Exact at 2.55am UK time (BST)
Virgo season always has a “back to school” kind of vibe, and the Virgo New Moon is a great time to contemplate what healthy routines we might want to put into place as we move forward. There is a lot of helpful planetary energy around at the moment bringing the potential for change, insight, transformation and clarity, and this Moon can certainly help us to make any tweaks and adjustments necessary to help us on our way. Virgo is the part of us that always feels like we can somehow do better, to the point that we can sometimes be quite hard on ourselves. However, while this Moon is an invitation to recognise what needs improving and changing, it is very important not to be too self-critical or perfectionistic in the process. We are all simply a work in progress, doing the best we can with the tools we have been given! Saturn is also in on the act during this New Moon, helping to add some discipline to the picture. This is an ideal time to think about our habits and to make changes wherever needed. Virgo season is an opportunity to consider putting into place new habits, routines and ways of eating that can help us to feel better and to function more efficiently. While Leo season brought a fair degree of fun, romantic, expressive, playful energy, Virgo season comes along and can help us to actually take pleasure in putting our lives into some kind of order and taking care of our health! Saturn’s influence can help us to take control of our lives and bodies, as long as we are not too rigid about it all, or too judgemental of ourselves. Neptune is a big player in the Moon, however, forming aspects to Mars, Uranus and Pluto. Indeed, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are all playing nicely with each other right now, bringing the potential for spiritual insight, clarity, awakening, transformation, opening, flow and the ability to shift out of stagnation and to open up to new opportunities and potential. Those of us with personal planets or angles between 27° and 29° of a sign will feel this opening, accepting, transforming energy of these three planets the most acutely. The Moon does feel like an opportunity to shift out of stagnation. Neptune is forming a dynamic, challenging square to Mars that is exact at the time of this New Moon. On the one hand this could mean that our motivation and drive are somewhat lower than usual, while on the other hand we may be encouraged to simply relax, trust, allow and receive, rather than pushing or striving too hard to make things happen. Some might call this procrastination, while others would say that we are simply waiting for the right moment, when inspiration hits and the energy is flowing freely and easily. Mercury, the rule of this Moon, is now direct after being retrograde from 4 August until 28 August. It is also forming a challenging square aspect to Uranus and a supportive flowing trine aspect to Chiron the Wounded Healer. Chiron and Mercury, exact on 2 September, can bring honest, healing conversations, whereby we are better able to understand and talk about our core wounds and how they are playing out in our lives. Those of us with personal planets or angles around 22° of a sign will feel the energy of Chiron the most strongly. The Mercury and Uranus square, building to exact on 7 September, can help us to think outside of the box, opening up to other ways of looking at whatever we are dealing with right now. Uranus is a particularly strong energy during this Moon, as it literally turns retrograde on 2 September, the day before the Moon. We could receive shocking news, or we could experience some kind of wake-up call, or sudden insights, realisations and moments of clarity that jolt us into a greater state of awareness and understanding. It is important to be open to changing our mind, perspective and opinions. Those of us with personal planets or angles at 27° of a sign, especially the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, will feel the energy of Uranus and this square most acutely. Venus is sitting right next to the South Node during this Moon, exact at 6° Libra. This feels important and fateful for our relationships, as we are called to release any old patterns of relating that no longer serving us. There is the potential for actual relationships ending during this time, as we feel a greater need to take care of our own needs and let go of any people pleasing or codependent tendencies. Libra seeks balance, harmony, peace and fairness, and if these are being compromised in some way then we may be called to do something about it. This certainly does feel like an important moment for relationships, especially for those of us with personal planets or angles around 6° of a sign, the cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn being most strongly affected. Pluto moves from Aquarius back into Capricorn for one final time on 2 September, where it will remain until 19 November, when it moves into Aquarius for 19 years, until 2043. Pluto was in Capricorn from 2008 until 2024 and has been slowly but surely exposing the rot in the patriarchal structures such as corporations, big business and governments, revealing what is corrupt, outworn, decaying and no longer appropriate in the system that governs us. