This Full Moon invites us to let go of anything we may be holding on to too tightly. We are in Scorpio season now, which is a time of confronting and purging any habits, patterns, beliefs, people or situations that are preventing growth. We are asked to be really honest with ourselves and recognise what is simply not serving us anymore. Scorpio is a psychologically astute sign that really likes get to the nitty gritty of why we are behaving a certain way, or why we keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. “Why, why, why?” Scorpio asks! The Moon is full in Taurus, however. Taurus is very resistant to change, as it threatens her sense of security. As such, this Moon could bring us face to face with our resistance and make it all too apparent how we are holding ourselves back from doing what we know we need in order to grow. We could become very aware of how we dig our heels in when asked to change patterns of behaviour, and how it is so hard to see beyond our limiting beliefs. For Taurus, just the thought of change threatens her sense of survival.
Scorpio represents the process of evolution, metamorphosis and transmutation. She will quite happily rip the rug out from under us in order to help us grow. Loss, betrayal, death and rebirth all come under the Scorpio banner. When we are stuck in Taurus mode and something needs to shift, Scorpio will come along to question and confront us, forcing us to make the leap towards change. During this Moon, Pluto, Scorpio’s ruler will be helping us to move past these outmoded patterns and beliefs that we are holding onto for dear life. We have an opportunity to see how we hold ourselves back and get stuck in a rut, unable to see a way out. If we are willing to do the work, the way will be shown.
Taurus shows us how our inner dialogue with ourselves has an impact on what we bring into our lives. It represents our self-worth and the law of attraction. The way we relate to ourselves will be mirrored by what and who we attract to us. If we are overly critical of ourselves, we will attract people who are critical of us. If we don’t feel confident about our abilities, talents or capacities, then we will find it hard to get a job or earn the right amount of money. This Moon could well bring the theme of self-worth to the foreground for us to look at. As Taurus also represents our values, it is quite possible that this Moon will force us to evaluate what actually holds meaning in our lives and what has to go. Our values change over time, and what was important to us last year may have somehow lost meaning by now. With this Moon we have the opportunity to recognise what we might be holding onto for no good reason. We are being asked to let go. When it comes down to it, what is really, truly important to us?
Neptune is forming a very strong, harmonious aspect to the Sun and Moon, so there is a sense that we are being asked to simply let go and surrender to the flow. Neptune reminds us to let go of any kind of attachment to a certain outcome and any fears or beliefs that might be blocking us from manifesting what we need in our lives. Neptune has the power to dissolve the self-imposed blocks, barriers and limitations with the power of faith and unconditional love. Neptune reminds us of who we really are; our true essence, beyond ego. We are invited to simply have faith and trust that we are being guided in the right direction so there is no need to be afraid or dig our heels in. We are all spiritual beings who are here on earth having a human experience and we just need to trust that whatever is happening is all perfect, even in its apparent imperfection! We are invited during this moon to be open, receptive and to allow our imagination and intuition to guide us in the right direction. Neptune’s presence will also heighten our compassion towards ourselves and others and help us to connect with one another on a deeper level.
The ruler of this Full Moon is Venus, the planet of love and relationships. Venus is triggering the Saturn Chiron square, which has now reached its peak and so it will now start losing its power. The square, combined with Jupiter moving into Scorpio, has made everything quite dark and heavy and brought some very old, entrenched patterns to the surface, which could make us feel quite vulnerable. Jupiter seems to be magnifying all things Scorpio at the moment, so we are coming face to face with our shadows and the darker side of existence. However, what amazing potential for growth we have here if we are brave enough to really take a look at what we would usually deny in ourselves! With Venus involved with Saturn and Chiron during this Moon, we may be triggered somewhat by those closest to us and be forced to take a realistic look at how we sabotage our relationships with these outworn patterns of relating that we learned so very long ago.
Venus is also forming an opposition to Uranus, so this give us an opportunity to break out of these ruts and try a new way of relating that is more in line with who we really are. We may find our loved ones acting erratically and seemingly out of character, or needing more freedom, or wanting to change something within the relationship. It could be a bit unsettling if we are not aware of the need for change, but ultimately it can help us to find a new way of being in relationship that better reflects the needs of the two individuals involved. Wherever we are stuck, stagnating or limiting ourselves, Uranus will bring a blast of fresh air to help liberate us and find a new way of doing things. Uranus is the king of detachment, so we are being given the chance to take a step back and look at everything a bit differently. There is definitely a sense that we are being asked to let go of anything we are holding onto too tightly, whatever that may be. When we do, we allow room for what we need in order to grow.
The Sabian symbol for Venus is, at 26° Libra: “An eagle and a large white dove change into each other”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The interaction of the spiritual Will and of the Love principle when critical needs arise. Consciousness operates beyond duality, because the polarised energies of the Soul (for spirit), Will and Love, though ever distinct, work for a single purpose.” The Eagle is a bird of prey, a symbol of strength and stamina, and represents the will. The Dove is a symbol of peace, innocence and love, and so we are encouraged to use the strength of our will to go after what we want at the same time as being open to spiritual messages and emotional guidance. The key, as always, is to listen to our feelings, because they are our internal guidance system. If it feels good, go for it! Again we are being asked to trust that we are ultimately flowing in the right direction, and while we can consciously choose to make changes in our lives we must also simply let go, surrender and allow the universe to do what it will.
Much Love
Picture: Letting Go – Unknown