This is a perfect moon to imagine what we want for ourselves and set some positive, heartfelt intentions. New Moons are a very powerful time of the month, ripe with potential for the coming weeks. As such, they are a perfect time to sow seeds for the month ahead, consciously contemplating what we need to leave behind in the dark of the moon and what we want for ourselves in order to blossom and grow. This New Moon has some real magic in it, as all New Moons do, but it also has the potential to throw up some resistance in us. There is no point setting positive intentions if part of us doesn’t feel worthy, or doesn’t believe they will happen, or we don’t feel like we deserve it. If we focus on what we don’t have then it will be hard to bring in what we truly want for ourselves. On an energetic level we block ourselves from our heart’s desires when we dwell on our fears. Instead we draw to us what we are most afraid of. This New Moon is an ideal time to practice having positive, hopeful, optimistic thoughts and to be very mindful of the negative, naysaying thoughts that pop in to thwart us. The universe really does want to give us what we want in order to grow and realise our full potential! It’s only our negative thought patterns that get in the way!
The Sun, our conscious will and purpose in life, and the Moon, our unconscious, instinctual awareness, are forming their monthly union in the creative, expressive and playful sign of Leo. Not only that, but retrograde Venus is joining in the party! Leo is a very creative sign encourages us to listen to our hearts; to follow our bliss and do what brings us joy. This is an ideal time to contemplate what we would like to bring into our lives and what is preventing us from truly finding joy and fulfilment. Leo represents the inner child that resides within, and it is important to pay attention to this part of us because it guides us well. Children naturally follow their bliss and have a very strong sense of what they like and don’t like. We can honour our inner child by recognising when a situation or relationship makes us feel happy, joyful and excited versus making us have a feeling of dread or drag our heels, or zapping our energy. The joyful route is of course the way to go! We can, however, learn a great deal from the more negative emotions. This moon really is a time to honour our inner Leo by being playful and having some fun creating the reality that we would dearly love for ourselves.
Venus’s presence highlights our relationship to ourselves and others, our values, self-worth, self-esteem and attraction. In Leo it adds an element of fun to our relationships and helps us to consciously create the relationship that we truly want for ourselves, whether we are in one or not. Venus is the Yin principle and shows our capacity to attract love or wealth into our lives. Our relationship with ourselves is a very important factor here, because if we somehow don’t feel worthy or deserving of love or abundance then we will not attract what we so dearly want. Self-love is very important indeed; not the narcissistic kind, but rather honouring and being kind to ourselves, and recognising our worth and value. It’s not selfish, rather it is absolutely necessary. As we enter this new paradigm we are being asked to be true to ourselves and be utterly authentic within our relationships with others. This involves making sure we do what feels right for us rather than what is the “right thing to do”. The is a big difference between the two.
This is where Uranus comes in. He is forming a positive and helpful aspect to the Sun, Moon and Venus, helping us to stand in our truth and also to make changes in our lives and relationships without it feeling too unsettling or turbulent. He helps us to free ourselves from the shackles of our past and to let go of the “ought to” or “should have” and just do what feels right for us in order to move forward and grow. He helps us release any blockages, in a gentle way, so that we can move beyond the bondage of parental or societal expectations and find out who and what we really, truly are. What would we do if there was absolutely nothing stopping us from having exactly what we wanted? What would we change? What would bring us our greatest joy and fulfilment? These are good questions to ponder during this New Moon. The truth is that we are the only ones holding us back from having all that we want in life, though our limiting beliefs and attitudes.
Speaking of which, Saturn in Scorpio is also rather a big part of this New Moon, as he is forming a challenging square to the Sun, Moon and Venus. This is where the resistance comes in. Saturn dipping back into Scorpio has forced us to revisit certain fears, shadows and patterns that hold us back from having all that we want in life. Saturn brings the reality check and makes us all too aware of our limitations and self-defeating patterns. Possibly there are things that we truly want for ourselves but are scared of what it might mean if we actually get them. Hence, we subconsciously hold ourselves back. Indeed, we all have many unconscious compulsions and patterns that sabotage us and keep us small. This is a great time to take a long hard look at ourselves and see where our resistance resides. Old, ingrained patterns are hard to shift because they are so unconscious, but this time of our lives is giving us an opportunity to do just that. Being consciously aware of how we sabotage ourselves is the key. What fears and old stories prevents us from fully and openly relating to our loved ones? What might we still need to let go of in order to reach our highest potential and find true joy?
There is one more key player in this New Moon, and that is Chiron the Wounded Healer. He is forming a nagging aspect to the Sun. Moon and Venus, causing certain fears, pain and insecurities to come to the surface. Again, this Moon seems to offer the opportunity to fully experience whatever old, negative emotional patterns that might be holding us back from finding our joy. It would probably be a good idea to truly embrace any emotions that come up as they offer useful information about where we are blocked from finding our joy and from having successful relationships. We may well find ourselves being triggered somewhat this week, which could bring up some pretty raw emotions. However, if we allow ourselves to fully dive into our feelings instead of just unconsciously reacting, they could offer us some real insight into their origin, which is usually based in childhood somewhere. It is important to take responsibility for our somewhat messier emotions rather than lashing out and blaming others.
This moon offers many gifts if we are open to them! This is a perfect opportunity to become more aware of how we block ourselves from having we so dearly want for ourselves. It is time to let the old stories go and to simply have fun creating lives and relationships based on our heartfelt desires. Now we have the chance to follow the path of joy, but we can’t do that unless we recognise where and how we resist attracting all that we want in life. There is simply no point setting beautiful intentions if somewhere deep inside we don’t believe that we deserve them, or that they are possible for us! If we focus on our fears, that is exactly when we will attract! We have a chance to free ourselves of old ways of relating and embrace a new way of being that allows us to be completely and utterly ourselves and yet open and loving at the same time. These are exciting times! Out with the old, in with the new! We must remember that we really do have the ability to create our own reality, so it is important to keep our hearts open!
Much love