Exact at 22.26pm UK time (GMT)
A Capricorn New Moon is a great time for contemplating what we want to achieve and then slowly, surely and steadily working towards turning it into reality. Capricorn is the part of us that likes to set goals, as it is a patient, hard-working, ambitious sign that is good at seeing the long view and planning on how to reach the top of the proverbial mountain. It is interesting that this New Moon falls so close to New Years Eve, which is a time when people make New Year’s resolutions, as New Moons are a powerful time for intention setting. That being said, it is important not to place too much pressure on ourselves with impossible goals, nor to feel too guilty if we don’t manage to achieve them. However, Capricorn can help us to find the discipline and self-control needed to work toward whatever goals we do set for ourselves. Capricorn is the part of us that is willing to take responsibility for ourselves and to be accountable for our actions. Capricorn can help us to commit to a course of action and then do whatever we can to make it work. It is the part of us that has the capacity to take control of our emotional life and take responsibility for our part in whatever we are facing, rather than putting the blame elsewhere. We have just come out of Sagittarius season, which is a time of excess and joviality that can also mean that we over-extend ourselves and overdo it somewhat, while Capricorn is a more serious, disciplined sign that calls for us to get real, rein it all in and take control of ourselves. A Capricorn New Moon is the perfect time for contemplating what we would like to have achieved by the end of the year ahead. Uranus and Venus are big players in this Moon, forming minor aspects to the Sun and Moon and also squaring off against each other. This can bring unexpected shifts and breakthroughs in the realm of our relationships, calling for us to break out of any unhealthy patterns of relating that no longer serve us. We could feel a bit more detached, distant or removed from our loved ones than usual, possibly feeling slightly disconnected and needing more space than usual. Venus in Aquarius has a “friendly but not too familiar” kind of vibe, so we could feel torn between the need for freedom and the need for closeness. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and can bring sudden urges to feel free and to be truly ourselves. As such we could feel somewhat stifled by the proximity to our loved ones that this time of year can bring, feeling a need to bust out and feel free. Uranus can also bring profound insight and clarity that can take us by surprise and could even be upsetting or unsettling. Loved ones could act seemingly out of character, and we could experience disruptions in our relationships that feel like they have come out of the thin air. However, ultimately Uranus can help us to shift out of stuck, stale and outworn patterns of relating that might not be all that healthy. The square between Uranus and Venus is exact on Saturday 28 December, but will still be strong during the New Moon, especially as both Uranus and Venus are aspecting the Sun and Moon. Those of us with personal planets or angles around 23° of a sign will feel the energy of the square most acutely, especially the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. However, we do also have a helpful harmonious, supportive trine between Chiron in Aries and Mercury in Sagittarius, helping us to speak our truth and have open, honest, healing conversations, so this can help us to communicate our needs and desires. It can also help us to truly listen to one another so that we can hear and hopefully understand one another. Pluto, the planets of the subconscious, transformation and power, and Mars, the planet of desire, will, action and motivation, are also opposing each other, exact on 3 January. They opposed each other for the first time on 3 November, and will do so one last time on 27 April, so this is the second of three. This can bring up some very intense emotions and desires, including anger or rage, and we could experience a release of pent-up energy that could feel quite compulsive and even volcanic. We could find ourselves acting or reacting quite compulsively from a deep place inside our subconscious, which might feel almost compulsive. This could be an opportunity to bring things out into the open that have been festering away beneath the surface, although it may come up with more force that we might like! It is important to be mindful of how we assert ourselves and handle our anger during this time, and to also watch out for power plays. This can be a very passionate combination, increasing our sexual desire, and can also help us to find the power, motivation and energy to tackle things that we might usually shy away from, but it is also important to be aware that it could bring up anger that we didn’t know we had inside of us! Those of us with personal planets or angles around 1° of a sign, especially the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, could feel the energy of this opposition the most acutely. Saturn and Jupiter are also squaring off against each other during this Moon, which can create some tension between our sense of what could be possible and what is realistically possible. Jupiter represents our faith, intuition and optimism, whereas Saturn represents realism, limitation, fear, caution and patience. Jupiter in Gemini can come up with all sorts of fun ideas about what could be possible, while Saturn in Pisces calls for us to get serious and to contemplate what truly matters, laying down a solid foundation on which to build upon. The Jupiter part of us might want to take a leap of faith, while the Saturn part of us calls for a carefully considered and cautious approach, whereby we take full responsibility for ourselves. This combination is ultimately calling for us to focus our intentions and make sure that they support our spiritual growth and truly come from a deeper sense of purpose. It is important not to operate from a place of fear, but simply to ground our hopes and aspirations in reality and to come from a place of integrity. It is also good to remember that when we do something despite feeling fear, we are often rewarded. Fear is natural, but we don’t have to let it prevent us from doing things. The Sabian symbol for this Moon, at 10° Capricorn, is a beautiful one: “An albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor” which Dane Rudyar describes as “The overcoming of fear and its rewards. The man who radiates perfect harmlessness can call the wildest creatures to him and can establish with them a partnership based on mutual respect and understanding. Every living entity plays a role in the world’s ritual of existence; beyond these specific roles, which too often separate one entity from another, the communion of love and compassion can bring together the most disparate lives. We are presented with a picture extending the ideal of peace and happiness through culture so it now includes all living organisms on this planet. The power of such a culture of harmlessness and compassion generates TRUST everywhere.” There is a lot in this symbol – overcoming fear, taking a leap of faith, lessening the distance between us and others even if they seem “different” or alien to us, kindness and compassion towards all beings – these are all good aspirations to have as we start this new year. This Moon is a very good opportunity to turn inward and reflect on what we have learned this year, letting go of whatever no longer serves us and making a commitment to ourselves to turn up as the best version of ourselves. Capricorn calls for accountability, responsibly for self and, above all, integrity. This involves always doing the right thing, even if it doesn’t necessarily feel like the easiest thing to do. Such is the gift of this Moon. Much Love Amy xoxo Picture: Rocky Mountain by @UngracefullyDefensivelyVanguard Exact at 9.01am UK time (GMT)
