Well, all I can say is that this is a very welcome New Moon indeed in the light of the current global climate! New Moons are the time in the month when the Sun and Moon join together in the sky and we get to plant seeds for the month ahead, setting some healthy intentions for ourselves and leaving whatever isn’t serving us behind in the dark of the moon. You can’t have a beginning without first having an ending. This particular New Moon is in Leo and invites us to truly open our hearts and contemplate what we want to create for ourselves and indeed the planet. We are encouraged to let our inner child out to play and imagine that there are no limits to what we can create for ourselves! A beautiful addition to this particular New Moon is jovial Jupiter sitting right next to the Sun and Moon, bringing a wonderful dose of optimism and expansion to the mixture. Jupiter sees the bigger picture and really wants to help us move forward and grow, so he really is a wonderful planet to have on our side when we are setting intentions.
Leo is ruled by the Sun and radiates light and solar energy out into the world. He encourages us to have the courage to shine brightly and show our true essence, not what we have been conditioned to think we are. Leo rules the heart and this New Moon is encouraging us to not only open our hearts but also to follow them, even if it involves taking a risk or two. Leo loves taking risks! Leo has a playful spirit and likes to follow his bliss and do what genuinely brings him joy. He is very creative and so we are asked to contemplate what we might like to create for ourselves if there were no barriers or blocks in the way. What do we truly want for ourselves? Who do we really want to be? Leo invites us to connect with our essence; the beautiful, pure spirit we were before all of the conditioning of our childhood and adulthood took place. This is a wonderful time to meditate and connect with the inner child, because he/she knows so much more than we do! I am sure we all know the cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz. What he was missing was a heart. That’s all he needed to find his courage. We have to have the courage to go after our most heartfelt desires now. This Moon, more than most, has the potential to deliver, but only if they truly come from our heart.
We have just come out of an incredibly intense Cancer season which has involved a lot of people delving back into the past and their childhoods and recognising how they have shaped our behaviour and emotional patterns as adults. There has been a lot of examination of the past and clearing the legacy of our ancestors. Some of it has been quite painful and emotionally intense. My sense is that we are being asked to let go of the past, once and for all, so that we can move forward and forge our new identity and Self with a capital S! Leo is all about self-expression and creativity, which is very welcome after the emotional purging that many have experienced in recent times. Only once we let go of the past are we able to fully blossom and grow into our full potential.
Jupiter left Cancer and moved into Leo on July 16th and before he did there was a massive amount of clearing of old emotional garbage. Now we have Jupiter in Leo for the next year and he starts his stay off with a conjunction to the Sun and Moon for this New Moon! This couldn’t be better, because it gives us the gift of hope and lord knows we need that right now! Jupiter has faith in a better future and in Leo he opens us up to joy, confidence, faith, enthusiasm and generosity of spirit. This gives our intention setting an amazing boost for this New Moon! Jupiter is incredibly expansive and optimistic in Leo and encourages us to open our hearts and connect with our playful inner child. Not only that but he makes it easier to do so. He is the champion of the children and encourages us to do as they do and follow our bliss. He is the Great Benefic and reminds us that anything is possible if we just have the faith and belief in ourselves and the universe. Jupiter expands the energy of the sign he is in and I hope very much that he exaggerates the positive qualities of Leo rather than bringing out Leo’s potential to become an arrogant dictator, self-centred brat or insecure attention seeker! Let’s hope for the best here!
Mars moves into Scorpio on Friday, leaving his opposite sign of Libra where he has been since December 7th 2013. It has been an interminably long stay, due to going retrograde in March. He is not at his most comfortable in Libra because he is the warrior planet and Libra is the sign of love and peace and has a terribly hard time making decisions! Mars is now entering Scorpio, where he is much more comfortable and powerful but also much more dangerous! Not only that, but he will be forming a challenging square to the Sun and Moon during this New Moon. Mars the warrior, in the sign of power and transformation, challenging Leo, the sign of authority, children, love and creativity. You put these two signs together and you surely have a battle of wills! Both like to be in charge!
