it. However, it can also mean that we stuff our feelings down, suppressing or denying them, which isn’t the best way to go about things. Capricorn is the parent or the manager in us, the one who prefers to be in control and takes responsibility for ourselves and others rather than being the dependent or vulnerable one. When we have a Capricorn Full Moon, issues can come up around control, responsibility and authority, in the form of government, management, employers, parents and the “system”. While Cancer represents our emotional patterns of behaviour formed through our emotional experiences in childhood, Capricorn represents the conditioning that we have received throughout our life from parents, teachers, authority figures and society as a whole. Capricorn is the part of us that says, “I should….”, and can act from a sense of duty and responsibility, rather than doing what we really feel in our hearts. However, sometimes we have no choice but to do the right thing, even if it is hard, for that is what it means to have integrity. Interestingly, Uranus is forming supportive aspects to the Sun and Moon, bringing the potential for us to gain some clarity and insight into our conditioned, programmed patterns, which can help us to be free of them. Uranus helps us to see ourselves more objectively, shifting our perspective and helping us to see more clearly how we are stuck or limited. These realisations and potential epiphanies can, in themselves, bring about a shift and liberate us from old, entrenched ways of behaving so that we can be more fully ourselves rather than the person we have been conditioned to be. Mars is also in on the act, as Uranus and Mars are joining forces on 15 July, bringing the potential for acts of rebellion, sudden outbursts of aggression, and for us to act in alignment with our true nature. Mars is also helping and supporting this Full Moon, bringing some energy, courage and fire to the picture. Mars is also forming an exact trine with Pluto, helping us to find the courage, energy and motivation to act on our soul’s desires and to confront ourselves so that we can allow transformation and growth to occur. Mars is at 0° Gemini, helping us to say what needs to be said, confront whatever needs to be confronted, and to be brave enough to make decisions and act on them. Powerful, transforming Pluto is also sitting right next to the Moon and opposing the Sun during this Full Moon, which is highly significant and can bring about a bit of a cosmic kick up the bum! Pluto promotes soul growth, which isn’t always easy, as we often resist what we know, deep down inside of us, is the best thing for us, because the implications are too hard to face. However, Pluto has a tendency to strip away self-deceit and force us to face the bare bones truth of the matter, even if it is inconvenient and uncomfortable! Something bigger than ourselves takes over when Pluto is involved – the force of our own soul wanting to evolve and grow. Those of us with personal planets close to 0° of a sign will be feeling the transforming energy of Pluto the most acutely, especially in the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Pluto is known as the Great Destroyer, and can expose and strip away whatever is outworn, inappropriate, decaying and no longer serving us so that something healthier and more aligned to our true purpose and growth can spring up in its wake. Out of the ashes rises the phoenix! Pluto is moving back toward Capricorn for the last time before it shifts into Aquarius once and for all, so those of us with personal planets or angles around 29° of a sign will also be feeling the power of Pluto. It will be interesting to see what happens on the world stage when Pluto dips back into Capricorn, from 2 September until 20 November, as it does hold the potential to transform the power structures, making them more transparent, exposing the rot within the system. The old world is crumbling to make way for a new earth, but it is unlikely to go down without a fight! This Full Moon could bring a glimpse of what’s to come in September. We also have Neptune forming very tight harmonious aspects to the Sun and Moon, as the planet of dreams, unity, oneness, illusion, empathy, compassion and spiritual connection is also sitting at 29° of Pisces, the very last degree of the entire zodiac. This is a very potent place for Neptune to be and can help us to find our flow and to surrender with faith and trust that we are being guided in the right direction. It does require a high degree of trust to let go of the need to be in control and allow ourselves to surrender to the natural flow and not resist it. However, it is an illusion that we are in control in the first place, so possibly we are simply being called to accept what is and to allow what will be, trusting that it is for our highest good. The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is very interesting indeed, at 30° Capricorn: “A secret meeting of men responsible for executive decisions in world affairs”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The power to assume responsibility for crucial choices arrived at after mature discussions with those who share this power. We are all aware now of the work of secret committees in the White House and at all levels of the government. The student of esoteric philosophy believes in the existence of what has been called an “inner Government” which has the power to direct to guide the evolution of our planet and of mankind. Some people speak of “occult Hierarchy,” or of the “White Lodge.” Here again what is at stake is a “seeing