This Moon in Gemini can bring a lot of mental activity and could make everything feel very busy indeed, possibly overwhelmingly so. As such, it is important to make sure that we take time out if we can. Those of us with a lot of Gemini in our charts like variety and tend to have our finger in many pies, so much so that we can spread ourselves a bit too thin at times. This is also Sagittarius season, which can mean that we overextend ourselves and overdo it somewhat. Sagittarius is a very “expansive” sign that does everything in a very big way, sometimes to the point of excess! This Moon could be fun, lively and jovial, but could also mean that we feel somewhat overstretched. This could also bring opportunities to say anything that we have been holding back or keeping to ourselves. Gemini is the master of communication, while Sagittarius is the truth seeker and truth sayer. Sagittarius can be a bit blunt, however, while Gemini is more adept at delivering the truth in a palatable and comprehensible way. It is important to be aware that while we may have our version of the truth, another person has their truth as well, which is equally valid. And somewhere in the middle of the two is the truth itself. It is possible that we could find ourselves delivering a few home truths during this Moon, and we could also be on the receiving end of someone else’s truth. It is very important to truly listen to one another in an effort to truly understand each other’s perspective and reality, and to not interrupt or make assumptions. Mercury, the ruler of this Gemini Moon, is very strong indeed, as it is standing still and preparing to go forward, having been retrograde since 26 November. The planet of the mind and communication is in Sagittarius and has been helping us to go back over old ground over the past three weeks, helping us to find growth and wisdom in retrospect. It can help to look back into the past sometimes, as it has lessons for us that we can take into the future. We can’t turn back time, but we can certainly learn from it and try not to make the same mistakes again. Mercury in Sagittarius encourages us to be honest with ourselves and others and to speak our truth, even if it is uncomfortable. It can also help us to look forward with a positive and hopeful sense of what is possible. Mercury is forming a lovely supportive trine aspect to Mars in Leo during this Moon, which can help us to have the courage to express ourselves and say what needs to be said. It also helps us to align our thoughts and ideas with our actions, so that we can “put our money where our mouth is”, so to speak. It as a great time for brainstorming creative projects, and for having lively and passionate discussions about our innermost desires. With Mars retrograde, we may be able to understand, articulate and resolve past grievances and old resentments that might be lingering, bringing them out into the open so that the energy can be cleared. There is a sense that we can somehow bring forward what we have learned from the past in order to clarify and articulate our hopes, aspirations and desires for the future. Honesty is key here. It is so important to be able to express how we feel, what we want, what we need and what is on our mind, and to allow the other person to do the same. This Moon encourages us to not only have the courage to speak up, but to also make the effort to truly listen and try to understand where the other person is coming from, without projecting our own thoughts, beliefs and emotions onto what they are trying to say. This is easier said than done sometimes, but well worth the effort. Those of us with personal planets and angles around 6° of a sign, especially the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, will most feel the benefit of this courageous, direct, creative, passionate, truth-telling combination of Mars and Mercury. Neptune in Pisces is square the Sun and Moon, calling for us to have compassion, empathy and sensitivity in the way we communicate with one another. This is a very challenging time of year for many, so compassion and kindness are so very important. Neptune does also bring the potential for confusion, brain fog and misunderstandings due to a lack of clarity. Neptune can also bring extreme sensitivity and emotional overwhelm, and we could feel a bit like a leaf being blown around in the wind, at the mercy of forces larger than us. And this is quite possible, in all the busyness of the festive season! We could feel like just burying our heads in the sand and escaping, because it all feels too much. Neptune rules drugs and alcohol, which can be used to escape and numb out. However, Neptune can also remind us to take time out and connect with Spirit, through nature, meditation and simply “taking a breath”. Neptune is the planet of illusions and delusions, so it is important to be mindful of the stories we are telling ourselves and others, and that we are really telling ourselves the truth, because deception and self-deception are very possible. Neptune calls for us to tune in to our inner guidance, for we always know the truth, deep within us, even if it is a tiny whisper. One of Neptune’s greatest gifts is the art of surrender. We are invited to truly have faith and trust that there is a universal plan and to simply let go and allow ourselves to be guided along with the flow of the river. What will be will be. The more we let go of the need to control things and follow the path of least resistance, the easier life can be. Uranus is also a player during this Moon, which can be helpful for insight, clarity and gaining perspective on whatever we are experiencing. Uranus can shake us out of stagnation but can also bring about a curveball that shocks and surprises us, jolting us into a greater sense of awareness and liberating us from habits, patterns, beliefs and situations that bind us. The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon, at 24° Gemini, is an intriguing one: “Children skating over a frozen village pond”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The use of inhibiting circumstances for the development of character and a transcendent approach to the environment. Winter symbolises darkness and the restrictions imposed upon living things by cold. Natural life is in a state of hibernation or inward-turned activity. Yet the developing mind can learn to use restrictions and the disciplining power of “cold” external responses to rise above the outer “freeze” and to grow in strength and skill. Man is nature rising above the cyclic oscillation of natural polarities. His way is often the via negative. He learns rhythmic freedom (“skating”) by using the most binding situations (“ice”) to demonstrate his transcendent capacity for pleasure and self-mobilisation. This symbol presents us with a special technique. It is a mental technique inasmuch as it is through mind that man can transcend the entropy of the universal process of existence. We see here indeed man’s TRIUMPH OVER ENTROPY. (Entropy = a measure of the disorder that exists in a system.)” This symbol certainly brings the sense that we can use our mind to rise above things and make the best out of a difficult situation! There is also something here around finding creative solutions, which reminds me of the Mercury Mars trine. Both Sagittarius and Gemini are able to bring lightness and humour to the table, as Gemini is curious and playful while Sagittarius can help us to see the funny side of even the most difficult situation. This Moon could be quite fast paced, so it is important to take time out to be kind to ourselves, so that we don’t end up too overwhelmed! Above all, this Moon offers us an opportunity to speak our truth and be heard, and to do the same in return. Clear, concise, direct and truthful communication is key! Much Love Amy xoxo Picture: Unknown Exact at 6.21am UK time (GMT)
Sagittarius season generally brings some light relief after the emotional intensity of Scorpio season, imbuing us with some hope, faith and, at the very least, the capacity to laugh at the absurdity of it all! New Moons are a time when we sow energetic seeds that blossom and grow over the course of the month ahead, so it can help to be mindful of our thoughts, feelings and conversations in the build up to the New Moon, as they will hold clues about what we are working on and what our hearts truly wish for. Sagittarius is an enthusiastic, optimistic, energetic Fire sign that encourages us to think big and set our sights high. The sky’s the limit as far as Sagittarius is concerned! Sagittarius is the part of us that has supreme faith that we are being guided by forces larger than us, and that somehow all is exactly as it is meant to be. It is the part of us that knows that everything that happens, big or small, has something to teach us, no matter how challenging it may feel at the time. When things seem at their most bleak, and it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, Sagittarius reminds us that “this too shall pass”, and that we will be bigger and wiser for the experience. While it might be hard to understand why some things happen, the Sagittarius part of us has faith that all will be revealed in the fullness of time, and that it is all occurring according to some grand master plan, even if it seems to make absolutely no sense in the here and now. Saturn in Pisces is involved in this particular Moon, however, which could dampen our spirits somewhat! While Sagittarius has so much faith and enthusiasm, and seeks to expand, grow and broaden our horizons, Saturn reminds us to slow down, keep our feet on the ground and keep an eye on reality. While the Sagittarius part of us wants to shoot for the stars, Saturn asks us if we are truly on the right path, and whether we are actually ready to take responsibility for it. Sometimes what we think we want is not what we actually want, in reality, and it is not until we get it that we realise that it is not what we imagined it would be! There is the potential for a test of faith when Saturn is involved, because everything can feel more “real” than hopeful. However, sometimes we need big tests of faith in order to step up to the next level in our soul growth. And sometimes it really is darkest just before dawn. Saturn’s involvement could create obstacles that we need to overcome for us to “pass the test” and move forward. Saturn asks us to be truly accountable, and to make a proper commitment to live according to our truth and to align with our higher purpose. Saturn reminds us to play the patience game and to slowly, surely and steadily work towards our goal, whatever that may be, and to fully learn the lessons along the way. Mars in Leo is helping this Moon, however, bringing extra motivation, enthusiasm