This Moon has a warm, enthusiastic, forward looking and hopeful feeling to it, which could bring a welcome breather after the intensity of some of the recent Moons! The Sun is now in Gemini, a sign which is quite light, youthful, adaptable and playful. The pace often quickens during Gemini season, as it is a very communicative and mentally active sign that likes to pass information around, much like a butterfly spreading pollen from flower to flower. Gemini is the part of us that wants to keep up with the latest news and likes to interact with the people around us. However, in the shadow form this can include gossip, slander and even outright lies. It can sometimes be hard to know how much of what we hear is the truth, which is where Sagittarius comes in, calling for us to listen to our gut.
As with every Full Moon, we have the Sun sitting directly opposite the Moon, calling for us to find some balance between the energy of the two signs, in this case Gemini and Sagittarius. Sagittarius is an adventurous, enthusiastic, resilient, optimistic sign that helps us to see the light at the end of the tunnel and the silver lining in every cloud. As such, this Full Moon does feel like it could lighten the atmosphere somewhat and strengthen our faith. Sagittarius is the part of us that trusts our gut and listens to our intuition, even when it doesn’t necessarily make logical sense. Gemini likes things to make sense and can help us to back up our intuitive “hunch” with facts, data and “proof”. It can also help us to make sense of what we are intuiting and helps us to find the right words to express our inner “knowing” in a way that others can accept and understand.
Gemini season can bring a lot of information for us to sift through, although not all of it may be true. It could be hard to see the wood for the trees in terms of the news we receive from the media, as we are surrounded by illusions, propaganda, hidden agendas and smoke screens. It is hard to know what is true these days, in this world we are living in. This is where we must rely on our own gut instinct and trust our intuition as we read between the lines. Sometimes we ourselves can send mixed messages or say things that do not come from a place of truth, so it is important to be mindful of this and to be aware of when we are not being entirely truthful to ourselves or others. Truth flows easily, while a lie can cause us to falter or stutter, or struggle to find the right words. It is hard to be truthful all of the time, however, as we can only be honest with others in as much as we have been honest with ourselves, but we can do our best.
This Full Moon certainly could bring something to a head involving truth and lies. However, it could also bring a boost of faith and optimism, as Sagittarius can help us to see hidden meaning in the smallest things, bringing a sense of hope and trust. A butterfly landing on us at a key moment, or a feather floating down in front of us in a moment of questioning or doubt can bring an important reminder that we are supported and on track. This is the kind of Moon that brings us signs and messages that can help us to open up to possibilities that we may have missed. It can help us to keep an eye out for the signposts that can show us the way forward, if only we are open and able to see. It can help remind us of the magic in life.
Pluto and Neptune are also supporting this Moon, which is very helpful indeed! Pluto is the strongest influence, as it is exact, bringing transformation and empowerment, reminding us of our core purpose and helping to lead us in the right direction. Pluto brings psychological insight so that we can understand ourselves better and see what might be blocking us from living our best life. Pluto in Aquarius is prompting us to connect with like-minded souls and contemplate how to create the life we envision, based on equality, freedom and community.
Neptune helps us to find the flow in our lives and to surrender to it. We are called to recognise where there is resistance in our lives and where the energy naturally wants to flow. The path of least resistance is definitely the way forward! Neptune is supporting Jupiter and Venus, bringing such a feeling of faith, hope and trust that we are ultimately being guided in the right direction. Fear can easily block the natural flow of energy, so it is important that we maintain a sense of trust that our higher self knows the way and will lead us there. The expression “Go with the Flow” has never been more appropriate than now! If it feels right, go for it, but if it feels blocked or difficult, chances are it is not right for us, or at least not right now.
Jupiter is the ruler of this Sagittarius Moon and is joining forces with Venus in the very last degree of Taurus! What a beautiful combination this is, bringing such a sense of warmth, generosity of spirit, goodwill, feelings of gratitude and abundance, and loving kindness. This helps us to know that we have the capacity to attract whatever we need, as long as we maintain an attitude of gratitude for all that we already have. It reminds us that we are held and supported by Mother Earth, and to keep the faith that we will always be provided for. On another level, this combination can mean that we overdo it slightly in the pleasure department, possibly by overeating or having one drink too many. Jupiter is the planet of excess, after all!
Those of us with personal planets or angles around 29° of a sign will feel this warm, generous-spirited, abundant energy of Jupiter and Venus most acutely, especially the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
Neptune is also sitting at 29° Pisces, which is the very last degree of the entire zodiac, and this feels incredibly significant. What needs to be dissolved and released? It feels like we are being asked to truly know what it means to surrender to the flow of life, letting go of whatever no longer holds meaning as we step into the next phase. However, we could also experience feelings of overwhelm, disillusionment, confusion, acute sensitivity and dissolution of ego, as well as heightened empathy and compassion. Neptune is the planet of unity, oneness, sacrifice, dreams, illusions, fantasy and the collective consciousness, and is in the very last degree of its own sign, which is very powerful indeed. Those of us with personal planets or angles around 29° of a sign, especially the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, will feel this energy the most strongly.
The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon, at 3° Sagittarius, is an interesting one, considering all that is at play in the world right now: “Two men playing chess”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The transcendent ritualisation of conflict. Essential to socio-cultural living is the transmutation of man’s natural aggressiveness under most conditions of existence. Many rituals, sports and games have no other basic aim. In chess the complex types of energies which in their togetherness constitute a human person are symbolised by six kinds of pieces (king, queen, bishops, knights, rooks and pawns). The struggle between light and darkness (the Yang and Yin forces) is ritualised, ending in most cases with the checkmating of the king (the ego, the conscious self). In a dualistic world such a contest between polarised forces is omnipresent. The chess game trains men to be more objective, more careful, more aware of whole situations – and less impulsive, and intent upon side issues. This symbol deals with conflict, but at the level of group culture and psychological symbolisation. It brings to the objective consciousness the basic realities in interpersonal INTERPLAY.”
As we also have Mars the Warrior moving towards Chiron the Wounded Healer in Aries, exact on 29 May, this does feel like a rather appropriate symbol. This could bring up a lot around assertion, motivation, aggression, war, sexuality, anger, conflict and confrontation, on both a personal and collective level. This Moon, however, feels like a reminder to trust our intuition, to keep the faith, to look out for the signs and omens that can show us the way and to trust in the flow of life. Sagittarius and Gemini do bring up issues around truth and lies, so we are called to read between the lines, while also making sure that we are being as honest with ourselves and others as possible. The truth shall set you free!
Much Love
Painting: Faith and Trust - by Amy Bird