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next couple of months, as Pluto has its last foray into all things Capricorn! The old order is crumbling, there is no doubt about it, as Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, does its last bit of slow, deep, profound and thorough transformation in the sign that represents patriarchal values, governments and societal and personal foundations and conditioning. What needs to fall away in the next couple of months in order to make way for the new energy coming in? What rules have we been living by that simply aren’t appropriate anymore? Both personally and collectively, it will be interesting to see what changes and transforms in the area of life where Pluto is currently sitting in our charts. Those of us with personal planets or angles around 29° and 0° of a sign will probably feel that sense of something being stripped away in order to make way for something more aligned with our soul to take its place. It could almost feel like a part of us is passing away for us to be somehow reborn. Capricorn represents the structures of our lives and the “programming” we have received since birth, and so Pluto could have just a little more work to do in dismantling any structures or conditioning that are no longer viable or healthy for us. Let’s see what happens, personally and collectively in the next couple of months. The Sabian symbol for this New Moon, at 12° Virgo, is very interesting, especially considering Pluto, “exposing” presence as it moves back into Capricorn “After the wedding, the groom snatches the veil away from his bride”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The penetrating and unveiling power of the trained mind. We have here a scene stressing a physical action with psychological and/or spiritual overtones. In ancient cosmologies the male god often appears in three roles as son, husband and father of the woman element of nature. Nature is fulfilled by the human mind, and will that overcome her; she resists only better to be subdued by the power that transcends her, and by transcending her gives her a spiritual meaning. The element of “training” in the symbolic scene comes from the fact that there has been a marriage ritual; thus the sociocultural factor is in the background. The teacher-guru is here the priest who has performed the ritual. At this stage the rules are reversed, the masculine element assuming the dynamic positive part in the great play of polarity. The masculine act balances the feminine dream visualisation. The Keyword is UNVEILING. There can also be an unveiling of mysteries, long protected by secrecy.” This Moon certainly does hold the potential for revelations, realisations and discoveries that can bring greater clarity, insight and understanding into our lives. With both Pluto and Uranus so present and strong, there is a sense that we are not allowed to hide behind pretences, so we must show our true, authentic self rather than keeping it hidden behind a veil of illusion. Snatching the veil away could simply mean that we are called to drop the façade in terms of the way we relate to one another, releasing any barriers and dropping any walls that prevent true intimacy, transparency and deep, honest relating. This can also relate to the power structures, of course, as secrets could be revealed. There is a certain quality of cleansing and purity to Virgo, the sign of self-improvement, and so this Moon seems to be inviting us to step up as the best version of ourselves that we can be. Much Love Amy xoxo Photo: Beyond the Veil, by She Who Is Art PLUTO AND SUN MOVE FROM CAPRICORN INTO AQUARIUS
Powerful Pluto, the planet of transformation, power/powerlessness, death/rebirth, the subconscious and the soul, is teaming up with the Sun in Capricorn at the moment, as they both prepare to move into Aquarius in the next couple of days. This has the potential to make everything very “real” and a bit heavy, as we are forced to confront material that we may prefer to deny or avoid! Pluto forces us to strip away self-deceit and to be very honest with ourselves, penetrating to the heart of the matter, even if it is very uncomfortable. We may be forced to take our power back and to recognise how we give it away. This combo certainly can bring a very uncomfortable reality check, but it is important to sit with whatever comes up, because this is where the buried treasure lies! We could find the truth of the matter glaring at us, whether we like it or not! We could also be facing issues around loss and mortality. There could be a significant shift of energy, however, as both the Sun and Pluto move into Aquarius this