and drive to the picture. Mars is part of a Grand Fire Trine with the Sagittarius Sun/Moon and the North Node in Aries, helping us to prioritise ourselves and find our sacred “No” if we need to. The Aries North Node calls for us to get in touch with our own needs and to truly honour them, asserting and sticking up for ourselves if we need to, and Mars in Leo can certainly help us to do that! Mars in Leo is very passionate, expressive and bold, and can help to bring out our creativity, our capacity to take charge of our own lives and the courage to follow what brings us joy. Mars can help us to be brave enough to expand our horizons and follow our hearts during this Moon. It can prompt us to make positive steps in the right direction, and to not only set inspired intentions, but also to act confidently on those intentions. It can also bring the courage to express our truth if we need to. We are invited to follow the path of joy during this Moon, stepping boldly forward into the unknown, with the spirit of an adventurer! Mars is getting ready to turn retrograde on 8 December, which means that the planet of action, drive, anger, motivation and desire will be going back over old ground for a few months, until 25 February. This can help us to reflect on how we assert ourselves, how we handle anger, how we use our energy and how we go after what we desire. What is blocking us from taking action and following our hearts? What creative endeavours might we need to go back over and tweak? How can we act more from the heart and not from a place of ego or need for validation? Mars retrograde invites us to take a step back and not push things, as the forward momentum and outward progress might slow down somewhat. This could feel frustrating, but we are invited to be patient and use this time to reassess our desires and goals, possibly coming up with a different plan of action. We may also find ourselves revisiting any old conflict with others that might not have been resolved. This is an ideal opportunity to go back over old ground and hash things out so that we can find a way forward. Mars retrograde can feel like we are not moving forward but is an invitation to turn inward and reassess and reflect upon what we really want and need, and what action we need to take. Mars will be retrograde in Leo until 6 January, when it will move back into Cancer. Venus in Capricorn is also forming a harmonious, supportive trine to Uranus in Taurus during this New Moon, which can help us to break down any unhealthy patterns of relating and breathe fresh air into our relationships. Uranus can help us to see our relationships from a different perspective, bringing insight, clarity and the potential for relational dynamics shifting in the direction of freedom and growth. Uranus combined with Venus in Capricorn calls for us to think outside of the box and to relate to others from a place of authenticity, maturity and integrity. What do we truly need, when it comes down to it? What needs change within our relationships for them to last, and how can we help to make that happen? What old habits and structures are simply not serving us within our relationships, and what can we do about it? Uranus certainly can bring a nice surprise in the realm of our relationships and finances which could be both exciting and freeing. It can also help us to come up with solutions to long standing issues and blocks. The trine between Uranus and Venus will be exact on 2 December, so it is very strong during this Moon. Those of us with personal planets or angles around 24° of a sign, especially the Earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, will feel the benefits the most. The fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius will be feeling the liberating, innovative and shifting energy of Uranus the most acutely. The Sabian symbol for this New Moon, at 10° Sagittarius, feels somehow appropriate, given the current global climate: “A theatrical representation of a golden-haired goddess of opportunity”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “Society’s efforts at dramatising the greatness of what it offers to the ambitious man. Civilisation as a process demands the goading of individuals to spend their vital energies in the pursuit of achievements which, while fulfilling the individual’s ambition and greed, nevertheless generate various forms of what we call “progress.” This sequence of symbols mainly refers to the drive for advancement along “human, all too human” paths of growth. We see in this symbol how sociocultural forces operate by dramatisation and propaganda. The result is all too often a process of FORCED GROWTH”. This symbol seems to suggest that some things are too good to be true, so that possibly we are being asked to think long and hard about any opportunities that come our way and make sure they are what we really truly want and need. Mars in Leo calls for us to follow our heart’s true desires and to be brave enough to act on them. This Sagittarius New Moon calls for us to connect with our faith and our heart’s wisdom so that we can see our way ahead. Saturn’s influence does seem to be testing us, so it might be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel or to recognise the cloud’s silver lining. Saturn calls for patience, accountability and playing the long game. However, there is a lot of positive energy around during this Moon that can help things shift and move us forward. Not to mention that Sagittarius is such an optimistic, faith-filled sign that can help us to see the bigger picture and reminds us that all is exactly as it is meant to be. Much Love Amy xoxo Picture; Hanging onto Hope, by Jennifer Main Exact at 9.28pm, UK time (GMT)
This Full Moon has the potential to bring clarity, insight and change into our lives. We are still in Scorpio season, a time for purging and shedding anything that no longer serves us. Scorpio season coincides with the leaves falling from the leaves in the Northern Hemisphere, and so we are being metaphorically stripped bare, which can leave us feeling quite raw and exposed. Anything that has been festering beneath the carpet can now be brought out into the open so that we can clean it out and purify it. And then we have this Full Moon, which can shine a light into the darkness, bringing our emotions up and out so that we can deal with them. Whatever came up for us during the Scorpio New Moon can now reach a point of completion and culmination. This Moon highlights the Taurus/Scorpio polarity, with the Sun in powerful, intense Scorpio and the Moon in calm, sensual, practical Taurus. While Scorpio season can be very transforming, revealing and somewhat intense, a Taurus Moon invites us to ground and root ourselves, creating a greater sense of peace, calm, simplicity and stability. Taurus is a sensible, stable, no-nonsense, self-reliant sign that has no time for all the drama and emotional intensity that Scorpio can bring to the table. However, the Taurus part of us can get a bit stuck and stagnant at times, which is where Scorpio comes in, forcing us to be emotionally honest and to look at ourselves squarely in the face, owning whatever we find, even if it’s not pretty. Uranus is sitting right next to the Moon in Taurus, which can definitely upset the apple cart! Scorpio season brings the potential for transformation, while Uranus can bring sudden events, realisations and insights that can bring significant shifts. While the Taurus part of us may resist change in favour of comfort and familiarity, Uranus tends to shake things up, rattling our cages and prompting us to step out of the comfort zone and try something different on for size. Uranus invites us to be utterly true to ourselves, throwing off the shackles of conditioning, shedding unhealthy patterns and habits and finding out who we really, truly are. Sometimes all we need is to see things from a different point of view to create the change we need. Sometimes an epiphany can shift our perspective so much that everything changes. That moment when we exclaim “Aha!” can be a complete game changer. Uranus can certainly bring a curve ball or a wake-up call that can jolt us onto the right path, waking us up to what we previously couldn’t see or understand. And during Scorpio season any realisations can be incredibly profound, helping us to confront ourselves and see deeper truths as we unearth any challenging subject matter that might have been festering beneath the surface and wreaking havoc in our lives. Those of us with personal planets and angles around 25° of a sign, especially the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, will feel the exciting, liberating, insightful energy of Uranus the most acutely. Clarity is a beautiful thing! Venus, the ruler of this Moon, is also quite a big piece of the puzzle. Venus has recently moved into Capricorn, a serious, realistic, pragmatic, conservative sign that greatly values commitment, maturity, long-term stability, accountability, and integrity. Things can get quite serious in the relationship department when Venus is in Capricorn! Venus is square the Nodes of the Moon, which feels quite significant and can bring an element of fate and destiny, soul-growth and karma in terms of our relationships, values and self-worth. Maybe we are being called to step forward somehow regarding our relationships, with the Aries