through” the facts of telluric processes and human history – assuming that these facts are at least in part the outcome of the decision of a supreme Council of quasi-divine Beings. Obviously the symbol can also refer to what occurs at the more ordinary level of business and politics. At any level, it refers to the highest form of social interaction. We see in this symbol the culmination of social responsibility and a reference to EXECUTIVE POWER.” Well, that makes sense of Pluto, the planet of power and evolution, being such a big player in this Capricorn Moon! It will be interesting to see what comes to pass, as there surely is a lot occurring on the world stage right now. And as I said, two Capricorn Moons is not surprising, given our current global situation. One can only hope that whatever is discussed is for the greater good of all, rather than for the sake of power, control and greed. On a personal level, this Moon seems to be bringing the potential for some kind of a shift, and for some insight and realisations that could help us to make necessary, albeit potentially difficult, changes. It does feel like there is a lot to be learned from becoming more aware of our history and our ancestral line at the moment, starting with our parents and the patterns that seem to repeat through the generations. Once we are aware of these patterns then we have the power to change them. Much Love Amy xoxo PS: Sending this out early because I am going to be in the middle of nowhere until the Full Moon! Painting: Transformation by Maciej Wierzbicki Exact at 2.07am UK time (BST)
This is the first of two Capricorn Moons this year, the second one occurring on 21 July in the very last degree of Capricorn. For this Full Moon, we are very close to the Solstice on Thursday 20 June, when the Sun moves into Cancer, the sign of home, family, roots and childhood. Having had a veritable Gemini party for the last few weeks, we now have a Cancer party, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus all in this emotional, nurturing, moody, sensitive sign. Full Moons always have the potential to bring some big emotions, bringing whatever may have been simmering away beneath the surface out into the light of our consciousness. This Moon is in Capricorn, a sign that calls for us to take full responsibility for ourselves and to be emotionally mature. Cancer is the part of us that can act and react from our inner child, which can sometimes be a bit irrational and also might find this “being an adult” lark a bit hard to face at times! Capricorn reminds us to pull our socks up and just get on with it and is the part of us that is able to be a bit more stoic and in control of our emotions and impulses. However, emotional control can sometimes go too far if we repress and suppress our emotions, or present a strong façade instead of allowing ourselves to be vulnerable. Cancer balances Capricorn by helping us to be more vulnerable, express our emotional needs and to show our loved ones what we are feeling rather than pretending we are ok when we are not. While the Cancer part of us can sometimes be needy, insecure or moody, the Capricorn part of us can sometimes be emotionally withdrawn, cut off or withholding. In an ideal world we would be able to find some balance between the two signs, rather than veering too far in one direction or the other. Ideally, we would be able to express our needs in an emotionally mature manner, taking responsibility for our own emotional responses rather than placing the blame outside of ourselves while also showing how we feel. Cancer represents our roots, childhood, family and ancestry, while Capricorn represents parental authority and our conditioning, so this Moon and the ensuing Cancer New Moon could highlight any issues we might have around our upbringing, how our childhood has conditioned us to behave and respond emotionally and the impact that our ancestral line has upon us. This Moon could highlight how our conditioning restricts and limits us, so it is important to be aware of the stories we tell ourselves and the judgements we have made about ourselves, because they might not be helping. Cancer and Capricorn bring up the theme of “Nature or Nurture”, as some of our behaviour and responses comes from our genes, while some is learned and programmed during childhood and beyond. We could find ourselves contemplating our “inheritance” and our family line, both maternal and paternal, pondering on the influence they have had on us. Something else that could come up with all this planetary energy in Cancer is the theme of belonging. Cancer season can bring up questions like “Where is home?”, “Who is my family?”, “Where do I truly belong?”, “Is where I am living where I am supposed to be?” and “Where do I feel most at home?” Having somewhere that feels safe and secure, and that feels like home is a very important part of life. When we have our “base” sorted out it can really help with everything else in our lives. Cancer relates to emotional security, and when it is out of balance, we can become needy and insecure. Having a safe base from which to spring out into the world can certainly help with our sense of security. Neptune is forming a dynamic square aspect to the Sun and Moon, which could make this a rather sensitive Moon. We could find ourselves having to work on our boundaries somehow, as they could become a bit blurry. Neptune has been sitting at 29° Pisces for a while now, which is the very last degree of the entire zodiac and is now preparing to turn retrograde on 2 July. We are preparing for a shift, but Neptune can make things