weekend. Aquarius represents freedom, brotherhood/sisterhood, progression, humanitarianism, liberation from our conditioning, revolution and the power of friendship and community. It is a much lighter energy, so hopefully we will feel a bit of a lift and a feeling of liberation in the coming week! The Sun moves into Aquarius at 2.30pm on Saturday (UK time) and Pluto moves in at 9.30am on Sunday (UK time). Those of us with personal planets and angles around 29° and 0/1° of a sign will be feeling the energy of Pluto the most acutely, especially around 29° of the Cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, and 0/1° of the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. However, we will probably all be feeling this one, on one level or another! Much Love Amy xoxo Exact at 7.31pm UK time (BST)
This is an incredibly potent New Moon at a very important time in our evolution, both personally and collectively. New Moons are powerfully energetic times of the month, as they are a chance to shed the old and birth the new. This Moon is especially so because the Sun and Moon are tapping into the energy of Pluto squaring the Nodes, which is coming to a peak now. I cannot emphasise enough the importance of this time, as it gives us an opportunity to take a step forward in our soul growth if we are willing to delve into some uncomfortable areas within our psyche and have a good look at what we find there. It’s not fun, looking at old, buried material, but we can gain so much at this time from owning our gnarly bits instead of projecting them out onto others and putting the blame outside of ourselves. This Moon can help us in this process, especially as the Sun and Moon are in the emotional, sensitive and nurturing sign of Cancer. This is a sign that can really help us to get in touch with our emotions and recognise how they play out in our lives. Indeed, during Cancer season, which started on the Solstice, we are encouraged to connect to our feelings and allow our emotions to be our guidance system. This is a very good time indeed to listen to and tend to our inner child and to recognise what that part of us needs for us to function in a healthy and balanced way within our adult relationships. We all have the little child within us that rears up occasionally, often as an emotional overreaction when something or someone triggers old wounds and sensitivities. We are all human and we all have our sensitive areas! With Pluto and the Nodes currently helping to bring the darkness out into the light, exposing our shadows, this could certainly be a time when our sore spots are triggered, and the hurt inner child gets activated. However, it is important to recognise the gift that we are being given when this happens, because it does bring such an opportunity to see ourselves more clearly, to nurture the child within and to hopefully lay some demons to rest. If we are willing to let our emotions show us the way and really listen to them and do the inner work, we have a profound opportunity for amazing shifts and tremendous growth. This is the very last moment of the Nodes being in Taurus and Scorpio, which is poignant for this Moon, as the Taurus North Node has been urging us towards a greater sense of peace and simplicity, letting go of the emotional intensity and drama of the Scorpio South Node. The Nodes switch signs at 9pm UK time, not long after the Moon is exact. Once the Nodes move into Aries and Libra the energy of Pluto squaring the Nodes could increase in intensity because they will all be in cardinal signs, as will the Sun and Moon. Indeed, we will have a Grand Cardinal Cross that has the potential to bring quite an energetic shift on a personal and collective level. This Moon certainly packs a punch, that’s for sure! Between 17 July and 23 July, the energy of Pluto square the Nodes will be at its strongest, which could bring the darkness out into the light, both personally and collectively. It will be interesting to see what is revealed or exposed during this time within the power structures and systems that govern us, not to mention the financial system. With Pluto back in Capricorn we have the potential for the death of the old order to continue, as the antiquated patriarchal system continues to crumble away, making way for a new world. However, sometimes we must peer into the darkness in order to find the light. And the brighter we shine our light, the larger the shadows can appear! It is important to remember that it is always darkest just before dawn. On a personal level, this is a profound moment for us, especially those of us with personal planets or angles around 29° Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn and 0° of the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. We could be well and truly pushed out of our comfort zone and forced to confront the deepest, darkest, most compulsive parts of our psyche. A Cancer Moon calls for us to really feel the feelings, no matter how