This is a powerful New Moon indeed as it is also a Solar Eclipse, which has more far reaching effects than your average New Moon. Indeed, an Eclipse represents a profound time of change, when we experience the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new phase of development. We are being recalibrated over the next four weeks and will be receiving a consciousness upgrade that will take us onto the next level. It is very likely that we will experience considerable shifts in the coming weeks as we are raised up to a higher vibration, so it is important to remain as centred and aware as possible and also be gentle with ourselves. Solar Eclipses are connected to the North Node, which represents where we are trying to get to on a soul level and what we need to experience in order to evolve and grow. As such, this Moon has the capacity for us to let go of some old patterns that might be blocking us from growth. Indeed, the Sabian symbol for the North Node, at 2° Libra, is “The transmutation of the fruits of past experiences into the seed realisations of the forever creative spirit”. This is a powerful and beautiful symbol indeed! What seems like a negative can easily be transformed into a positive if we are open and willing to do some inner work.
The Sun and Moon are forming their monthly union in humble, helpful and organised Virgo. As I said, this isn’t your average New Moon, because whatever starts now has the potential to last until the next set of Eclipses in about 6 months. Virgo is the sign of self-improvement and so we might feel the urge to create healthy routines for ourselves or hone our skills somehow so that we function and perform better in our lives. Virgo likes to take a holistic approach and to understand how the system works as a whole. This Moon brings the potential for some amazing healing to take place and Virgo reminds us that it is important to take care of all aspects of our health; mental, emotional, spiritual and physical, as it is all connected. Illness and dis-ease come from a lack of balance in our system and is rarely just physical. It has its roots in something far deeper than that.
I suppose the thing to watch out for during this time is the tendency to be hard on ourselves, as Virgo is known for being quite critical of self and others and can be overly perfectionistic. This is helpful on one level, as it can give us a kick up the bum and make us aware of what areas need improvement, but taken too far it can bring crisis in the form of anxiety, guilt and worry! It seems like this Moon might be offering us the opportunity to transform some old, worn out thought patterns and habits that were formed in the past so it is important to be mindful of how we sabotage ourselves with negative thinking and self-criticism. We all have the capacity to beat ourselves up on one level or another and now is a good time to be mindful of these tendencies. We can really hold ourselves back with these negative patterns and they are generally so ingrained that it is hard to become consciously aware of them.
Chiron in Pisces is directly opposite the Sun and Moon while Uranus in Aries is also forming an inconjunction to the lunations. This brings the potential for releasing some emotional blocks and experiencing deep healing. It may not be particularly comfortable, as it is likely that our close relationships will trigger old wounds and insecurities in us, but this is an amazing opportunity to bravely face ourselves and release ourselves from the chains of the past. We have a chance to break free of emotional patterns that hold us prisoner and create difficulties within our adult relationships. Chiron in Pisces reminds us to be kind to ourselves, treating ourselves and others with love, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance instead of playing the blame and shame game. It’s hard to be confronted with those parts of ourselves that we would much rather push under the carpet and pretend they don’t exist. Not comfortable at all, in fact, and it can be hard to be authentic and open hearted when we are triggered instead of defensive and closed down! Uranus is on the case, however, revealing the truth of the matter in no uncertain terms and giving us nowhere to hide. It’s time to be real with ourselves and one another. While we may experience certain shocks and shake ups, we will also be given some profound insight into our deepest wounds so that we can transmute them and move onto the next level.
The ruler of the Virgo Moon is Mercury in Libra, the sign of relating to others. Mercury will be stationing (slowing down) in preparation for going retrograde on the 18th, so he is a powerful energy right now. The planet of the mind and communication is also forming aspects to some of the heavyweight planets, namely Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and Chiron. That’s quite a crew! As such, it is quite likely that communication with our loved ones during this Moon could really get down to the nitty gritty and reveal the heart of the matter! Our thoughts and communication could be quite shocking and revelatory as we are being called to be very honest with ourselves and to speak from a place of truth. Saturn is in the very last degree of Scorpio right now and will be leaving the sign once and for all on the 18th, so this is the perfect time to delve deeply into our shadows and see what we can dredge up.
During this Moon we may find ourselves having some very truthful, soulful conversations that reveal our deepest fears and vulnerabilities and uncover the real issues in our relationships. While it may be hard to remain open, if we do we really have the potential to create a deeper level of intimacy and trust in our relationships. I suppose that we just have to make sure that we don’t dwell too much on the dark, as this combination of planets does hold the potential for compulsive worrying and obsessive thoughts. Don’t forget that we are in Virgo season, which creates a tendency for us to be quite hard on ourselves! Manipulation, depression, control and power plays are also a possibility here, but let’s try to keep this positive! We have the choice whether to be defensive and put walls up or to be open, and so much more healing can occur if we keep an open mind and heart and are able to face ourselves honestly.
I can’t emphasise enough what a powerful time this is and what amazing potential there is for deep healing and letting go of old, negative patterns that simply don’t serve us anymore. Uranus and Chiron are the biggest players in this Moon/Eclipse, which really bodes well for blasting through some blocks and release ourselves from the chains of the past and any pain and insecurity that might be holding us back from realising our full potential. The Sabian symbol of Uranus at 20° Aries speaks volumes – “A young girl feeding birds in winter.” This speaks of “overcoming crises through compassion.” and “the transmutation of life into love”. There seems to be a lot of transmutation going on during this Moon! This symbol is a reminder of the power of love and compassion. Our patterns don’t have to weigh us down or hold us back if we are willing to look at them honestly and with compassion, forgiveness and acceptance. Once we do they start to lose their power over us.
We mustn't forget that this is an Eclipse, symbolising the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one. What it is exactly will be revealed in time, but for now we need to simply be open and willing to face ourselves and do the inner work necessary to make the most of the energies of this Moon. Virgo isn’t afraid of hard work and it will definitely be worth the effort! This eclipse could be seen as a portal into another way of being. This Moon is linked to the Eclipse in September 1997, so it might be interesting to think about what happened back then. This Eclipse may be a continuation of the same theme as 19 years ago, though taking it to the next level. This is a time of completion and we are being asked to step up to the next level of consciousness. It’s time to do the necessary work to let go of those patterns and move on to the next phase! Transmute, transmute!
Much love
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