a bit foggy and confusing, so what comes next may not be clear yet. It is as if we are teetering on the edge of something, ready for change, but we are unable to see the way ahead quite yet. With Neptune being such a big part of this Moon, this feeling could be intensified. Neptune reminds us to keep an eye out for the signs, follow the flow of the river and take the path of least resistance. This can be a little hard for the Capricorn part of us that prefers to maintain a sense of being in control! However, when the way ahead is not clear, all we can do is watch and wait and feel into it rather than trying to force matters. Those of us with personal planets and angles around 29° of a sign, especially the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, or 1° of the cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will be feeling the ego-dissolving, spiritualising, confusing, sensitising energy of Neptune the most acutely. We tend to feel a little more vulnerable during a Neptune transit, and more idealistic, self-sacrificing and apt to see what we want to see rather than what is really there. Neptune can tend to focus more on fantasy than reality. Pluto is also forming aspects to the Sun and Moon, although the aspect to the Cancer Sun is stronger. Interestingly, Pluto will also be involved in the second Capricorn Full Moon. Pluto brings about transformation, destroying whatever is not serving us so that something healthier and more appropriate can take its place. Pluto strips away self-deceit and forces us to see what we might usually prefer to deny, bury or sweep under the carpet, forcing us to be emotionally honest. With Pluto in Aquarius forming an exact inconjunct aspect to the Cancer Sun, we could be forced to face some uncomfortable material during this Moon, potentially around family, our home, our roots and our sense of belonging. Pluto in Aquarius is calling for us to develop a greater sense of community and to gather with our tribe of like-minded people – our soul family, so to speak. Mercury in Cancer is also square the Nodes of the Moon during this Full Moon, exact the following day. Mercury and the Nodes can bring important and fateful messages, ideas, conversations and decisions that have an impact on our collective and personal destiny. Mercury in Cancer can mean that our mind, communication and perceptions are somewhat coloured by our emotions, and can cause us to dwell on the past. It can also help us to talk about our feelings and to connect with other people emotionally when we speak. The Aries North Node is calling for us to prioritise ourselves more and let go of codependent, people-pleasing tendencies, focusing more on our own needs and asserting ourselves more, especially if we tend to avoid conflict. We could have thoughts or conversations that highlight this. The Sabian symbol for this Moon, at 2° Capricorn, is a poignant one, and relevant for the times we live in: ” Three rose windows in a Gothic church, one damaged by war” which Rudyar describes as “The necessary realisation by any individual making a violent use of collective power that it will lead to the inevitable destruction of some of the values ensuring group-integration. It seems obvious that the interpretation of this symbol should refer to the disruptive consequences of war. The “chief” who claimed power from his tribe, in order to lead or save it, must reckon with the consequences of a too-impulsive use of this power in terms of violence. The integration he seeks to maintain or enhance may be partially destroyed if in his ambition he yearns to be the victorious war leader glorified by his people. A “rose window” is not absolutely essential to a cathedral, yet it symbolises that through which the “light of the Spirit” enters into the edifice. Man’s soul is said to be three-fold. Which part of man’s inner trinity of principles tends to be destroyed by the use of violence? Evidently the principle of love and compassion”. This is a powerful symbol for a potent Moon. The Cancer Capricorn polarity also relates to the Matriarchy and Patriarchy. With all this energy currently in Cancer, including Venus, there is a greater emphasis on the matriarchal values of caretaking, nurturing, peacebuilding and consensus finding, versus the patriarchal values of dominance, control and hierarchical power that have been so prevalent for so many years. Indeed, Mercury in Cancer squaring the “Peace and War” Nodal axis could hopefully prompt some discussions and decisions on this matter. In the meantime, this Capricorn Moon calls for us to develop greater emotional maturity and to take responsibility for our emotional landscape. This could also be a great time for becoming more consciously aware of the patterns, traits and gifts that we have inherited from our ancestors on both sides. The past always has the power to inform the future. Much Love Amy xoxo Painting: Growing up by Lisinka Exact at 2.53pm UK time (BST)