uncomfortable we may feel! This could be a time of considerable psychological insight, when we are better able to access and understand those ingrained patterns, compulsions, resistance and emotions that sometimes come rising up from the depths of our subconscious and take over. This is the time to make the unconscious conscious and to take a proper look at the not so pretty parts of us, as uncomfortable as it may feel. It is so easy to project our shadows outward and to blame others. It is much harder, but also much more rewarding, to take a long, hard look in the ugly mirror and take responsibility for whatever we find there. We have an opportunity for an almighty purge right now, and for us to take a leap forward in soul growth. The choice is ours. We can leave the gnarly stuff under the carpet or we can bring it out into the light of day so that it can lose its power. We may have to be brave, but it is worth it. We have the chance to bring some dark, dense material into the light and transmute it. We do have support from Uranus and Neptune, which is a blessing indeed. Uranus brings the potential for shifting out of stagnant patterns and can help us to wake up and see ourselves from a higher, more detached perspective. It can help jolt us into a greater awareness and to free ourselves from old, heavy conditioning. Neptune helps to dissolve our ego and bring a greater sense of acceptance, so that we feel less fear and can surrender to flow instead of resisting it. It can also help us to find compassion for ourselves and others, as well as the faith and trust that we are being guided and protected through whatever process we are going through. Pluto and Neptune are forming a Yod, or Finger of God formation with Venus in Leo, with the finger pointing towards Venus! The focus is on our relationships, our values, our feelings of self-worth, or lack of it, our finances and the economy in general. We may have to face some uncomfortable material around our relationships, as we are forced to dig deep and be very honest about ourselves, our loved ones and the relationships themselves. It is quite possible that some uncomfortable truths could be revealed, but this could bring a greater level of intimacy and trust within our relationships and more transparency within the economy. However, with Neptune involved things could get confusing, but we are called to find a greater level of acceptance and connection within our relationships. The Sabian symbol for this Moon, at 25° Cancer, is interesting, in the light of Pluto square the Nodes: “A will-full man is overshadowed by a descent of superior power”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The response of spiritual forces to the integration of personality through positive, will-full endeavours. We are dealing here with a man who uses his will and positive imagination in facing his life problems. To him comes a Pentecostal descent of power. He receives the “mantle of power,” the grace (Baraka in Sufi philosophy) or the Providential assistance which can make him a true leader in his culture. In this symbol we see a transcendent expression of “success.” It is not merely external success (as is given by society to its prima donnas), but a spiritual response, a sign of inner strength and uncommon ENDOWMENT.” This certainly is one powerful Moon, with the potential to help us shift and grow considerably on a soul level. We could have been given opportunities in recent times to recognise how our inner child operates within our lives and to do some inner work that brings tremendous insight and soul growth. It is time to face the shadows, both personally and collectively! A Cancer New Moon truly is a gift because it allows us to get in touch with our emotions and can also help us to release and express them, which can be such a relief! Another theme of Cancer is belonging. Where and with whom do we feel most at home? Who is in our tribe? Who is our family? Where do we belong? This Moon can hopefully help us to answer these questions. We are not alone. Much Love Amy xoxo Picture: Loving your inner child by Gioia Albano Exact at 12.40pm UK time (GMT)
This certainly is a noteworthy Full Moon, not least because Saturn moves from Aquarius into Pisces less than an hour after the Moon reaches its peak. When a heavyweight planet such as Saturn moves signs it can bring about a shift of energy as the focus moves from one sign to another. Full Moons are also highly energetic by nature, as things tend to come to a head as the Moon reaches its fullest expression, bringing the unconscious out into the light of the conscious. There is a great deal of healing energy around during this Moon, as Virgo and Pisces represent the healing axis, not to mention that expansive Jupiter and Chiron the Wounded Healer are moving towards each other to form an exact conjunction that will peak on 12 March. This could be a very beneficial time to be doing some healing work! We are right in the middle of