North Node calling for us to be honest and brave and state our needs, doing what is right for us rather than going along with things that make us feel uncomfortable for the sake of maintaining peace and harmony. How do we find balance and compromise without compromising ourselves? Can we dare to actually show up in our relationships and not hide ourselves or downplay our feelings, needs and desires? Who are we, really? Can we have the courage to be all that we are - the good, the bad and the ugly? We could receive some kind of test or a moment of reckoning in the realm of our relationships, whereby we could clear old karma and make some serious vows and commitments, first and foremost to ourselves. We could also be forced to be realistic and pragmatic about what we truly want and need. The Aries North Node has been calling for us to make ourselves a priority and to have the courage to express our needs. The Nodes will soon move into Virgo and Pisces, so this 18-month cycle of stepping into the fullness of who we are will be complete. Venus square the Nodes will be exact the day after the Full Moon. Those of us with personal planets or angles around 5° of a sign, especially the cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, will feel the energy of the square most strongly. It is very important to be true to ourselves and to operate from a place of personal responsibility and integrity. Venus is also forming a nagging inconjunct aspect to Mars, the ruler of the North Node, which could make our relationships a bit more challenging, but will also force us to face things that we might usually shy away from. It is always better to get things out into the open, and we could have more courage to do so during this Moon, even if it is hard. Pluto is also in the very final part of the final degree of Capricorn, getting ready to move into Aquarius on 20 November, which can bring a significant shift of energy. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008. Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio, and there is a sense that we are clearing up old karmic debris in the final days of its stay in Capricorn. What old conditioned, programmed patterns need to be purged and purified? What karmic soul contracts are coming to an end? It will be interesting to see what falls away in the final days of Pluto in this karmic sign. On a collective level, it is Pluto’s last push to expose and purge any decay, dysfunction or corruption in the societal structures to make way for new, progressive foundations to be built as Pluto moves into revolutionary, humanitarian Aquarius. The world we have known is crumbling to make way for the new. It could help to look at what area of our chart is going to be affected by this shift. Whatever house we find the final degree of Capricorn and first degree of Aquarius can show where we will feel the change of energy, as Pluto moves from the sign that represents authority, patriarchal values, karma, structure and commitment into the sign that represents freedom, revolution, community and authenticity. Pluto can also expose the darker side of Aquarius, including technology and community, and will hopefully purge and purify in this area so that the Aquarian qualities of equality, freedom and brotherhood/sisterhood can prevail. “Power to the People!” cries Pluto in Aquarius! Let’s see what that actually entails! The Sabian symbol for this Moon, at 25° Taurus, is an interesting one, as Pluto gets ready to move into Aquarius: “A vast public park”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The cultivation of natural energies for collective use and recreation. With this symbol we witness the positive and impressive results of man’s collective endeavour to live in peace and to enjoy moments of relaxation. The public park is designed and kept for the enjoyment of all the people of the city. This is a symbol of COLLECTIVE ENJOYMENT. The individual finds in the products of his culture an emotional enhancement born of the feeling of “belonging” to a large, organised, peaceful whole.” Ah, that sounds peaceful and tranquil and brings the sense of inclusivity and community that Pluto in Aquarius will hopefully bring! And who knows, maybe this Full Moon will bring a peaceful respite in the midst of an intense and turbulent Scorpio season! It certainly does bring the potential for some profound insight and understanding that could bring a sense of peace as things become clearer. The Scorpio New Moon forced us to look under the proverbial carpet and admit the truth, really getting to the heart of the matter. This Moon will hopefully bear the fruit that was planted then, as Full Moons often represent the culmination of whatever began during the New Moon. May we now have many “Aha!” moments that bring clarity, insight and peace and help us to see the way forward. This certainly does feel like a time of karmic completion. Much Love Amy xoxo Picture: by KGSinclair Exact at 12.47pm UK time (GMT)
This is a potent New Moon that brings the potential for profound insight, transformation and really getting to the heart of the matter. Scorpio is a powerful sign that likes to delve deep beneath the surface and uncover whatever might be lurking there, even if it is uncomfortable to look at. We are invited to look at how power plays out in our lives, to confront our shadows and to explore our capacity for transparency and deep intimacy, shedding any unhealthy habits, patterns or tendencies that no longer serve us. All New Moons bring the potential for something falling away and something new beginning, but a Scorpio New Moon would bring a greater sense of transformation and renewal. It is an ideal time to clear away old karma, once and for all, so we can begin anew. Scorpio asks us to be real, even if it’s not pretty. We are invited to search deep inside of ourselves for the truth of the matter, even if we would rather not face the consequences. Scorpio exposes those parts of us that we tend to hide from or deny, and yet when we do bring them out into the open, it allows for a deeper connection and intimacy both with ourselves and those closest to us. A Scorpio Moon invites us to be emotionally honest and to tell the truth, even if it is hard to admit, hard to say and hard for the other person to hear. If we have been lying to ourselves or hiding from something that makes us feel uncomfortable, this is the kind of Moon that can force us to confront whatever has been hidden and to admit to the naked truth of the matter. This could make us feel quite vulnerable and exposed but can also bring an element of relief, as whatever has been simmering beneath the surface is brought out into the light. Often things that are left unsaid, or issues that we are grappling with in secret tend to wreak havoc in our relationships because they are sensed or felt by those close to us but not consciously understood, which is confusing and creates an uneasy atmosphere of knowing something isn’t quite right but not knowing what it is. Trust is built by transparency, honesty and openness, even if it is acutely uncomfortable! There is some very useful planetary energy playing out during this New Moon that could help us to be honest and open, and to somehow know when the time is right to express whatever we need to say. We have a Grand Water Trine between Mercury in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces which brings a lovely flow between the three planets. This could make it easier to bring thorny topics out into the open, as Mars gives us the emotional courage while Mercury in Scorpio helps us to have deep, emotionally honest conversations that penetrate to the heart of the matter. It is so beautiful that Neptune is involved, because it brings the spirit of empathy, sensitivity and compassion, helping us to understand ourselves and the other person better and to intuitively sense what each person is trying to say. Pluto, the ruler of this Scorpio New Moon, is also very much involved in this picture, as it is creating a kite pattern with this Grand Water Trine. Pluto is forming a helpful sextile aspect with Mercury and Neptune, which creates even more potential for emotionally honest, revealing conversations that uncover anything that has hitherto been hidden or avoided. Pluto can bring penetrating insight that helps us to really get to the heart of the matter. Pluto is in the very last degree of Capricorn, calling us to resolve and clear any sticky karma and recognise what old conditioning and programming is still holding us prisoner before Pluto goes into Aquarius on 20 November. Pluto is also directly opposing Mars, which calls for us to be very brave indeed and to confront ourselves and anything that we have been shying away from. This is a proper soul growth opportunity, where any fears, repressed emotions and vulnerabilities can be brought out into the open to be seen and properly looked at. This could ultimately be very empowering but might initially feel quite uncomfortable as intense emotions rise to the surface, which could be quite revealing. It is always interesting to watch how we respond and react when we are feeling triggered, threatened or insecure. This is a good opportunity to gain more insight into our outworn coping mechanisms and to try to respond from a more conscious, empowered place. Luckily Neptune is involved in this story, helping to