This Moon has a warm, enthusiastic, forward looking and hopeful feeling to it, which could bring a welcome breather after the intensity of some of the recent Moons! The Sun is now in Gemini, a sign which is quite light, youthful, adaptable and playful. The pace often quickens during Gemini season, as it is a very communicative and mentally active sign that likes to pass information around, much like a butterfly spreading pollen from flower to flower. Gemini is the part of us that wants to keep up with the latest news and likes to interact with the people around us. However, in the shadow form this can include gossip, slander and even outright lies. It can sometimes be hard to know how much of what we hear is the truth, which is where Sagittarius comes in, calling for us to listen to our gut. As with every Full Moon, we have the Sun sitting directly opposite the Moon, calling for us to find some balance between the energy of the two signs, in this case Gemini and Sagittarius. Sagittarius is an adventurous, enthusiastic, resilient, optimistic sign that helps us to see the light at the end of the tunnel and the silver lining in every cloud. As such, this Full Moon does feel like it could lighten the atmosphere somewhat and strengthen our faith. Sagittarius is the part of us that trusts our gut and listens to our intuition, even when it doesn’t necessarily make logical sense. Gemini likes things to make sense and can help us to back up our intuitive “hunch” with facts, data and “proof”. It can also help us to make sense of what we are intuiting and helps us to find the right words to express our inner “knowing” in a way that others can accept and understand. Gemini season can bring a lot of information for us to sift through, although not all of it may be true. It could be hard to see the wood for the trees in terms of the news we receive from the media, as we are surrounded by illusions, propaganda, hidden agendas and smoke screens. It is hard to know what is true these days, in this world we are living in. This is where we must rely on our own gut instinct and trust our intuition as we read between the lines. Sometimes we ourselves can send mixed messages or say things that do not come from a place of truth, so it is important to be mindful of this and to be aware of when we are not being entirely truthful to ourselves or others. Truth flows easily, while a lie can cause us to falter or stutter, or struggle to find the right words. It is hard to be truthful all of the time, however, as we can only be honest with others in as much as we have been honest with ourselves, but we can do our best. This Full Moon certainly could bring something to a head involving truth and lies. However, it could also bring a boost of faith and optimism, as Sagittarius can help us to see hidden meaning in the smallest things, bringing a sense of hope and trust. A butterfly landing on us at a key moment, or a feather floating down in front of us in a moment of questioning or doubt can bring an important reminder that we are supported and on track. This is the kind of Moon that brings us signs and messages that can help us to open up to possibilities that we may have missed. It can help us to keep an eye out for the signposts that can show us the way forward, if only we are open and able to see. It can help remind us of the magic in life. Pluto and Neptune are also supporting this Moon, which is very helpful indeed! Pluto is the strongest influence, as it is exact, bringing transformation and empowerment, reminding us of our core purpose and helping to lead us in the right direction. Pluto brings psychological insight so that we can understand ourselves better and see what might be blocking us from living our best life. Pluto in Aquarius is prompting us to connect with like-minded souls and contemplate how to create the life we envision, based on equality, freedom and community. Neptune helps us to find the flow in our lives and to surrender to it. We are called to recognise where there is resistance in our lives and where the energy naturally wants to flow. The path of least resistance is definitely the way forward! Neptune is supporting Jupiter and Venus, bringing such a feeling of faith, hope and trust that we are ultimately being guided in the right direction. Fear can easily block the natural flow of energy, so it is important that we maintain a sense of trust that our higher self knows the way and will lead us there. The expression “Go with the Flow” has never been more appropriate than now! If it feels right, go for it, but if it feels blocked or difficult, chances are it is not right for us, or at least not right now. Jupiter is the ruler of this Sagittarius Moon and is joining forces with Venus in the very last degree of Taurus! What a beautiful combination this is, bringing such a sense of warmth, generosity of spirit, goodwill, feelings of gratitude and abundance, and loving kindness. This helps us to know that we have the capacity to attract whatever we need, as long as we maintain an attitude of gratitude for all that we already have. It reminds us that we are held and supported by Mother Earth, and to keep the faith that we will always be provided for. On another level, this combination can mean that we overdo it slightly in the pleasure department, possibly by overeating or having one drink too many. Jupiter is the planet of excess, after all! Those of us with personal planets or angles around 29° of a sign will feel this warm, generous-spirited, abundant energy of Jupiter and Venus most acutely, especially the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Neptune is also sitting at 29° Pisces, which is the very last degree of the entire zodiac, and this feels incredibly significant. What needs to be dissolved and released? It feels like we are being asked to truly know what it means to surrender to the flow of life, letting go of whatever no longer holds meaning as we step into the next phase. However, we could also experience feelings of overwhelm, disillusionment, confusion, acute sensitivity and dissolution of ego, as well as heightened empathy and compassion. Neptune is the planet of unity, oneness, sacrifice, dreams, illusions, fantasy and the collective consciousness, and is in the