Pisces season, with the Sun moving through this sensitive, dreamy, fluid, imaginative, receptive, compassionate and empathetic sign. This is a good time for turning inward and spending time in quiet contemplation, communing with nature, meditating and finding a way to connect with the divine. We could feel more sensitive and porous than usual, as we soak up other people’s energy like sponges. As such, time spent alone to regroup and recentre is essential. And then we have this Virgo Moon, sitting directly opposite the Sun, calling for us to find some balance between the energy of Pisces and Virgo. Virgo is the part of us that seeks to be of service and loves to help others. We might tend to be too hard on ourselves at times, however, criticising ourselves and others and seeking impossible perfection, which is where Pisces comes in, to remind us that we are perfect in our imperfection and to accept ourselves and others as we are. However, the Pisces part of us can easily put the rose-tinted spectacles on and only see what we want to see, blinding us to some pretty big flaws! Virgo, on the other hand, offers us the gift of discernment and discrimination, helping us to separate the wheat from the chaff. Both signs naturally want to help others, and so this Moon could bring to the fore the themes of devotion, service, empathy, healing and helping. It is interesting, contemplating the interplay between these two signs and how they spark off each other. Virgo is the sign of work, health and daily routines – the part of us that seeks to improve ourselves and “do better”. It is often when we are presented with a crisis, health or otherwise, that we are forced to confront ourselves and do the necessary inner and outer work to improve our situation. Sometimes a crisis literally has the capacity to bring us to our knees, so that we reach out to the divine in desperation to ask for help, guidance and some kind of sign that we are not alone. This is Pisces domain – connection to all that is, unity, faith, spirit and oneness. Virgo crises can offer us an amazing spiritual gift, a gateway, if we are open to it. At the very least, they can force us to turn inward and spend more time alone, helping to connect to our inner Pisces. A Virgo Moon can bring about inner analysis that can help us to recognise where and how we might be out of balance physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It is a good opportunity for some beautiful healing to occur. This Moon is also helped by a supportive trine from Uranus, the Great Awakener and harbinger of change. Uranus can help jolt us into a greater awareness of what needs to change, bringing profound insights that can really help us to shift out of unhealthy mindsets, beliefs, habits and routines. Uranus has the potential to liberate us from any conditioning and programming that simply no longer serves us. As such, this Moon could really help us to make some positive changes that put us onto a healthier trajectory. Jupiter is also moving towards Chiron the Wounded Healer in Aries, as I mentioned before. This feels like a very beneficial time for recognising and looking at our core wounds, as Jupiter enables us to see the bigger picture and to grow significantly, as long as we are willing to do the inner work. We may find that we receive some higher wisdom and guidance that helps us to confront the painful bits that we might usually prefer not to look at. Someone or something could help us to gain a broader perspective on old issues that have followed us through our life, connecting the dots in a way that might not have been possible before now. Jupiter can also expand or magnify our wounded nature, making them seem bigger somehow, although this can of course be beneficial. Sometimes our sore spots need to be triggered for true understanding and healing to occur. Anyone with personal planets or angles close to 14° of a sign will feel the energy of this conjunction most acutely, especially the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Chiron doesn’t only represent our wounds – it also represents our highest potential, linking our earthly self with our higher self. This conjunction brings the potential for significant healing and spiritual growth to occur, as we are given the gift of understanding, as if something that has hitherto been missing somehow clicks into place and we are given a glimpse of our place in the grand scheme of things. Meanwhile, Saturn, the lord of Karma, moves into Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, where he will remain until 2026. Saturn teaches us that we reap what we sow, and so this could be a very karmic time; a time of reckoning, whereby we atone for any past discrepancies and mistakes, tying up any loose ends and facing any skeletons in the closet so that we can start fresh and do things the right way. It is very interesting that Saturn moves into Pisces on the day of the Virgo Full Moon, a sign known for cleansing