Well, this is a big moon to start this year off with, as we have a Cardinal Grand Cross to really push us to get things going! Cardinal signs are initiators, with an energy that starts things off with a burst of enthusiasm. The follow through may leave something to be desired, but there is definitely an urge to push forward and make things happen. The Latin word “cardinalis” means principle, or pivotal. The areas of life involved in this Grand Cross are very personal indeed, as we have Aries (who am I and what am I doing here?), Cancer (family, home, roots, childhood emotional patterns), Libra (relationships with others) and Capricorn (parental authority, external authority, societal conditioning, our reputation and work in the outer world, career etc). Obviously what happens in our childhood (Cancer) and how we are conditioned by our parents, teachers and society, (Capricorn) will have a direct bearing on our self-image and how we meet the world (Aries) and, of course, how we relate to our partners (Libra). How many of us end up marrying our mother, or transferring our father issues onto our partner? This Grand Cross will very likely highlight some very personal, intimate aspects of our lives and psyches, especially for those who have personal planets on or around 22 degree of a sign.
As ever, the Full Moon brings to a head anything that has been simmering away below the surface of our consciousness in recent times. It brings to fruition whatever energetic seeds were planted during the Capricorn New Moon on December 29th. The Moon rules Cancer, so she is very much at home in her own sign. Cancer is a very emotional sign, so we should be prepared to really feel our emotions during this Moon, whatever they may be. It is quite possible that issues of emotional security could come up, as well as the recognition of how our family and childhoods have shaped our adult lives. So often, those closest to us trigger powerful emotions in us by behaving in a similar way to one of our parents, which can cause us to react in a defensive, childlike, irrational manner. As a friend said the other day, the majority of our responses to life and relationships stem from the early relationship with mummy and daddy. Cancer is mummy, representing how we were nurtured and our emotional responses. Capricorn is daddy, representing parental authority and how we are taught (or not taught) to function in the world. Cancer can get completely consumed by emotions so that they end up running the show. Capricorn urges us to rise above our emotions and just get on with it (stiff upper lip), but this can lead to suppressing the emotions, which isn’t healthy either. A nice balance between the two is what’s needed.
This Moon could definitely bring our old, ingrained “familiar” patterns to the surface for us to look at, and this is where the balance of Capricorn comes in. Capricorn urges us to take responsibility for ourselves. Other people may trigger us, but we are responsible for how we act and react. They are just being themselves, but by doing so they sometimes touch a sore spot in our psyche; an old, unhealed wound. It’s not their fault, per se. Blaming another is not the way to go. It is far better to be willing to recognise and own the wound that is being triggered. And to be aware that on a deep, unconscious level we have brought these people into our lives because they represent something that needs healing in ourselves. Our souls have also chosen our parents and the society we were born into in order to learn particular lessons so that we can grow and evolve. We are ultimately responsible for our whole experience in this life, even though it may seem like things “happen to us”! This can be a tough concept to come to terms with, especially when the childhood was particularly difficult, painful or challenging. However, there is also a certain comfort in it. This Moon invites us to take a moment to really feel whatever we are feeling, without judgement, blame, shame or guilt. Our emotions have so much to teach us if we only let them!
The players involved in the Grand Cross are the Moon in Cancer, Jupiter in Libra, the Sun/Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus/Eris in Aries. Uranus in aspect to the Moon could make our emotions quite erratic, making us feel somewhat unsettled and shaking us out of our safe, familiar patterns. He has the capacity to release us from the past and help us move past anything that may be blocking us from growth. We could find ourselves having some wonderful epiphanies and breakthroughs when it comes to our family and relationship patterns. Alongside Eris he will poke and prod us to be truthful with ourselves and others, encouraging us to be sincere, authentic and true to ourselves rather than holding back what we really feel simply for the sake of peace and harmony. However, Jupiter in Libra can show us how to be being considerate, loving and kind at the same time as being truthful and authentic . The truth doesn’t have to be hurtful or cause arguments! Jupiter represents our beliefs and as he is in the sign of relating we could find ourselves questioning beliefs on how to relate to loved ones that probably stem back from childhood and beyond. Beliefs create patterns and ways of being, and then they get stuck, but we have a chance to dislodge a few during this Moon simply by them being bought to our attention. Whatever becomes conscious loses its power over us.
Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and in aspect to the Moon he could exaggerate and blow our emotions out of proportion. This is a good opportunity to really feel them, however, and recognise certain triggers and wounds. Pluto is loosely involved in the Grand Cross, urging soul growth and transformation and urging us to be true to ourselves and our path. He could help us to recognise how we wield power in our lives or give it away. Pluto is the god of the underworld and he encourages us to dive below the surface and confront our shadows and those parts of ourselves that we would rather not own or admit to. It’s easier to pretend they aren’t there, but then they continue to run the show and prevent us from having healthy relationships. It is much better to be brave enough to look in the ugly mirror and take responsibility for what we see there.
Saturn is also involved with the Moon, helping us to commit to make changes and also to take responsibility for ourselves and our part in our relationships. He is tugging away at the Moon, which could make our emotions feel a bit heavy, but is helping Jupiter and Uranus, which could make us feel like anything is possible if we are willing to put in the work. Last year involved a lot of clearing out, while this Moon and its Cardinal Cross brings a sense of new beginnings and the potential to move past and through whatever might be blocking us from true fulfilment in life or sabotaging our relationships. Saturn is sitting right next to Juno, the goddess of marriage and partnership, which brings a sense of commitment and stability to our close relationships and a willingness to work through whatever sticky stuff might come up during this time.
Neptune and Venus are also joining forces in Pisces for this Moon, bringing the potential for some heartfelt, empathetic and compassionate relating whereby we really connect with one another’s true essence and spirit. Not to mention that Neptune and Pisces remind us that we are all one anyway, connected by an invisible, energetic web that means that I am you and you are me and what happens to one happens to us all. This combination of planets is the recipe for unconditional love. It can also mean that we put the rose-tinted spectacles on when it comes to our relationships and only see the best of the other person, or what we want to see. However, this definitely adds some kindness, gentleness and sweetness to this Moon.
It does feel like this Moon could be somewhat pivotal and brings the opportunity for us to initiate some creative change in our lives and relationships. As I said, the Moon is very happy in her own sign, so hopefully it won’t be a turbulent Full Moon, despite the presence of Uranus and Pluto. The Cardinal Cross could simply be a nice boost to help us to see where we might be stuck or not quite being honest with ourselves. Old patterns and responses may be brought to our attention somehow, but we should see it as a gift and really embrace the Cancer energy by fully feeling whatever emotions are brought to the surface. Capricorn then urges us to take responsibility for them rather than simply reacting defensively. What is my stuff and what is yours? It’s not easy to recognise our own patterns and ingrained beliefs because they were formed so long ago that they are utterly unconscious, but if we are open and willing to grow, what amazing self-knowledge can be gained from just sitting with and observing whatever comes up. There is no doubt whatsoever that our emotions have something to teach us if we only honour them rather than pushing them away or blaming them on someone else. This is the gift of Cancer.
Much Love
Picture: Dark Water Swim – Jennifer Walton