Well, Eclipse season is upon us, which means that this is not your ordinary, run of the mill Full Moon! Eclipses signify the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one in a certain area of our lives and tend to have a six month span of influence, until the next set of Eclipses come around. They have a deeper impact on our lives because they involve the Nodes of the Moon, otherwise known as the Destiny Line. The South Node represents what we bring into this lifetime in the form of karma, experience, skills, habits and patterns, while the North Node represents skills, attributes, experiences and qualities we need to develop in order to grow and evolve on a soul level. Ideally it is about finding balance; taking what we have learned from the South Node while being brave enough to give the North Node experience a try, even if it feels uncomfortable and unfamiliar! As such, Eclipses can signify a time of letting go of old habits and patterns and embracing new experiences or ways of being. This Eclipse will also have some resonance with whatever was happening 19 years ago, in 1998.
The Sun is currently in humanitarian, visionary and eccentric Aquarius, sitting right opposite the Moon in playful, expressive and creative Leo. The key to the Full Moon is to find a balance between the energy of the two signs rather than veering too far in one direction. Leo rules the heart and encourages us to act on our heart wisdom, getting in touch with the child within and following our joy. In Leo we are able to express all that we are and truly allow ourselves to shine. This Moon brings the potential for unlocking our unique gifts and taking charge of our destiny; actualising ourselves and developing the power of our will. While Leo has a clear sense of having special gifts, Aquarius encourages us to share those gifts so that they align with some kind of social need. While Leo represents the creative principle, Aquarius reminds us that creativity does not come from us, but rather flows through us. It comes from Source. There is certainly a very joyful, playful element to this Moon, whereby we are invited to connect to our hearts and also become aware of how our hearts are connected to other hearts, and indeed to the whole universe. It we practice getting out of our head and into our heart, we won’t be led astray.
There is an amazing geometrical pattern that is being formed by certain planets during this Moon that actually resembles the symbol of the heart chakra! The heart chakra is considered to be a gateway; the bridge or link between the lower, physical chakras and the upper, spiritual chakras. It connects our spirit with our bodies. When we open the heart chakra, or our love centre, we are able to move beyond the limits of our “self” and truly connect with others, our higher “Self” and the whole universe. As such, this Full Moon could also be a gateway to higher consciousness and may bring some kind of heart opening if we are receptive and ready. It certainly seems like the energy of the planets are inviting us to connect with our hearts and by so doing tune into the heartbeat of the universe. One triangle points towards the earth (matter), while the other triangle point towards the heavens (spirit). This is the Star Tetrahedron, or the Merkaba, which is a very powerful symbol that combines spirit and matter in the heart and helps us connect with our higher self.
The planets and luminaries involved in this six-pointed star are the Sun, Saturn, Jupiter, the Moon, the Vertex and Uranus. These are all in Fire and Air signs, so it feels quite dynamic. If you think about fanning the flames of a fire, or how the wind can cause a fire to spread, you really get a picture of enthusiasm, passion, movement and ideas and thoughts “spreading like wild fire”. The players include Jupiter in Libra, who is currently helping us grow through our relationships and helping us to form mutually beneficial, growth-oriented relationships and also the Vertex, which signifies fated events and meeting significant people that could have a big impact on our life. Combine that with the Moon in Leo, who is inviting us to connect with our heart centre, and we have the potential for making heartfelt connections with others that could change our lives in some way. Indeed, something about this Moon has the capacity to move us to another level somehow. As I said, it is a gateway of some description. We have an opportunity to connect to our higher selves and the higher selves of others through the heart.
Uranus in Aries is also part of the star, helping us to wake up and release emotional blocks so that we can indeed open our hearts. He wants us to break free of past conditioning so that we are able to be simply who we are. Not who we have been told we should be. It’s hard to let go of the layers of conditioning that have been piled on us since we have been children and to have the courage to dance to the beat of our own drum. However, when we start listening to our heart and connect to our Higher Self, or God, or the Divine, or whatever you want to call it, all the rules we have grown up with somehow don’t seem to make sense anymore! Uranus invites us to go a little bit crazy and step off the well beaten path a bit. It seems we have an opportunity here for some kind of awakening, connecting with our joy, opening our hearts, joining with others in a loving way and connecting with our truth. Saturn is also involved in this process, making sure we stay grounded in reality and rewarding us for our discipline, faith and commitment to our spiritual path, whatever form that may take. Indeed, some kind of focused spiritual discipline could be very useful during this time to help us to connect to our higher selves.
This Moon is not likely to hit us over the head or give us a massive cosmic kick up the bum, like a Grand Cross or a T-square would! It is much more gentle in nature; it offers such amazingly beautiful potential and possibilities but it is up to us to make the most of it. We are being asked to make a commitment to our hearts, to dare to step outside of our comfort zones, to be willing to let go of old beliefs and be open to who knows what?! The beautiful yet terrifying unknown. This would be a good time to pray, or meditate, or have bodywork done, or dance, shake, sing, paint and allow our true selves to shine!! As the Moon becomes full, so will our hearts, until they burst open with the sheer joy of being alive! If ever I have seen a Moon that asks us to express what is in our hearts, this is the one! We are invited to take a leaf out of Leo’s book and try letting go of our adult inhibitions and let the child in us run the show. The child who follows the path of joy, who squeals with excitement, cries when scared or hurt, loves without reservation and expresses from the heart. This is the gift of Leo.
Much love