soften the energy and bring sensitivity, compassion, empathy, intuitive understanding, forgiveness and heartfelt connection. Those of us with personal planets and angles between 27° and 29° of a sign will feel the energy of this kite/grand trine the most acutely, especially in the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Pluto and Mars are in powerful positions during this Moon, as they are in the final degree of Capricorn and Cancer, which brings potent opportunity for profound soul growth and transformation if we have the courage to step up and confront our fears and limitations. Those with planets around 0° and 1° of a sign will also be feeling the impact of these planets, as they are preparing to move into Aquarius and Leo. Saturn in Pisces is also helping us to step up to the plate and take responsibility for ourselves, operating from a place of spiritual maturity and accountability. Saturn can help ground and support us as we delve into the emotional undergrowth and face our shadows, so that we don’t end up too swamped by fear and emotion. Saturn can help us to maintain a sense of composure and emotional strength, helping create healthy boundaries as we confront ourselves, shedding old layers and purging any patterns and karma that are preventing growth. This certainly could be a time of deep introspection, whereby we have a chance to confront, process and lay to rest any fears, insecurities, hurts or wounds that are wreaking havoc beneath the surface of our lives. The Sabian symbol for this Moon, at 10° Scorpio, is an interesting one: “A fellowship supper re-unites old comrades”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The overtones of human relationships based on a community of work or experiences. This symbol pictures the essential nature of the bond that unites individuals who have participated in some common activity. The social feeling of communion, plus all that it engenders, arises after the act performed together. Activity is at the root of consciousness. Activity in common generates social consciousness and cultural patterns which become set in the form of institutions. A group-personality emerges, which displays characteristic features and gives birth to collective emotions and values. Wherever this symbol appears, it suggests the importance of establishing or strengthening links with those with whom one has shared, or can share, living experiences. The value of COMRADESHIP is emphasized.” This symbol brings to mind the powerful bonds that we share with those we have shared experiences with. Whatever we have shared with people can certainly bind us energetically, and sometimes there is karma that still needs to be cleared, or maybe just talking about our shared past can help to process, heal and transform. This Moon certainly does hold the potential for some deep, honest and brave realisations, insights and conversations, whereby we are called to be as emotionally honest as we possibly can. First and foremost, we are called to be honest with ourselves, and to confront all that we have hidden, avoided facing or suppressed. This is an ideal opportunity to clear anything out from under the carpet that might be festering away and sabotaging our lives and relationships. This is a time when secrets may be revealed, and whatever has been relegated to the darkness could be exposed. Scorpio would rather know the truth, even if the repercussions are hard to face. There is great healing potential during this Moon, if we are willing and able to step up and do the work. Much Love Amy xoxo Picture: Facing the Shadows Together – Elise Hurst Exact at 12.26pm UK time (BST)
This is a big, bold, brave Full Moon, in true Aries style! It is a supermoon, which means that it appears larger in the night sky and has a greater impact on our minds, bodies and spirits. It is also in independent, brave, direct, enthusiastic and impulsive Aries, the first sign of the zodiac that represents the initial spark that can easily start a raging fire! This Moon is activating the relationship axis of Libra and Aries, the two signs that represent our need to be in relationship to other (Libra) and our need to be our own person (Aries). Ultimately, we are called to find a balance between the two signs, rather than veering too far in one direction or the other. In quite simple terms, Libra is the sign of peace and Aries is the god of war. Libra is the part of us that tends to acquiesce or turn a blind eye to certain issues in order to maintain a sense of peace and harmony, not wanting to rock the boat or cause friction. It is the part of us that strives to be reasonable and struggles with harsh or “ugly” emotional reactions. Aries, however, is the part of us that isn’t afraid to bring thorny issues out into the open, confronting them head on in order to find some kind of resolution. In an ideal world we would have the courage to bring challenging issues up in a kind, loving and considered way, rather than simply acting or reacting from a hurt, angry, triggered or wounded place. However, sometimes feelings just rise up in us and demand release, which is the Aries way, and at least we are being honest, open, direct and real when we express what we are feeling, even if it doesn’t quite come out in the most refined, gentle or delicate manner! During this particular Moon, we also have Chiron the Wounded Healer sitting right next to the Moon in Aries, which brings the potential for our wounds and insecurities being activated, and could make us more sensitive, reactive, easily hurt, defensive and emotional than we might usually be. However, this is such an opportunity for healing, even though it might feel a bit uncomfortable! We are called to be brave enough to actively confront painful memories and look at our unhelpful patterns, and to address any issues that are coming up for us so that we can work through them. It takes courage to show our wounded selves to others and to be vulnerable enough to express when we are hurt in a way that they can accept and understand. It takes courage to face ourselves and admit that we feel hurt, or rejected, or weak. It takes courage to bring uncomfortable issues out into the open. Those of us with personal planets or angles around 21° of a sign will be feeling the healing energy of Chiron the most acutely, especially in the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. This may bring feelings of rejection and our core wounds being activated, which could be painful and yet bring such potential for healing. Aries is a very brave energy, which helps us to look at our wounds without flinching and to do whatever is needed to work through whatever we are facing. Interestingly, Mars, the ruler of Aries, is very present during this Moon, as it is forming a dynamic square aspect to the Sun, Moon and Chiron, a harmonious trine aspect to Neptune, while also working towards an opposition to Pluto. That’s a lot of Mars! We could be forced, in no uncertain terms, to confront our core wounds, and could find ourselves more easily triggered, with some strong emotions coming to the surface. Mars is in Cancer at the moment, which can bring up anger and outbursts of emotion that come from our wounded inner child and could seem quite irrational. We may find ourselves at odds with others somehow, but the tension can push us to confront issues that we usually tend to shy away from. We have a chance here to practice asserting ourselves and expressing our anger and strong emotions in a healthy, constructive way, although that might not be very easy if our buttons are being pushed! Chiron in Aries encourages us to have the courage to simply be ourselves and to embrace all that we are, rather than doubting or bending ourselves out of shape to be something we are not in order to feel loved or accepted. Mars definitely brings the potential for heated emotions, hurt feelings and reactivity, but it also helps us to be brave and bring anything out into the open so that we can find healing and resolution. Better out than in! Neptune is forming a flowing, harmonious trine aspect to both Venus and Mars, which helps to soften the fiery energy of this Full Moon. Neptune brings the potential for true acceptance, sensitivity to other’s feelings, heartfelt connection and the capacity for compassion and empathy towards one another, even while facing uncomfortable or challenging material. Venus is right at the end of Scorpio, calling for us to deepen our intimacy and trust, penetrating to the core of whatever we are dealing with. There is certainly a lot of potential for friction during this Moon, which can bring out our vulnerabilities and expose our tender underbellies, but this can ultimately bring us closer together and help us to understand each other better. The connection between Neptune and Venus, which is exact on Wednesday, can bring a deeper, more loving connections and greater understanding and acceptance of the parts of each other that we might deem “ugly”, shameful, scary or unacceptable. It can help us to transcend egoic attachment and embrace a higher expression of love. We are invited to connect on a deeper level and see beyond our façades, walls and protective layers to the core of our being. This doesn’t feel like an easy Moon, per se, as some challenging and hitherto repressed material could come out into the light, but what is revealed through the process