very last degree of its own sign, which is very powerful indeed. Those of us with personal planets or angles around 29° of a sign, especially the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, will feel this energy the most strongly. The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon, at 3° Sagittarius, is an interesting one, considering all that is at play in the world right now: “Two men playing chess”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The transcendent ritualisation of conflict. Essential to socio-cultural living is the transmutation of man’s natural aggressiveness under most conditions of existence. Many rituals, sports and games have no other basic aim. In chess the complex types of energies which in their togetherness constitute a human person are symbolised by six kinds of pieces (king, queen, bishops, knights, rooks and pawns). The struggle between light and darkness (the Yang and Yin forces) is ritualised, ending in most cases with the checkmating of the king (the ego, the conscious self). In a dualistic world such a contest between polarised forces is omnipresent. The chess game trains men to be more objective, more careful, more aware of whole situations – and less impulsive, and intent upon side issues. This symbol deals with conflict, but at the level of group culture and psychological symbolisation. It brings to the objective consciousness the basic realities in interpersonal INTERPLAY.” As we also have Mars the Warrior moving towards Chiron the Wounded Healer in Aries, exact on 29 May, this does feel like a rather appropriate symbol. This could bring up a lot around assertion, motivation, aggression, war, sexuality, anger, conflict and confrontation, on both a personal and collective level. This Moon, however, feels like a reminder to trust our intuition, to keep the faith, to look out for the signs and omens that can show us the way and to trust in the flow of life. Sagittarius and Gemini do bring up issues around truth and lies, so we are called to read between the lines, while also making sure that we are being as honest with ourselves and others as possible. The truth shall set you free! Much Love Amy xoxo Painting: Faith and Trust - by Amy Bird Exact at 00.48 UK time (BST)
This Full Moon packs a punch, that is for sure! Not only is the Moon full in intense, powerful, transforming Scorpio, but Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio is also in on the act! Full Moons tend to bring things to a head emotionally, so that whatever has been simmering beneath the surface is brought out into the light of consciousness, illuminated by the light of the Moon. Scorpio likes to dig deep, helping us to confront anything we might usually prefer to sweep under the carpet and avoid because we are ashamed of it or in denial. A Scorpio full Moon has the power to expose our secrets, fears, desires and those parts of us that usually remain hidden and relegated to the shadows. It also brings the gift of transformation. The Sun is now in down to earth, fertile, loyal Taurus, having recently left Aries. Taurus energy is good at fixing things into place, and enjoys the sensual delights, including cooking and gardening. However, Taurus is also the part of us that resists change and can find it hard to see a way out of stagnant, limiting situations, which is where Scorpio comes in. This Moon holds the potential for profound transformation and the capacity to release ourselves from any comfortable ruts that might be holding us back from growth. Scorpio can help us to walk across that burning bridge and not look back, releasing us from any unhealthy attachments and shedding old skin so that we can emerge, shiny and new, albeit slightly vulnerable and exposed! This is the kind of Moon that could bring up some rather intense emotions that really penetrate to the heart of the matter, forcing us to face the bare truth, even if that makes us feel quite uncomfortable. We all have aspects of ourselves that we have rejected, disowned and hidden in shadow, tending to project out onto others rather than recognising them in ourselves. Indeed, any quirks about another person that bring up intense emotions and an extreme reaction can very often signify an aspect of us that we deny and cannot see. This is the kind of Moon that could trigger these unowned, shadowy bits, forcing us to look at ourselves in the mirror and find some acceptance around what we see there. We can gain a lot of insight into ourselves during a Scorpio Full Moon, stripping away self-deceit and allowing any emotions that come up to reveal whatever we may have been hiding from. Pluto’s involvement in this Moon further intensifies the potential for transformation and raw emotional honesty. What are the chances that the ruler of the Full Moon also happens to be squaring the Sun and Moon?! This is no coincidence, that’s for sure. Pluto in Aquarius is calling for us to rediscover the original spark that we came into this life with, our true, authentic, unique self that still exists within us all, buried underneath the layers of conditioning, life experience and programming that have piled on top of it since the moment we were born. Pluto in Aquarius encourages us to find our tribe, connecting to like-minded brothers and sisters and playing a bigger part in our local community. It can liberate us from what we “should” be doing and encourage us to focus on what we truly love. Aquarius is the sign of equality, liberty and brotherhood/sisterhood. A new way of being is revealing itself, and we are invited to be open, flexible and willing to adapt and ride