On the one hand Mars in Scorpio could challenge us to get in touch with our emotional truth and what we really, truly want – our deepest, most heartfelt desires - and also help us act on them. Mars in Scorpio is deeply passionate, has amazing willpower, knows what he wants and could be somewhat single minded about going after it. On the other hand, in challenging aspect to the Sun and Moon, it could cause intense, heated emotions to come to the boil and intense fury and angry feelings to rise up from the deep. It could also produce a rather intense battle of wills. Mars in Scorpio can be quite vengeful, fanatical, distrustful, suspicious and downright cruel if he wants to be. Revenge is a dish best served cold as far as he is concerned and the Scorpion’s sting is deadly.
Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, is also a big part of the story during this New Moon and he is forming an exact opposition to Venus in Cancer. There are two different ways of looking at this aspect, and both are equally valid. Firstly, as Venus is the planet of love, attraction and relating, while oppositions tend to bring issues up in the realm of our relationships, we could find that people close to us mirror back to us the parts of ourselves we generally prefer to leave in the shadows. Pluto and Venus ignite our passions and force us to be emotionally honest and show the more vulnerable parts of ourselves. We could be asked to allow ourselves to trust and expose our tender underbellies to those we love. On the other hand, Pluto and Venus could cause the not so pretty aspects of relating to come to the surface, such as jealousy, rage, control manipulation and power games. Certainly this aspect has the power to transform our relationships and help us get to the heart of the matter. Pluto is quite black and white in nature; not many shades of grey. This could be a very intense time for our relationships, when we really relate on a soul level.
Secondly, on a collective level we have Pluto in Capricorn (the patriarchal power structures such as corporations and governments and anyone with masculine control) opposing sensitive Venus in Cancer (familial, maternal love, tenderness and nurturing feelings). This has been building during the week and is definitely showing itself in the global climate at the moment. The fanaticism of Pluto is rearing its ugly head in some of the powers that be, destroying the lives of families and children all over the world. What people are seeing in the news is breaking people’s hearts and bringing all of the maternal, protective qualities of Venus in Cancer to the surface. The insanity of these fanatical people in power is astounding and incomprehensible and is yet another reminder of how much we need to move towards a balance between the masculine and the feminine. This is a prime example of the masculine attributes of control and gaining power by taking it away from others taken to the absolute extreme. So, there is currently a face-off between the power hungry patriarchal structures (Pluto in Capricorn) and the soft, nurturing, tender, loving, maternal nature of the Divine Mother (Venus in Cancer). I know who I want to win.
What an intense mixture of energies we have during this New Moon! Luckily we have a Grand Water Trine between Saturn in Scorpio, Mercury in Cancer and Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Pisces. This will really help us with our conversations and discussions, enabling us to speak our truth with integrity and compassion and really get to the heart of the matter without fuss or drama. We will be able to be sensitive to each other’s needs and feelings, while being able to talk about our fears and insecurities without fear of judgement. Chiron brings the spirit of empathy, forgiveness and compassion to the table and will mean that we are able to heal through our conversations with our loved ones. Mercury in Cancer will help us talk about our feelings and really connect with each other on an emotional level.
This New Moon may be in Leo, but there is also a massive amount of powerful, transformative Scorpio energy involved! Jupiter’s involvement is an absolute blessing and my vote is that we concentrate on his energy first and foremost. Jupiter in Leo wants us to have the courage and heart to become the kings and queens we are supposed to be rather than the slave boys or wenches we have been conditioned to think we are! He sees our essence, the spark within us, our divine potential, because he can see the bigger picture and also connects us to the Divine. He wants us to open our hearts and let them expand and see what happens when we walk around with an open heart. He wants us to remember who we really are, deep inside and let our inner child run and skip and play and create! We have been through a process of purging the past in recent times and now we get the chance to recreate ourselves and forge a new identity, free of the pain we have been dragging around with us for so long. If there is any New Moon on which to set an intention, this is the one! I would recommend writing down what we want to leave behind in the dark of the moon and then what we want to create, both for ourselves and the planet. Only heartfelt wishes will be heard!
Much love