Well, people have been talking about this New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse for a very long time now and it is indeed a big one! Another thing that makes it special and unique is that it is the second New Moon in the sign of Leo and we usually only have one. An energetic ball was set in motion with the Lunar Eclipse on 23 July and we are now in the midst of Eclipse season. This is a turning point; a time of shifts and change, when we experience breakdowns that lead to breakthroughs and the end of one chapter so that a new one can begin. Wherever Leo and Aquarius and their rulers, the Sun and Uranus, are found in our charts will give a clue as to what area of our lives may be affected by the eclipses.
The last Eclipse highlighted the South Node of the Moon, which represents the past and is where we tend to feel more comfortable because it is familiar and known. The South Node energy in our charts tends to play out in our childhood and early adulthood until our Saturn Return, which is around 28/29 years old. It is quite possible that we will have been casting our eyes back to the past in recent weeks, since the last eclipse. Memories may be resurfacing that we have long since buried. This next Eclipse is occurring right next to the North Node, which represents potential within us that we need to explore in order to grow and evolve. It often involves us stepping outside of our comfort zone to do so, as we are far more comfortable with the South Node energy and the North Node is unknown territory. As such, this is a time of great soul growth, and we need to be brave and take a huge step forward in our evolution, both personally and collectively.
The Nodes of the Moon are currently in Leo and Aquarius. The South Node is in Aquarius and the North Node is in Leo. This means that we are currently working on cultivating more Leo energy in our lives, allowing ourselves to really shine and express our true, unique nature. The Aquarius South Node shows where we might feel like we stick out like a sore thumb or feel different and unique; as if we don’t fit in. We can sometimes try too hard to fit in, or to please others, so that we dull our light and don’t allow ourselves to truly express all that we are capable of. Aquarius also represents any trauma we might have experienced in this and previous lifetimes. Trauma produces shock, which can make us detach from our emotional body and leave parts of ourselves behind. There are many, many types of trauma and we have all experienced it at some point or another, whether in this lifetime of previous lifetimes. With the North Node on Leo we are being encouraged to reclaim the parts of ourselves that we have left behind. This includes recognising where we may have been playing small and not allowing our true nature and creative potential to shine through in order to gain our parents approval and love.
Eclipses highlight the Nodes of the Moon and this one is definitely asking us to be brave and step forward so that our light can shine brightly. Mars is sitting right next to the North Node in Leo, which calls for us to find courage and assert ourselves, even allowing ourselves to express our anger if needs be. This is definitely showing itself on the collective level, as people are really finding their inner Mars and getting very angry about the state of the world we live in and the people who are leading it. Not to mention how many traumatised people there are on this planet right now. We have every right to be angry and if the anger is used appropriately it can give us the energy to perform amazing feats that we would never have dreamed of before!
Whenever a planet is conjunct the North Node the energy of that planet will be pulling us forward on our path, helping us to integrate the energy of the North Node. In this case, assertive and brave Mars is helping pull us forward towards our Leo nature. This is a time to stand up and express ourselves! If rage comes up, we can use it to motivate us to make change in our lives and for the world at large. This is not a time to hide our light under a bushel. It is time to use Mars and trust our instincts, asserting our needs and even charging into battle if we need to! As we do so we have a chance to take a giant leap forward on our path, both personally and collectively.
Chiron the Wounded Healer is forming an inconjunct aspect to the New Moon, signifying some kind of crisis that could bring up old wounds and trigger our sore spots. Ultimately it will be very healing, but it could also be quite painful. It’s not surprising really, because often where there is growth there is also some degree of pain. We could become all too aware of what we need to change in order to grow and this could cause considerable discomfort and bring up old memories which serve as clues to our current condition. It is also possible that we will be very aware of what is holding us back from shining our light fully, as often it is linked to something that happened in our childhood. It could also be the painful realisation that we have been suppressing part of our true potential, or playing small because one or both of our parents couldn’t cope with that part of us because it reminded them or their unfulfilled potential. All too often we find the disowned or abandoned parts of ourselves irritating or too painful to bear in other people. Ultimately this aspect can help us to unearth some of our true, divine potential, but the process could be a bit painful.
