Venus is a very prominent feature during this Full Moon, as not only is she the ruler of Taurus but she is also forming many aspects to the other planets. The Libra New Moon on October 12th was also ruled by Venus so the relationship we have both with ourselves and others is definitely highlighted this month. Full Moons tend to bring anything into the light that may have been simmering below the surface recently. They make the unconscious conscious. This can sometimes mean that things have to come to a head in order to release any tension which may have been building either inside of us or within our relationships. As Venus is in Virgo at the moment there is the potential for a certain amount of crisis around this Moon, whereby we have to confront what might not be working in the realm of our relationships. Virgo can bring the guilt dynamic into play and also a strong need to address what might be out of balance in our relationships. She can all too easily see what’s wrong and has a powerful urge to improve whatever situation we may find ourselves in.
The Moon is in sensual, patient and loyal Taurus, Mother Earth, sitting directly opposite the Sun in intensely emotional, probing and psychic Scorpio and the Full Moon could highlight where we might be veering too far one direction. The key to resolution is to find balance between the energy of the two signs. Taurus shows what we value in life, including the value we place on ourselves. It also represents the skill and talents we have which help us survive in the world, so it is quite likely that issues of self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth could come up during this Full Moon, especially as Venus is in self-critical and humble Virgo. Taurus is an incredibly patient and persistent sign and is also quite possessive and security conscious. Taken too far this can mean that we stay in situations too long for the sake of security, which creates stagnation and prevents necessary growth. It can happen so easily, as human beings do find change so unsettling. None more so than Taurus!
Scorpio, on the other hand, will rip the ground out from under us and force us to walk over a burning bridge in order for us to grow and move forward on a soul level! The ruler of Scorpio is Pluto, the planet of metamorphosis and transformation, who cannot abide stagnation and will create situations which catapult us out of any comfortable ruts we might find ourselves in. Often we are given gentle signs along the way that show us what might need to change, but if we continue to ignore them and resist the tides of change and evolution then Scorpio steps in and does the job for us! The key to finding balance between the two signs lies in recognising where we might be holding on too tightly for the sake of security and to let go so that we can move forward and grow. We might find ourselves having to be brutally honest with ourselves and others, which always had the potential to hurt a little, but ultimately it will be very rewarding. It is so very easy to fall into patterns which simply repeat and repeat. This Moon will help us recognise them and make the necessary changes.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is also a very prominent part of this Moon, as he is forming an opposition to Mars, Jupiter and Venus and is also aspecting the Sun and Moon themselves. The opposition to Venus is also exact at the time of the Full Moon, which could cause a bit of crisis when it comes to our relationships and also the way we value ourselves. Old wounds, fears and insecurities could surface but it is a perfect opportunity to heal them as they come out into the light. We could become all too aware of our failings and where we don’t feel worthy or quite good enough. Indeed, we might feel quite uncomfortable during this time and we could be a bit more sensitive as our skins are a bit thinner than usual. We might trigger each other more easily as our sore spots may feel a bit more raw and exposed than usual. This is all good stuff, however, because it is much easier to heal things once they have been brought to the light of our conscious awareness, whether they be issues of self-worth or niggles within our relationships.
Speaking of skins being thinner, the Saturn Neptune square is still building and is also being activated by the Sun and Moon during this lunation. This square has the potential to dissolve boundaries and structures. It can also bring a crisis in faith. Things that seemed so real become far less solid. Things that seemed ideal could become far more real. Beliefs we hold about ourselves could melt away, especially is they were set in stone. This is a battle between reality and fantasy, between fear and love, between fact and fiction, between structure and chaos. It is a strange time, for sure, but ultimately this square is here give us a kick up the bum so that we can grow. The potentially positive outcome is that we ground our dreams in reality and become more disciplined about our spirituality. Saturn represents mastery, while Neptune is the planet of unity and transcendence. One thing that I am quite excited about is the idea of rigid beliefs being dissolved. So many of us are held back by beliefs which were formed in childhood and which don’t serve us in any way!
Venus is forming aspects to the Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto during this Moon. That’s quite a crew! She is forming the third of three conjunctions this year with Mars, and this time the cosmic lovers are aligning in Virgo, the sign of modesty, organisation and discernment. Virgo does have a tendency to be a bit critical and we could find ourselves seeking to somehow perfect and purify our relationships. It is important not to play the Blame and Shame game, but rather to approach anything that comes up in the spirit of humility and a genuine desire to improve the relationship. Venus, from the Taurus perspective, represents our values and self-worth; the relationship we have with ourselves. This will be highlighted this week and with Uranus and Pluto involved we might experience a bit of a shake- up in this area. Our relationships and sense of security could be somewhat rattled and any patterns that may be impeding our growth will become glaringly obvious. If we are holding onto anything simply for the sake of security, whether it be a job, living situation or a relationship, we may be prompted to let go. It is important not to resist the tides of change, because that just makes it all so much more painful!
The Sabian Symbol for the Moon at 4°Taurus is “The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.” This is a beautiful symbol, representing a bridge, or a link between the divine and the real world. Its energy reminds me of the Saturn Neptune square, as it could represent a need to discern (Virgo) between reality (Saturn) and illusion (Neptune). However, rainbows are truly magical sights and I definitely see this as a symbol of hope. We don’t get a rainbow without a bit of rain, however! I suppose that the key is look within us for the pot of gold rather than chasing impossible dreams or seeking security from outside of ourselves. Dane Rudyar describes this symbol as “riches that come from linking the celestial and the earthly nature” which again brings the Saturn Neptune square to mind, with its potential to ground our dreams in reality and is the combination of the mundane world and the world of spirit. May we all recognise the pot of gold that lies within!
Much love
Photo: Double Rainbow by Matthew Cruddas