This Full Moon highlights our close relationships and has the capacity to be deeply transforming. The Moon is full in Libra, the sign of “other”, opposite the Sun in Aries, the sign of “I am”. Libra likes balance, peace and harmony, while Aries favours honesty, assertion and is not afraid to bring grievances out into the open! Aries is very independent, while Libra can easily become co-dependent. The key to the Full Moon is to find a balance between the two signs and not to veer too far in either direction. Relationships are a delicate balance between staying true to our own path, self- love and making sure our needs are met (Aries) and tending to the relationship itself by practicing the art of compromise and truly listening to the other when they voice their needs (Libra). They can also be a powerful mirror, whereby we meet the parts of ourselves that we are unable to recognise or accept through the other person. Sometime what we see in the mirror is beautiful, as they reflect our more positive qualities, while sometimes it is like looking in the ugly mirror and very difficult to face! When we have a problem with someone else, or they have got under our skin, often it is because that part of them represents our own disowned shadow.
This Full Moon could bring into focus any feelings of inequality within our relationships, revealing how we are either holding ourselves back for the sake of the relationship or where we need to stop being selfish and truly learn to listen. Full Moons have a tendency to bring some powerful emotions to the surface and this one is no exception! Anything that may have been simmering beneath the surface of our consciousness could become fully conscious and demand expression as the Moon reaches the peak of fullness on Tuesday.
Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter are forming a T-square with the Sun and Moon, adding some very intense and potentially turbulent energy to this Moon on both a personal and collective level. On the one hand we have Jupiter in Libra right next to the Moon, bringing the potential for wonderful growth within our relationships and bringing out the best in people. Jupiter in Libra believes in peace and will help us to find the middle ground on any issue that might come up. Jupiter is forming a very tight conjunction with the Vertex, which symbolises fated events or people coming into our lives that could have a very profound effect on us and help us to grow and expand. Jupiter helps us to see the bigger picture and recognise what might need to change within our relationships and how we might be able to go about improving them. There is a certain warmth and emotional generosity when Jupiter joins the Moon, but something to remember is that he is the largest planet, so whatever emotions we feel during this Moon are likely to be big! He could also make it very obvious where there is a lack of balance and justice in the world, and in our lives.
On the other hand we have Uranus sitting directly opposite, next to the Sun in fiery, independent Aries! Uranus in Aries is like a rebellious teenager, demanding the freedom to be absolutely who we are, with no apologies! We are encouraged to stay true to ourselves and make sure we are on the right path for us. As Uranus is opposing the Moon, our emotions could be quite erratic and unpredictable as previously unaired grievances come rising up suddenly, shocking ourselves and others. Uranus may bring out the humanitarian revolutionary in people, rising up against the injustices of the world. In the realm of our relationships, Uranus could bring a sudden desire for more freedom and we could find ourselves expressing feelings that have hitherto been suppressed. It will definitely help get things out into the open, which is very important, but it could also come as a bit of a surprise to both parties! Uranus helps us to release blocks and break free of the past and any habits or patterns that might be holding us back from realising our full potential or sabotaging our close relationships. We may have to step outside of our comfort zone a bit, but remember that Jupiter is also helping out, so whatever comes up should ultimately help us to be more authentic within our relationships.
Finally we have Pluto in Capricorn, bearing down on it all! Pluto is our soul; the planet that has the capacity to give us a cosmic kick up the bum if we are veering off our path or not being true to our soul’s true purpose. This is the planet of transformation, death and rebirth, who exposes the rot in our lives and relationships and then proceeds to destroy it with purifying fire so that something better can be born in its place. Pluto in aspect to the Moon could bring up some powerful, intense emotions that come from the depths of our subconscious, forcing us to confront the truth of the matter. This Moon could involve some shadow diving, as we have no choice but to be emotionally honest and face those parts of ourselves that we would usually prefer to pretend don’t exist. We could come face to face with the issue of our own power; where we either wield too much power or give it away. Ultimately Pluto in Capricorn is wants us to take responsibility for ourselves and live with integrity, and is gradually stripping away any unhealthy patterns and old conditioning that simply don’t serve us anymore.