and purifying! We could be called to become more accountable, while Saturn moves through the final sign, taking our spiritual path more seriously and becoming more disciplined around our spiritual practice, helping us to live up to our true potential. On the other hand, Saturn can block, control and restrict the Pisces flow, which could feel quite repressive. Pisces is the part of us that dreams, imagines and feels inspired, so Saturn has the capacity to turn our dreams and fantasies into something concrete. Pisces also represents the collective unconscious – that invisible thread that connects us all. It knows nothing of boundaries. Saturn is the planet of fear, caution, limitation, control, structure, restrictions and boundaries. These are two very different energies! It is possible that fear could spread through the collective unconscious, or there could be attempts to control through subtle means and to create more and more boundaries that make us feel separate from one another. However, Pisces could potentially soften Saturn’s hard edges, and the power of a unified collective could wear away at any control that those in authority may seek to exert. One thing that is very important is to watch ourselves when it comes to fear. We all feel fear, from time to time, but it is important not to dwell in it or allow it to overwhelm us. When we are in fear we are more easily controlled. Pisces is our faith and trust that we are being guided in the right direction. Saturn could easily put a dampener on that, although it can also help us to see things as they are rather than dwelling in our fantasy of how things could be. Saturn in Pisces can also help us to truly take responsibility for those in need, in the spirit of compassionate service. The Sabian symbol for this Moon is a very powerful one, at 17° Virgo: “A volcanic eruption”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The explosive energy of long-repressed contents of the subconscious. We are dealing here with the dramatic release of energies which have been kept in check by the outer shell of the ego-controlled consciousness. It may be a spectacular catharsis, but it often takes paths of destruction. Yet unless some form of purification by fire is experienced, the inner pressure of the karmic past, or of more recent frustrations would shake up perhaps even more destructively the very foundations of the personality. Everything must be released from the psyche seeking to attain the transfigured state. The soul must become empty, the mind translucent. The Keyword is EXPLOSION.” Well, that is quite a symbol! It also has some resonance with the energy of Saturn in Pisces. What might have been building within us that needs to be released? What have we been trying to control or keep a lid on? This Moon could blow the lid off, by the sounds of it! Mars is forming a wide challenging square to the Sun and Moon, which could force things out into the open or cause anger to erupt. We also have Uranus playing such a big part in the Moon, helping to liberate and release stuck energy and bringing the potential for some kind of shake-up. It is possible that we have been holding onto something that needs to be brought out rather than being suppressed so that it becomes insidiously destructive. There is also the potential for something coming out in the world stage that causes shock waves. This is one powerful Moon, that is for sure! There seems to be the potential for cleansing, purifying, releasing, understanding, healing, expanding and exploding! Much Love Amy xoxo Picture: Vesuvius by Andy Warhol Exact at 7.05am UK time (GMT)
This New Moon is occurring in the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces, a dreamy, sensitive, compassionate sign that encapsulates all the other signs of the zodiac. Pisces invites us to surrender, to let go, to move beyond our limiting, fearful egos and allow ourselves to be guided by the invisible force that connects us all. Pisces is the part of us that can use our imagination to dream things into being, and so this New Moon invites us to turn inward and contemplate what we truly wish for ourselves and the world. What the mind can conceive the body can achieve! It is a good time to pay attention to our dreams, as they could be more vivid than usual and may hold important information for our waking life. This is a good time to be aware of any subtle signs, messages or omens that could help us to find our way. Pisces is the part of us that has the capacity to tune into how other people are feeling. People with a lot of Pisces energy in their chart tend to be quite thin-skinned, sensitive, compassionate, intuitive and empathetic. Pisces invites us to spend time in quiet contemplation, to meditate, to rest, to spend time in nature, to have a bath, to swim in a serene lake, to listen to the sound of wind and the birds, to watch the leaves rustling on the trees, a river rushing by, the ebb and flow of the tides. Similarly, time