There is a Grand Fire Trine involved with this Eclipse that could definitely get the fires burning and motivate us towards change! Saturn is part of the Trine, so he may help us to stay grounded and prevent the fire from getting out of control. Fire sign energy is very enthusiastic, infectious, passionate, dynamic and inspirational. A good way to sum it up is “Spirit in motion”. As such, thoughts, feelings and ideas could literally spread like wildfire during this Eclipse and we could find ourselves being “all fired up”! Uranus, who is also the ruler of the South Node, is a big player in this Grand Trine as he is forming a very tight aspect to the Sun and Moon. He is also in Aries which is ruled by the brave, assertive, active Mars in Leo mentioned previously. Uranus is the Great Awakener, who can create sudden shocks and upheaval in order to create positive change. He is the rebel, the visionary, the revolutionary and will shake everything up and upset the status quo, especially if it has become stagnant, unhealthy or unfair. Uranus is still next to Eris, a warrior queen who brings chaos and discord and has a tendency to expose hypocrisy and bring about rough, poetic justice and balance. Eris and Uranus’s involvement in the trine could make us very aware of any toxicity or stagnation, both personally and collectively. Not only that, but we will want to do something about it.
Saturn is sitting right next to Black Moon Lilith, in the very same degree, and they are also part of this Grand Fire Trine. Saturn and Black Moon Lilith are not exactly a comfortable fit, as Saturn represents authority, government and the patriarchy, while Black Moon Lilith is the Dark Feminine, who hasn’t traditionally had a good relationship with the patriarchy as she doesn’t take kindly to heavy authority bearing down on her! Lilith is a rebellious energy that can bring up volcanic eruptions of destructive anger, intense passion, emotional manipulation and disordered aggression, but Saturn’s authoritarian energy could repress these emotions and attempt to keep them under control. However, with the trine from Uranus and Eris there is a sense that the dark feminine could be unleashed and that we could use these strong, powerful feelings to empower ourselves and to restore balance to unfair situations, bringing some kind of justice. In the positive, the structuring, realistic power of Saturn and the sharp, fierce, cutting energy of Lilith can help us to see the shadows more clearly, not only in ourselves but also in the power structures and those in authority. There seems to be a theme emerging from this New Moon/Eclipse! Righteous anger and fierce warrior energy abound!
The New Moon is sitting right next to Regulus, a fixed star that is also known as “The Lion’s Heart”. Not surprising, with a name like Regulus, that it represents royalty! When Regulus is positive it represents nobility, frankness and courage. However, when in aspect to Mars, as it is during this Moon, it can cause one to become pompous, using one’s authority in an aggressive and overbearing manner, overly ambitious, demanding recognition, boastful, excessive pride and asserting one’s will and needs in a very extreme way. Leo encourages us to be true to our hearts. The Lion’s Heart is noble, brave and has great strength of spirit. As such, it is important that we listen to our hearts and emulate the positive traits of Regulus during this Moon. Those who don’t could end up paying the price.
There is definitely the potential for us seeing the darker side of Regulus appearing in our world leaders if they identify with its energy too strongly. One such person is Donald Trump, who actually has both Regulus and Mars right next to his Leo Ascendant. As such, the energy of a rather aggressive, pompous, superior Regulus is right there for the whole world to see! This New Moon/Eclipse should have a strong impact on Trump and America in general, because not only is America able see the Eclipse in its entirety, but it is opposite America’s Aquarius Moon and falls right on top of Trump’s Ascendant. Also, the USA has South Node in Aquarius and North Node in Leo. A Total Solar Eclipse is a very dramatic event indeed to see visually, and I’m sure that when people saw one in days gone by that they might have thought it was the end of the world! This one certainly does portend a very big shift, or turning point, though in what way it will manifest remains to be seen. Certainly the energy of this Eclipse could make the shadows more visible and expose any hypocrisy and lies, not to mention that anger could be very prevalent!
The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon, at 29° Leo, is: “A mermaid emerges from the ocean waves ready for rebirth in human form”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The stage at which an intense feeling-intuition rising from the unconscious is about to take form as a conscious thought.” If the ocean represents the thoughts and feelings of the Collective Unconscious, the mermaid represents those thoughts and feelings rising up and taking a more concrete form; finding their way into our conscious awareness. It is a very evocative image, this mermaid emerging, and brings the sense that what has hitherto been unconscious within us all as a collective is now rising up and is ready to find its way towards expression. It feels like a very positive omen for this Eclipse.
Leo encourages us to live from our hearts, follow our bliss and let our lights shine fully and brightly! With Mars helping us along, we could have the courage, energy and motivation to make great changes in our lives during this time. We must not forget that this is a New Moon, which is a time to make wishes and set intentions for ourselves and the world we live in. It is so very important that these intentions come from our hearts, however, because a Total Solar Eclipse is an incredibly potent and powerful New Moon which has the capacity to really shift things for us. Any seeds that we plant during this time will have a more far reaching impact than your average New Moon. An important thing to be aware of is that the Universe, the Creator, God, the Divine, or whatever you want to call it has a tendency to take us quite literally when we ask for things. As such, be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it!
“Your heart knows the way, run in that direction.” Rumi
Much Love
Picture: Follow Your Heart - Banksy