could be tremendously healing and ultimately bring greater understanding, depth and intimacy to our relationships. Those of us with personal planets or angles around 29° of a sign, especially the mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, will feel the tender, compassionate, dissolving, flowing energy of Neptune and Venus most strongly, not to mention that Pluto is also sitting at 29° Capricorn, having recently turned direct. We are having the last little foray into all things Capricorn before Pluto goes into Aquarius for good on 19 November, which calls for us to face any unhelpful karmic patterns or issues around power and control, purging unhealthy conditioned habits and patterns, and dismantling any decaying structures in our lives that simply no longer serve. The Sabian symbol for this Moon, at 25° Aries, is an intriguing one: “The possibility for man to gain experience at two levels of being” which Dane Rudyar describes as “The revelation of new potentialities. In some unspecified way the symbol is a guarantee that man can operate successfully at two levels of consciousness, if he has previously met the condition mentioned in the preceding symbol. “Be open. Be able and willing to shape your translucent mind on the form revealing spiritual fulfilment. And you will be able to experience life and power on inner as well as outer planes.” The implied message is one of faith. Man can only truly experience what he deeply believes he can experience. This symbol announces the possibility of a new step in evolution, but it is still only a possibility, a promise. The individual is truly ON PROBATION.” This Moon certainly seems to be calling for us to be honest, open and brave! Full Moons always hold the potential for emotions riding high and for hitherto repressed material coming out into the light, but this one could be especially volatile! There is an invitation here for us to lay our cards out on the table and to have the courage to truly express all that we are and all that we are feeling, even if it feels uncomfortable and isn’t exactly “pretty”. Aries is the part of us that acts first and thinks later, and sometimes that can be a good thing, because at least it is real and is not filtered through the lens of what is “reasonable” or “acceptable”. This Moon has such amazing healing potential if we are brave enough to drop the protective walls of so-called decency and reveal the fullness of who we truly are, warts and all. Much Love Amy xoxo Painting by Arturas Slapsys Exact at 19.49 UK time (BST)
This is the second of the Eclipses this season, and it surely is a potent little Moon! This is a micro-Moon, so it appears smaller than usual in the night sky and will create a ring of fire when the Moon passes over the Sun, for those who are able to see the Eclipse. We had the Pisces Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse on 18 Sept, which was a time for releasing the past so that we can allow and make room for the next chapter to come in. This New Moon/Solar Eclipse has the potential to be a powerful reset in the realm of our relationships, intimate and otherwise, setting the tone for the next six months and helping us to kickstart this new phase of our lives. The theme of this New Moon/Eclipse is relationships. Eclipses activate the Nodal Axis, and the Nodes are currently in Libra and Aries, which is the relationship axis. With the South Node currently in Libra, we are called to let go of any of the more undesirable or unhealthy aspects of Libra, such as people pleasing, or codependency, or compromising ourselves, or turning a blind eye to any issues in our relationships from a fear of being alone, or losing ourselves in relationship, or prioritising other people’s needs over our own which can then lead to resentment. We are currently being called to balance the energies of Libra and Aries, learning to embrace the qualities of the Aries North Node while still utilising the healthier aspects of Libra, such as tact, fairness, balance, equality, kindness and consideration. Aries invites us to cultivate a stronger sense of self, and to practice prioritising our own needs while also tending to the relationship itself. In an ideal world, a relationship is an equal balance of give and take. Aries is a direct, forthright, honest energy, and so we are called to be more authentic and open, even if it means having to confront thorny issues. It is possible to stick up for ourselves and to express our needs without putting the other person’s back up. Aries invites us to find out who we are, what we want and why we are here. The Nodes of the Moon have been in Libra and Aries since July 2023 and are getting close to the end of the process, as they will move into Virgo and Pisces on 11 January 2025. Aries calls for us to focus on self-care, personal growth and self-love. We are asked to be brave, to take the initiative, to take risks, to step outside of our comfort zone and to create better boundaries and learn to say “No” if it doesn’t feel right for us. It can feel uncomfortable to stand more firmly in ourselves, balancing our Libran capacity for harmony and peace with our Aries capacity for courageous independence and putting ourselves first. Aries teaches us that it is ok to be a little selfish, even though it is a way of being that has been somewhat vilified. If we don’t take care of ourselves then what use are we to anyone else? Interestingly, Mars and Venus, the rulers of Aries and Libra, are dancing with each other during this Moon, in a Grand Water trine which includes Saturn in Pisces. This feels very encouraging for this New Moon as we herald in a new chapter for our relationships. Saturn’s influence can help to strengthen and solidify our relationships, somehow making them more concrete, while also helping to strengthen our boundaries and capacity to assert ourselves in a mature manner. It can also help us to create a solid foundation upon which to build feelings of trust and a sense of safety that allows us to be more open, assertive and vulnerable. If we feel safe, then we have a more secure base from which to spring from out into the world. With Venus currently in Scorpio we are invited to develop deeper intimacy and connection within our relationships and to dare to reveal and expose the parts of us that we might usually keep hidden from view because they might feel shameful or “not allowed”. Mars in Cancer encourages us to act in nurturing ways towards one another, which can create the feeling of safety that enables us to open up emotionally and to dare to reveal the softer, tender, more vulnerable parts of ourselves. What a beautiful combination of planets to have playing with each other during this Eclipse! It brings a mixture of emotional depth, grounding, compassion, trust, nurturing, loving boundaries, commitment and the capacity to tend to our relationships with a sense of personal responsibility, maturity and patience. Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication, is also a very big part of this Moon, as it is sitting right next to the Sun and Moon in Libra. This puts a very big emphasis on the art of communication and encourages us to truly listen to one another. It is so important to feel that we are seen and heard, and to give our full attention to our loved ones when they are expressing themselves. Mercury in Libra can help us to express ourselves with kindness, fairness and consideration for others feelings. Good, clear, honest communication combined with deep listening, is such a strong component in a healthy, conscious relationship, as it prevents misunderstanding, ambiguity and confusion. The Aries North Node is encouraging us to stand strong in our genuine, authentic selfhood, while Mercury in Libra reminds us that it is possible to be ourselves and assert healthy boundaries in a kind, loving and peaceful manner. The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon/Eclipse is an interesting one, at 11° Libra: A professor peering over his glasses at his students” which Dane Rudyar describes as: “Problems attending the transmission of knowledge in a special cultural setup. This symbol reveals a rather humorous approach to what man’s mind can accomplish. The symbol reveals two aspects of the condition of “professor-ship” – that is, of being able to transfer to the young generation the vast sum of knowledge accumulated by the past. The need to absorb this enormous amount of book knowledge affects the mind as well as the eyes; in order to meet the demands of turbulent youth, the teacher in a sense has to look above this knowledge and to see his students simply as human beings. This symbol deals at the intellectual level with the teaching of accumulated collective knowledge, and the problem posed by the acquisition of that knowledge. This is what INSTRUCTION means – a process not to be confused with “education.”” We are encouraged, with this symbol, to truly “see” each other for who we are, with new eyes, recognising our individual needs rather than projecting our rational understanding and viewpoint onto each other. We all like to truly feel seen, “got” and understood, and so this Moon encourages us to develop and refine the art of listening and paying attention to one another, as well as being clear and concise around expressing our own needs. This Moon heralds a new chapter in our relationships and could signify a continuation of the energy of the Solar Eclipse on 8 April this year. There is also a link to the Libra New Moon/Solar Eclipse on 3 October 2005, so it could help to look back to what was going on in our lives at that time. On a personal level, this Eclipse is a turning point that brings the potential for a new chapter in our relationships, both intimate and platonic, while on a collective level we could find that any unresolved conflicts become more apparent and demand resolution. Libra ultimately seeks peace and harmony, and can tend to avoid confrontations, while Aries asks us, both personally and collectively, to face any challenges or issues that come up with Libran grace, fairness, kindness and diplomacy. It’s all about finding balance! Much Love Amy xoxo Painting – Ring of Fire - Unknown Exact at 3.34am UK time (BST)