spent alone enables us to re-centre, to come back to ourselves, to cleanse our energetic system and to be able to listen to the whispers of our soul. This is a good time to slow down and focus on what truly holds meaning in our lives and what brings the greatest sense of fulfilment on a spiritual level. A few days before the New Moon, on the 16th February, the Sun passes by Saturn in Aquarius before moving into Pisces late on 18 Feb. This could make things feel a bit heavy and “real”, although this will probably have abated by the New Moon itself. Saturn is at the very end of Aquarius now, getting ready to move into Pisces on 7 March. As it moves towards the end, we may feel the energy of Saturn in Aquarius more acutely. Saturn went into Aquarius in March 2020, just as the lockdowns started. Saturn is the planet of authority, control, suppression, boundaries, accountability, responsibility, hard work and limitations. Aquarius represents the group, friendships, community, technology and the capacity to rebel or protest. In the past couple of years we have certainly seen Saturnian control, limitation and curtailing in all of these areas of Aquarius. One of the most noticeable has been the increased use of technology as a form of authoritarian control, as well as the fear of what that might mean for the future. It will be interesting to see what will happen as Saturn travels through Pisces, the sign of faith, compassion, flow, and devotion. It certainly does bring the potential for some kind of authoritarian control in the area of faith and religion. Saturn is a completely different energy to Pisces, as it contretises, blocks, limits, controls and makes things real and solid, while Pisces is fluid by nature and hard to pin down. It is interesting to contemplate. How does one make the flowing Pisces energy solid? On the one hand Saturn could provide a solid container for our faith and connection to the divine, making it feel more real and defined somehow. We may find ourselves more disciplined when it comes to our spiritual path. On the other hand, we could experience our hope, faith and trust being squashed or suppressed, or we could feel overwhelmed by fear, as our imaginations run wild in all sorts of dark directions. Pisces likes to escape reality and enjoy a bit of fantasy, while Saturn forces us to see things as they really are. Saturn could make us question what is real and what is illusion, smoke screens or propaganda. Saturn can also help us to turn our Piscean dreams and fantasies into something real and concrete, giving them form and helping to make the impossible possible. It can also help us to take responsibility for our lives instead of dwelling in victimhood and imagining that we are at the mercy of forces bigger than us. At the same time, Pluto is also about to leave Capricorn on 23 March, where it has been since 2008. Again, the energy could feel stronger as Pluto moves towards the end of Capricorn. Pluto is the planet of power, soul growth and transformation, the planet that takes us on a trip into the underworld and forces us to confront the shadows within ourselves and the world, and by doing this we can come back with some hidden treasure. Capricorn is the sign of the patriarchy, government, authority, societal structures, and career. Since 2008, Pluto has been exposing and detoxing the flaws and decaying structures in the patriarchal system that we are living in, making us all too aware of the corruption, the darkness, the imbalance and abuse of power within the systems that govern us. At this point it is impossible to avoid seeing it. As we move towards 23 March, when Pluto moves into humanitarian, revolutionary, visionary Aquarius, we could find that the energy of Pluto in Capricorn increases and more shadows come out into the light to be detoxified. It is the final purge of the Capricorn power structures, enabling us to see the cracks more clearly, whether we like it or not. It will be interesting to see what happens as Saturn moves from Aquarius into Pisces and then Pluto moves from Capricorn into Aquarius, as we could experience some kind of energetic shift. During this Moon, Mercury is quite prevalent, with Uranus forming a dynamic, challenging square to the planet of mind and communication, and Chiron and Mars forming helpful, supportive aspects. Uranus could mean that we receive a message that shocks us, or some information that forces us to see things from a different perspective. Uranus can bring realisations and insights that jolt us into higher awareness. Chiron could bring honest, open, healing conversations and, together with Mars, the ability to bring thorny issues out into the open. Mars helps us to have the courage to speak our minds in a candid and direct manner and to make strong decisions. Mercury is currently in Aquarius, helping us to think outside of the box and gain fresh perspective on old problems. Aquarius is a progressive, visionary sign that can help us to come up with some interesting solutions and see things differently. Neptune, the ruler of this Pisces Moon, has been sitting right next to Venus in Pisces for the past few days and the energy peaked on 15 February. It is still in effect during his Moon, although not as strong. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, bringing the potential for unconditional love and true connection within our relationships that helps us to take our guards down. Pluto is also forming a supportive sextile to Venus that is exact on the day of the New Moon, helping us to be emotionally honest and deepen our relationships, possibly by owning our shadows and showing one another those parts of ourselves that we might usually hide. Venus is in the very last degree of the zodiac during this Moon, which is a special place indeed. The day after she will move from sensitive, compassionate Pisces into independent, forthright Aries, shifting the energy considerably! The Sabian symbol for this Moon, at 2° Pisces, is an interesting one: “A squirrel, hiding from hunters”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The individual’s need both to ensure his future subsistence and to protect himself from aggressive social elements. The squirrel not only has to hide and store food for the winter, but to be on the lookout for the dangers involved in gathering this food supply. Social processes always cast strong shadows. The individual is never certain of being safe among his fellowmen, once the process of individualisation – with its negative aspects, competition, social aggressivity and greed – forces the breakdown of the organic tribal state of mankind during the archaic ages. This symbol warns of the dangers of life in society during an era of exacerbated individualism, when violence is a possibility never to be dismissed. The need for SELF-PROTECTION and caution is ever present”. Well, this symbol seems very relevant considering all that is happening in the world right now! It would be so easy to fall into fear and to feel as if there is something out to get us, whether that is real or not. And that is the thing about Pisces, sometimes we can imagine things that aren’t real. We can also feel like a leaf being blown around in the wind, at the mercy of forces that we have no control of. However, Pisces calls for us to keep the faith and trust that we are somehow being guided in the right direction and that ultimately the light always prevails over the darkness. This Moon seems to be asking us to turn inwards and to conserve our energy, making sure we get enough rest and to pay attention to our dreams. Pisces season is sleepy time, a time for rest and daydreaming and seeing where our imagination takes us. Pisces reminds us that we have the capacity to co-create our own reality, so what can we dream up for ourselves and the planet? Much Love Amy xoxo Picture: Dreamworlds by Susan Seddon Boulet From 13 May - 28 July
Jupiter moves from Aquarius into Pisces at 10.36pm UK time today, Thursday 13 May, which could bring a significant energetic shift, imbuing us with a lovely dose of faith, expansion, trust and hope. Jupiter is very at home in Pisces and could greatly heighten our sensitivity, connection and compassion and capacity for forgiveness and acceptance. Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion, while Pisces helps to connect to spirit and open up to the subtle realms, heeding the quiets whispers from the divine. Jupiter represents our beliefs, and in Pisces we could potentially feel much more hopeful, connected and trusting that we are protected and being guided in the right direction. There is a feeling of expansion, optimism and the capacity to see the bigger picture, so that we don’t need to sweat the small stuff. Jupiter is just dipping into Pisces until 28 July, but that will be enough time to give us a taste of what is to come when it moves into Pisces for the long haul at the end of December. Pisces is the sign of unconditional love that reminds us that we are all connected, so when the biggest planet moves into this spiritual sign it is quite possible that we will experience some kind of collective heart-opening, which would be very welcome indeed! Of course there is also the possibility of Jupiter magnifying any Piscean tendencies towards escapism, overwhelm, burying our heads in the sand and drifting off into fantasy-land, as Pisces isn’t all a bunch of roses! However, it could also help us to see things from a more heart-based perspective, enabling us to trust and surrender to the flow of life. This feels like a much needed balm for our bruised and battered spirits! Much Love Amy xoxo Picture: Jupiter up close |
Amy BirdI love writing about the Moon and the effect it has on us all, both collectively and personally. We all look at the same Moon and feel her energy, albeit in different ways. It reminds us that we are not alone and there is something very comforting about that! Archives
February 2025