the waves of change. There is something very real about Pluto’s involvement in this Moon. This is a time of rebirth and transformation, when things are starting to bloom in the Northern Hemisphere and fall away in the Southern Hemisphere. Pluto’s energy can strip away and expose anything that is unhealthy, unhelpful and “rotten” in order for new, healthy growth to replace it. Pluto calls for us to align with our truth and heed the calling of our soul. This is not always a comfortable process and can involve some radical self-honesty which takes us deep within, into some kind of metaphorical chrysalis which is a deeply internal, personal process, before we are ready to emerge as a magnificent and beautiful butterfly. Pluto reminds us that the darkest moment is just before dawn. Running alongside this Full Moon we also have the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus, which peaked on Saturday/Sunday and is on the wane but is still strong. This represents the beginning of a new cycle, a shift of consciousness and a radical change in values. There is a sense that what used to hold meaning for us is undergoing a big shift, so let’s see what starts to unfold now as we move into a new way of being, along with the new values and priorities that come with that change. The last time Jupiter and Uranus joined together was in June 2010, and the last time they joined together in Taurus, the sign of values, survival, finance and self-worth, was in 1941, a very significant time in history. Change is afoot, and we are invited to open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities to step out of the tried and tested way of approaching life and how we earn a living. There is such potential for growth and progression here if we are willing and able to shift our perspective and embrace a new way of being. As I mentioned, Taurus is the part of us that resists change, while Jupiter and Uranus offer us an opportunity to step outside the comfort zone and embark on an exciting new adventure in whatever area of our natal chart this conjunction falls in. Those of us with personal planets and angles around 21° of a sign, especially the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, will feel the exciting, new, revolutionary, liberating energy of this conjunction the most acutely. We also have retrograde Mercury standing still right on top of the Aries North Node, getting ready to turn direct on Friday. This feels very significant and could provide us with a crucial bit of information that is important for our growth. Possibly we will have an important conversation that somehow changes our course, or possibly we will receive a message that is challenging to hear but which clears the air and brings clarity and growth. Aries can bring honest, open, candid, direct and forthright communication that really gets things out into the open, even if it challenges us and makes us feel somewhat uncomfortable. We could also have the initial spark of a new idea or way of thinking that brings new growth. The last time Mercury joined the North Node was on 19 March, before going retrograde, so there could be a link between now and then, or possibly a continuation. Anyone with personal planets or angles around 15° of a sign, especially the cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, will feel it the most strongly. Chiron the Wounded Healer and Venus are also conjoining at 20° Aries, exact on Sunday 21 April, but still strong during the Moon. This can bring the potential for both pain and healing in our relationships, which certainly adds to the soup! Again, direct, open honesty is the order of the day. It seems like there is the potential for some kind of clearing in order to usher in the new. The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon, at 5° Scorpio, is an interesting one: “A massive rocky shore resists the pounding of the sea”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The inertia of all institutionalised procedures. Slow is the rise of the land from the vast ocean, but once it is formed it develops a formidable resistance to change in spite of storms. Likewise, once a culture has expressed its basic symbols and its particular way of thinking, feeling and acting in concrete institutions, these change very slowly indeed. We see in this symbol how binding and resistant a communal way of life can become. In this there is strength and stability, and these are necessary factors in the social life of man – until new horizons beckon. The keyword is STABILITY.” This symbol feels very much in line with the transforming nature of this Moon, and the resistance that the Taurus part of us can feel to change, both personally and collectively! However, change is inevitable. Things simply can’t stay the same, as we are ever evolving, and growth can’t occur without the willingness to flex, bend and change. It will be interesting to see what comes up during this Moon, as there is the potential for some raw honesty that could be uncomfortable, exposing, insightful and transforming. These are exciting times, that’s for sure, and we are invited to step forward with courage, openness, faith and trust that we are held and supported through this period of transition and uncertainty. Much Love Amy xoxo Painting – Transformation, by Joyce Huntington |
Amy BirdI love writing about the Moon and the effect it has on us all, both collectively and personally. We all look at the same Moon and feel her energy, albeit in different ways. It reminds us that we are not alone and there is something very comforting about that! Archives
December 2024