This is a powerful, tender-hearted Full Moon that invites us to truly let go and to surrender to the next chapter of our lives, even if the way is not yet clear. This Moon starts off Eclipse season, which is a powerfully energetic time that completes a six-month cycle that began in March this year. This Moon is also connected to the Lunar Eclipse 19 years ago, in September 2005, so it could help to think back to what was happening back then as this Moon could have an energetic resonance with that time in our lives. Lunar Eclipses are a time of release, renewal and completion, making way for a new chapter to begin. It is particularly poignant that this Full Moon is in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, calling for us to fully surrender to the flow of life, letting go of control over outcomes, leaving the past behind and releasing whatever needs to fall away to make space for the new. This is a particularly powerful Moon because Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, is also sitting right next to the Full Moon in Pisces. The message couldn’t be clearer – we are being called to allow faith and trust to guide us and to fully surrender to the flow of the river, allowing it to take us wherever we need to go next. We may have our own ideas about what we want or need, or where we want to go, and we might feel a bit scared, but as much as we might want to control outcomes and steer the boat in a certain direction, it is far easier if we simply let go, in full trust, and allow ourselves to be swept along by the universal tides. As such, we are encouraged to remain alert to any omens, signs and messages that can show us the way to go, and to recognise where the path seems blocked and difficult to navigate. It is amazing what can happen when we are following our hearts and fully in flow! Neptune in Pisces can bring the potential for illusion and disillusionment, increased sensitivity, empathy, compassion, escapism, dissolving ego and transcendence. Neptune and Pisces remind us that we are all connected, and that the power of the collective cannot be underestimated. Neptune is the feeling of unity, euphoria and oneness that we experience when, for instance, we are all singing the same song in unison at a concert. Moments like that remind us of how we are all connected by an invisible thread, and how beautiful that is. At this important and powerful moment in history, when the way ahead is so unclear and humanity is in the process of such an important shift, it is important to tap into this collective consciousness and remember that we are not alone, and are part of something that is much, much bigger than our little fearful egos can possibly comprehend! Uranus and Pluto are also helping us out during this Moon, bringing the potential for some profound shifts, transformation and soul growth. Uranus offers us some insightful realisations that can bring about clarity and understanding that could liberate us from old patterns and programming. Eclipses activate the Nodes of the Moon, which involve us stepping out of the safe, familiar territory of our comfort zone in order to embrace soul growth. The North Node represents all that we yearn for and yet when we are actually presented with it can feel so scary that it takes some courage and faith to actually make the leap! It is so easy to be drawn back into old, familiar patterns. Uranus can help us to step out of our comfort zone, however, despite any resistance we may feel, waking us up to what needs to change and shift. Pluto nudges us to confront ourselves and deepest fears so that we can evolve and transform on a deep soul level. Jupiter is also forming a challenging square aspect to the Sun and Moon, calling for us to let go of any ideas or beliefs that might be holding us back from moving forward. That may be a crisis of faith, whereby we find ourselves in our heads instead of our hearts, struggling to let go and trust that we are being guided in the right direction. Some big emotions could come up during this Moon, including feelings of fear and overwhelm, but ultimately we are being invited to feel and honour all of these feelings and nevertheless dive into the unknown with the inner knowing that we will be held, supported and guided where we need to go. Indeed, with the Nodes of the Moon squaring Mars in Cancer during this Moon, we could find that some very strong feelings come up which could motivate us to make the change we need, or at the very least help us to see how our emotions help or hinder us from taking action. With Mars being highlighted by the Nodes, we are invited to recognise how we work with our anger, and whether we are able to assert ourselves in a healthy way, and whether we are feeling brave or scared about what lies ahead. Mars in Cancer can bring some irrational responses that come from childhood wounding, so it is important to be aware of how we respond to triggers during this time. This square will be exact on 15 of September but will still be strong during this Full Moon. Those of us with personal planets or angles around 6° of a sign, especially the cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, will feels the energy of the Nodes and Mars the most acutely, calling for us to find the courage to take that leap of faith and probably bringing some quite big solar plexus twinges, either through fear of the unknown or through responding to emotional triggers. It is important to watch any tendency to react from our hurt inner child! Full Moons, by their very nature, tend to bring up any issues within our relationships, but with the Nodes in the Libra/Aries relationship axis and Venus being so heavily aspected, this Moon is especially so. Chiron the Wounded healer is sitting directly opposite Venus during this Moon, which could bring some pain or wounding within our relationships but could also bring about much needed healing. We could find that our sore spots are more easily activated, and that certain relationships with those close to us bring us face to face with our sensitivities, vulnerabilities, insecurities and core wounds. However, while this may not be very comfortable, it does bring opportunities for healing and greater intimacy and closeness if we are able to rise above pettiness and allow ourselves to open up and to be seen. The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon/Eclipse, at 26° Pisces, is an interesting one: “Watching the very thin moon crescent appearing at sunset, different people realise that the time has come to go ahead with their different projects”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “A keen appreciation of the value of individualised responses to any challenge of life. The rather obscure original notation for this zodiacal degree, “A new moon that divides its influences,” when translated into practical terms refers to the fact that, confronted with the opportunity to expand their energy along new lines, modern individuals will react according to their own personal characters. One basic cosmic-spiritual impulse will lead these varied personalities to take equally varied steps. In any society that glorifies individualism, everyone should therefore accept this fact and not try to compel other individuals to conform to a single pattern of response. This symbol stresses the essential nature of the cyclic process of actualisation of human potential, i.e. the emergence of the individual. This should lead to a realisation of the FALLACY OF TOTALITARIANISM; at times we can all act like despots, demanding that others react to any situation exactly as we do.” Pisces and Neptune can help us to be more aware of how we are all connected, and yet this symbol reminds us that we all have our own unique path to walk, in our own unique way. Live and let live! This Moon certainly does seem to be encouraging us to release the past and let go of anything that might be holding us back from fully surrendering to the flow and to fully embrace whatever is waiting for us in the as yet unknown future. We may feel some resistance, overwhelm or fear as we are called to step out of our comfort zone, and we may have to let go of people, situations, old beliefs or patterns, which could be painful. However, as this next chapter awaits us, we are being called to really tap into our faith and trust that whatever lies around the next bend in the river of our life is what we have been waiting and yearning for, even if it also terrifies us! It is time to release the past to make way for the new. We are invited to trust the Universe, trust the process, and most importantly trust ourselves. When we do this, instead of trying to force outcomes, we find that things fall into place more easily and naturally. Much Love Amy xoxo Painting: Surrender to the Divine, by Moon Goddesses Exact at 2.55am UK time (BST)