On a collective level Pluto in Capricorn has been exposing the rot within the patriarchy, governments and corporations and is slowly but surely breaking them down any systems that are obviously not working so that something better can take their place. This Moon could definitely bring these themes into focus, making what is going on in the collective feel all too personal. Combine this with revolutionary Uranus who demands the truth at all costs and Jupiter’s wish for peace, harmony and justice, and this Moon could be interesting indeed!
In the meantime we also have the Chiron Saturn square coming back into focus, and Venus has joined in on the act for this Full Moon which again highlights our relationships, both with ourselves and others. The last time we experienced the Chiron Saturn square was in December, and it has the potential to bring up old wounds and patterns that have been long buried. We may become all too aware of how our parental conditioning is still affecting our lives and how certain situations and relationships trigger these wounds, bringing up very deep, ancient pain within us. There are some wounds that can never heal, as they are simply part of us and without them we wouldn’t be who we are. In fact, where we are wounded can become our greatest gift and is certainly where we have the greatest compassion for others. However, conscious awareness of the wounds and how they play out in our lives means that we can learn to manage them and recognise how they affect our lives. They can then gradually lose their power over us rather than running on auto pilot, sabotaging our lives and relationships. These old, painful wounds and the patterns of relating that they cause could become all too acute and obvious now, as it is hard to hide from them. It is a gift, this Chiron Saturn square, but not an easy one to accept!
The Chiron Saturn square is exact on 30 April and while the energy builds it could make things feel quite heavy and we might feel quite vulnerable and exposed during this time. It is an important process, however, so it is better to dive into whatever comes up rather than defending ourselves against it. We should treat ourselves and others with kindness and compassion and be willing to forgive ourselves and others for the wounds we carry. Venus is sitting right next to Chiron in Pisces during this Moon, which could make us feel acutely vulnerable in relationship to others as our wounds come to the surface, open and raw. As such, we may be more easily triggered during this time. It could also allow for some beautiful, heartfelt connection and healing to occur as we open up and expose our wounded souls to one another in the spirit of compassion and unconditional love. This is an ideal time for one to one healing work. Saturn is challenging Venus at the same time, testing our self-worth and relationships and making us aware of our limiting beliefs in these areas.
The interesting thing about the Sabian symbols for Venus and Chiron is that they both mention a Full Moon. Dane Rudyar, in his interpretation of Chiron’s symbol speaks of a “karmic” moment that “brings us the message that the time has come to reap what we have not only sown, but also cultivated – or failed to cultivate.” Venus’s symbol speaks of “abundance”, and stresses the Full Moon’s “power to call forth the instinctive urge for growth; many things respond in many different ways.” The Sun’s symbol is “The gate to the garden of all fulfilled desires” and speaks of “cosmic optimism” and “abundance made possible by human togetherness and cooperation.” Uranus’s symbol has the message: “Be open. Be able and willing to shape your translucent mind on the form revealing spiritual fulfilment. And you will be able to experience life and power on inner as well as outer planes.” The implied message is one of faith. Man can only truly experience what he deeply believes he can experience.” On the other hand, the symbol for Jupiter and the Vertex is “Two men placed under arrest” and speaks of “the breakdown in the constructive relationship between the individual and society” An interesting mix of symbols!
This Full Moon packs a punch, that’s for sure! It brings with it the potential for some radical breakthroughs in our lives and relationships and promises to bring a breath of fresh air, helping us to release ourselves from old, stuck patterns that are binding us. We have here an amazing opportunity for soul-growth and self-knowledge, and the Sabian symbols seem to hint at things coming to a head somehow, as we reap what we have sown and find what we desire. With this Moon we strive for balance between Aries and Libra, between independence and togetherness, war and peace, radical honesty and the spirit of compromise; between having our needs met and listening to the needs of other. We could feel quite sensitive and a bit vulnerable and there is the potential for a lot of unresolved material to come to the surface, demanding resolution and release! Oh, and Mercury goes retrograde on Sunday the 9th, so we have that to contend with too, as misunderstandings and miscommunication can occur but also the potential for looking back and giving our rational, logical left brains a bit of a break! Phew! There’s a lot going on! I think that no matter what comes up in the next week or so, we must remember to really listen.. This is the gift of Libra.
Much Love
Picture – Facing the Shadow – Tom Hubbard