We are now entering Eclipse season, which is a potent time of the year that can bring about profound shifts, endings and new beginnings. We have an opportunity for a reset of some kind, so it is important to be open to any opportunity for change and growth, and to have the courage and willingness to step out of our comfort zone and do things differently, even if it is uncomfortable at first. A Solar Eclipse is like an amplified New Moon, representing the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new cycle of development. It can help to be mindful of any behaviour, patterns, tendencies, habits, situations or relationships we are letting go of, as we release and leave them behind in the dark of the Moon so that we can start with a clean slate, clearing the way to allow new energy to come in.
This Eclipse is occurring in the sign of Libra, the sign that represents balance, harmony, peace and cooperation. Libra seeks to restore balance in our lives and relationships, so that we don’t teeter too far in one extreme or another. Libra’s focus is relationships, and so we could be called, during this Eclipse season, to redress any imbalances within our relationships so that they are more equal, fair, tolerant, balanced and co-operative. Libra reminds us that it takes two to tango and can help us to truly listen to one another and to honour one another’s needs. This Moon can help us to see how and where we give our power away and to draw it back to us. It has the potential to bring about a powerful shift in the way we relate to others, especially those closest to us. We have an opportunity for a profound reset within our relationships, if we are open and brave enough to allow it to happen.
The Nodes of the Moon are always activated during Eclipse season and in this case, it is the Libra Aries nodal axis that is in focus. The Aries North Node is calling for us to be very brave and to express our needs, bringing anything out into the open that we might usually struggle with. The Libra part of us can sometimes turn a blind eye to certain issues for the sake of keeping the peace and not rocking the boat, and may shy away from conflict or confrontation, often due to a fear of rejection, or of being alone. Aries, however, calls for us to be honest and open, even if it does feel risky or scary. Aries is adept at the art of self-love and calls for us to honour and love ourselves, creating healthy boundaries for ourselves, for if we don’t love ourselves then what have we got to offer others? The Eclipse offers us an opportunity to step out of our comfort zone and change the way we relate, helping to restore a sense of equilibrium to our lives and relationships.
Uranus, the Great Awakener, is poking and prodding at the Sun and Moon with an inconjunct aspect, calling for us to be utterly true to ourselves and to clear away any unhealthy attachments or stagnant, unhealthy patterns of relating. Uranus can help us to liberate ourselves from old programming that simply doesn’t serve us anymore. This Moon could be so freeing, with Uranus helping us to be more authentic and giving us greater clarity and insight into what needs to shift and change in order to restore balance. We really do have an amazing opportunity for a reset, as Uranus can bring the necessary shocks, realisations or wake-up calls to jolt us into a greater awareness of what we might need to release in order to experience a greater sense of freedom, ease and balance in our lives and relationships, intimate and otherwise.
Chiron, the Wounded Healer is also a very big player during this Moon, as it is in Aries, sitting close to the Aries North Node and directly opposite the Sun and Moon. We have an opportunity for such profound healing if we have the courage to be honest. The Libra Moon can help us to bring some thorny issues out into the open in a kind, considerate and peaceful way. However, with the South Node in Libra we are currently be called to let go of some of the unhealthier aspects of Libra, such as people-pleasing, being overly compliant, sitting on the fence, avoiding difficult issues in order to keep the peace, acquiescing in order to stay safe and avoiding confrontation. Chiron does bring the potential for our sore spots to be triggered somewhat, but it also calls for us to have the courage to look at our core wounds and recognise how they play out in our relationships, and to do the necessary healing. It can also help us to stand up for ourselves and to be really honest, even if it is a bit painful or causes some discomfort or friction.
Mars, the ruler of the Aries North Node, has just moved into intense, probing Scorpio, while Venus, the ruler of Libra, has just moved into humble, helpful analytical Virgo. With Mars in Scorpio, we are called to have the courage to really dig deep beneath the surface and face some very uncomfortable material. Scorpio calls for us to be really honest and to expose our tender underbelly, even if it doesn’t paint us in a pretty light. Raw honesty does, however, give the opportunity for others to truly know us, warts and all, which can bring greater intimacy and a deeper connection that if we paint a pretty picture that belies the truth of the matter. We might also find the courage to point out any unhelpful or challenging traits or patterns in our loved ones that could be affecting the relationship.
Venus in Virgo gives us the chance to work on our relationship issues, although we might also run the risk of analysing them to death! However, Virgo brings a willingness to be truly humble, and to look at ourselves and do whatever work is necessary to help improve our relationships, intimate and otherwise. There is the potential for picking the other person apart somewhat and pointing out their flaws, although we could be equally self-critical and self-depreciating. Virgo does bring a willingness to look at ourselves, to see what might need to be tweaked and to do the necessary inner work, although we must be mindful not to accept or tolerate behaviour or criticism that we don’t deserve. Ultimately Virgo can help us to discern what is good for us and what we might need to let go of because it causes us more harm than good. We always have choices.
Pluto, the planet of power, transformation and soul evolution, is also playing a part during this Moon, and is especially strong this week, as it is turning direct in the early hours of the morning on Thursday 12 Oct. We are called to pay attention to the power dynamics in our lives, recognising where and how we may have been giving our power away and doing whatever we can to call it back to us. It is a good time to see any power games for what they are, and to have the courage to look at our shadows and see how we might project our own fears and issues onto others. We have a chance for some profound soul growth during this Moon, if we are brave enough to confront ourselves and to recognise the part we might be playing in any unhealthy or challenging dynamics we are currently experiencing.
Mercury is sitting right next to the Sun and Moon in Libra, which is very helpful indeed because it can help us to see both sides of whatever comes up around this Moon, and to communicate with each other in a kind, reasonable, fair-minded, considerate manner. It does seem like a lot could come up during this New Moon/Eclipse, so it is good that the planet of communication is also in Libra, the sign that ultimately seeks harmony, peace, cooperation, equality and balance. It can help us to really listen to one another and to truly take in and consider the other person’s point of view.
The Sabian symbol for this Moon, at 22° Libra, is: “A child giving birds a drink at a fountain”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The concern of simple souls for the welfare and happiness of less-evolved beings who thirst for life renewal. The connection between “child” and “birds” implies a spontaneous, naïve rapport at the spiritual level, a soul-touch at the level of pure feelings” The keyword for this symbol is SOLICITUDE”.
What a beautiful symbol! I looked up the meaning of solicitude, and it is “the quality of caring about other people's comfort, safety, and how they feel”. That makes perfect sense for a Libra New Moon/Eclipse and is rather helpful with all of this rather intense, transforming energy swirling around. We are being called to be utterly authentic and honest, and to own the parts of ourselves that we might usually hide from view, which can hopefully help us to find the balance, equality and harmony that we seek within our relationships, intimate and otherwise. Libra encourages equal give and take, helping us to see and hear others, while also being seen and heard by them. We do have such an opportunity here for a reset and a shift in whatever area of life Libra resides in within our chart, as long as we are open and willing to do the necessary work and healing to allow it to happen.
Much Love
Painting: Solar Eclipse, by Cathrin Machin