Virgo season always has a “back to school” kind of vibe, and the Virgo New Moon is a great time to contemplate what healthy routines we might want to put into place as we move forward. There is a lot of helpful planetary energy around at the moment bringing the potential for change, insight, transformation and clarity, and this Moon can certainly help us to make any tweaks and adjustments necessary to help us on our way. Virgo is the part of us that always feels like we can somehow do better, to the point that we can sometimes be quite hard on ourselves. However, while this Moon is an invitation to recognise what needs improving and changing, it is very important not to be too self-critical or perfectionistic in the process. We are all simply a work in progress, doing the best we can with the tools we have been given! Saturn is also in on the act during this New Moon, helping to add some discipline to the picture. This is an ideal time to think about our habits and to make changes wherever needed. Virgo season is an opportunity to consider putting into place new habits, routines and ways of eating that can help us to feel better and to function more efficiently. While Leo season brought a fair degree of fun, romantic, expressive, playful energy, Virgo season comes along and can help us to actually take pleasure in putting our lives into some kind of order and taking care of our health! Saturn’s influence can help us to take control of our lives and bodies, as long as we are not too rigid about it all, or too judgemental of ourselves. Neptune is a big player in the Moon, however, forming aspects to Mars, Uranus and Pluto. Indeed, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are all playing nicely with each other right now, bringing the potential for spiritual insight, clarity, awakening, transformation, opening, flow and the ability to shift out of stagnation and to open up to new opportunities and potential. Those of us with personal planets or angles between 27° and 29° of a sign will feel this opening, accepting, transforming energy of these three planets the most acutely. The Moon does feel like an opportunity to shift out of stagnation. Neptune is forming a dynamic, challenging square to Mars that is exact at the time of this New Moon. On the one hand this could mean that our motivation and drive are somewhat lower than usual, while on the other hand we may be encouraged to simply relax, trust, allow and receive, rather than pushing or striving too hard to make things happen. Some might call this procrastination, while others would say that we are simply waiting for the right moment, when inspiration hits and the energy is flowing freely and easily. Mercury, the rule of this Moon, is now direct after being retrograde from 4 August until 28 August. It is also forming a challenging square aspect to Uranus and a supportive flowing trine aspect to Chiron the Wounded Healer. Chiron and Mercury, exact on 2 September, can bring honest, healing conversations, whereby we are better able to understand and talk about our core wounds and how they are playing out in our lives. Those of us with personal planets or angles around 22° of a sign will feel the energy of Chiron the most strongly. The Mercury and Uranus square, building to exact on 7 September, can help us to think outside of the box, opening up to other ways of looking at whatever we are dealing with right now. Uranus is a particularly strong energy during this Moon, as it literally turns retrograde on 2 September, the day before the Moon. We could receive shocking news, or we could experience some kind of wake-up call, or sudden insights, realisations and moments of clarity that jolt us into a greater state of awareness and understanding. It is important to be open to changing our mind, perspective and opinions. Those of us with personal planets or angles at 27° of a sign, especially the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, will feel the energy of Uranus and this square most acutely. Venus is sitting right next to the South Node during this Moon, exact at 6° Libra. This feels important and fateful for our relationships, as we are called to release any old patterns of relating that no longer serving us. There is the potential for actual relationships ending during this time, as we feel a greater need to take care of our own needs and let go of any people pleasing or codependent tendencies. Libra seeks balance, harmony, peace and fairness, and if these are being compromised in some way then we may be called to do something about it. This certainly does feel like an important moment for relationships, especially for those of us with personal planets or angles around 6° of a sign, the cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn being most strongly affected. Pluto moves from Aquarius back into Capricorn for one final time on 2 September, where it will remain until 19 November, when it moves into Aquarius for 19 years, until 2043. Pluto was in Capricorn from 2008 until 2024 and has been slowly but surely exposing the rot in the patriarchal structures such as corporations, big business and governments, revealing what is corrupt, outworn, decaying and no longer appropriate in the system that governs us. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next couple of months, as Pluto has its last foray into all things Capricorn! The old order is crumbling, there is no doubt about it, as Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, does its last bit of slow, deep, profound and thorough transformation in the sign that represents patriarchal values, governments and societal and personal foundations and conditioning. What needs to fall away in the next couple of months in order to make way for the new energy coming in? What rules have we been living by that simply aren’t appropriate anymore? Both personally and collectively, it will be interesting to see what changes and transforms in the area of life where Pluto is currently sitting in our charts. Those of us with personal planets or angles around 29° and 0° of a sign will probably feel that sense of something being stripped away in order to make way for something more aligned with our soul to take its place. It could almost feel like a part of us is passing away for us to be somehow reborn. Capricorn represents the structures of our lives and the “programming” we have received since birth, and so Pluto could have just a little more work to do in dismantling any structures or conditioning that are no longer viable or healthy for us. Let’s see what happens, personally and collectively in the next couple of months. The Sabian symbol for this New Moon, at 12° Virgo, is very interesting, especially considering Pluto, “exposing” presence as it moves back into Capricorn “After the wedding, the groom snatches the veil away from his bride”, which Dane Rudyar describes as “The penetrating and unveiling power of the trained mind. We have here a scene stressing a physical action with psychological and/or spiritual overtones. In ancient cosmologies the male god often appears in three roles as son, husband and father of the woman element of nature. Nature is fulfilled by the human mind, and will that overcome her; she resists only better to be subdued by the power that transcends her, and by transcending her gives her a spiritual meaning. The element of “training” in the symbolic scene comes from the fact that there has been a marriage ritual; thus the sociocultural factor is in the background. The teacher-guru is here the priest who has performed the ritual. At this stage the rules are reversed, the masculine element assuming the dynamic positive part in the great play of polarity. The masculine act balances the feminine dream visualisation. The Keyword is UNVEILING. There can also be an unveiling of mysteries, long protected by secrecy.” This Moon certainly does hold the potential for revelations, realisations and discoveries that can bring greater clarity, insight and understanding into our lives. With both Pluto and Uranus so present and strong, there is a sense that we are not allowed to hide behind pretences, so we must show our true, authentic self rather than keeping it hidden behind a veil of illusion. Snatching the veil away could simply mean that we are called to drop the façade in terms of the way we relate to one another, releasing any barriers and dropping any walls that prevent true intimacy, transparency and deep, honest relating. This can also relate to the power structures, of course, as secrets could be revealed. There is a certain quality of cleansing and purity to Virgo, the sign of self-improvement, and so this Moon seems to be inviting us to step up as the best version of ourselves that we can be. Much Love Amy xoxo Photo: Beyond the Veil, by She Who Is Art |
Amy BirdI love writing about the Moon and the effect it has on us all, both collectively and personally. We all look at the same Moon and feel her energy, albeit in different ways. It reminds us that we are not alone and there is something very comforting about that! Archives
December 2024